63. r o u n d ~ t h r e e : The Upper Hand.

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President X called Commander Kronin into her grand office. The giant of a man grew weak in her presence, trembling in the terrible darkness that shrouded the room. A metallic smell was in the air. He wondered if it was the remnants of the blood of the former Lieutenant. Nobody knew what the president had done to him- some said a bullet, others said torture. Kronin didn't really want to know.

"You called, ma'am?" he addressed her quietly. The elegant and dreadful President X turned slowly from her observation window, staring the Commander down with an evil eye.

"Tell me, Commander, which four of my prodigies have made it into the final day of the Tournaments?"

Although Kronin knew she already knew the answer, he obliged her anyway, for fear of consequence. He gulped before replying, "Sebastian Marshall, Rowan Slade and Donovan Thatcher. And uh... also, Amelia Earnest."

"It's 'Ace,' you fool, Amelia Earnest was never even her real name," the President barked. Kronin could feel sweat collecting at his hairline, receding as it was.

"Yes ma'am, of course. My apologies," he replied quickly, making a note to change that as soon as possible.

President X stalked slowly to her desk and the throne of a chair that sat behind it. "Now, Commander. Is it not likely that students will die in these semi-final competitions?" she leered. Commander Kronin nodded, then regretted that.

"Yes ma'am," he sputtered. The President leant back in her chair and laced her fingers together contemplatively.

"And you are sending my son into this competition? The youngest? The weakest? You are sending my baby to fight?" the President chided in a higher voice that wasn't any less threatening than always.

"There is no certainty that he will be killed in the fight," Commander Kronin babbled, "We can only hope his skills will deem him able to win."

"Then he will fight and kill my Alpha!?" the President roared. Finally, Commander Kronin could see the ruinous problem. A fight between the Alpha and the President's son.

Ace versus Rowan.

If the Alpha, namely; Ace, was to die in the semi-finals or finale, the Enigma Council's plan would be ruined. And after seeing Rowan's training, the Commander knew what the boy was capable of- even if the President thought he was still a weak young boy. If anyone were to kill the Alpha, it would be President X's son. They were bound to be the victors, the two chosen from the four that would fight in the final battle of the Tournaments.
It would be the most magnificent and disastrous fight.

"Surely there is some way we can secure their safety," Kronin suggested.

"No," said the President firmly, "We have interfered too much already. The students will grow suspicious. We will remove weapons from the semi-finals, limiting them to hand-to-hand combat. But they must fight."

Commander Kronin felt a knot twisting itself in his stomach. This was it.
"And whichever survives, we shall use in the plan?" he dared to ask.

"Exactly," foretold the President, "As fate decides, we shall have one and not the other. Now go. That is all. Thank you for your contribution."

Behind the Walls. NOVEL By Claire Darcy.Where stories live. Discover now