32. And They Were Roommates...

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"You've got to be joking."

"Do I look like I'm joking, Ace?"

I crossed my arms and lent against the wall, staring Agent Lux down. He'd just told me that Sebastian would be staying nowhere else than with me. One of the couches could be folded out and would be a 'suitable' place for him to sleep. He wasn't allowed to go to Weapons Training or Fear Training and his curfew was more strict than everyone else's. It appeared they regretted letting him free.

"But why can't he have his own room? There's an entire hallway of empty rooms around me," I argued.

The others had all headed to their afternoon classes while I was pulled aside to talk with Agent Lux about Sebastian, who waited across the courtyard, leaning against a tree.

Lux laughed, "There's a whole floor of empty rooms, actually. We're putting you together to... minimise the splash zone. The only reason he was allowed out was because of you. Anybody else and they would've said no. He's your responsibility now."

I paused, mulling over Bailey's words. He seemed anxious; nervous. Like he knew something bad was about to happen. Like he was waiting.

"They would've said no..." I repeated, "Aren't you part of theEnigma Council? Shouldn't you be saying we?"

Bailey nervously licked his lips and glanced at Sebastian. With clenched teeth he began, "Enough questions, Ace. You understand the situation- So does the Accident~"

"You mean Sebastian?" I interrupted.

Agent Lux sniffed, and I noticed his hand twitch toward his holster. "I don't care who he is. All I care about is the fact that things are about to get really messy really fast, and there's only one person I need to survive- and that's me. We're on the brink, Ace. And you're pushing us closer and closer."

I felt my mind whirring. Bailey's eyes were glassed over as he stared into the distance. I lowered my voice, asking, "Closer to what?"

"To the future, Ace;" he said absently, "To the end."


When the conversation was over, Ace made her way to class. Agent Lux led Sebastian to his new place to stay, briefing him on the necessary Academy information. When Sebastian was alone in Ace's room, he sighed. With sad eyes he pulled out the sofa bed and made it up with covers from the walk-in robe, then he sat down and looked around. The blankets on Ace's bed were all a mess, and he smiled to himself. He thought it funny that she wouldn't make her bed - very unexpected.

Then his eyes fell on a cardboard box in the corner.

Ignoring the small thought that he shouldn't be poking around, Sebastian moved quietly towards the box. He recognised it almost immediately.

Amelia's belongings; the old books and cards and other things that had been salvaged from the hideout in the mountains. Cautiously, Sebastian moved the books aside until he found the one he was looking for: a black hardcover book that was larger than the rest. He flicked it to the back and looked inside a small leather flap. A crimson drawstring pouch fell out, and he opened it with fervent interest. It was empty.




"How very suspicious."

Sebastian turned to me with wide eyes. Then a smile appeared on his face. "Rowan, what are you doing here!?" he asked, jumping to his feet and clambering towards the window I'd just climbed through.

Behind the Walls. NOVEL By Claire Darcy.Where stories live. Discover now