4. Fully Sick, Bruh.

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"Must... Find... Food. Must... Find... Food," Josh chanted, his stomach growling in agreement.

It had been approximately twelve hours since I'd woken up to find the boys, and now we were wandering aimlessly through the rainforest. Rowan had insisted the group get as far away from the crash site as possible. Luckily, Josh was okay; no serious injuries. Rowan seemed to be in constant pain, although he denied even feeling a thing. He'd put his disgusting shirt back on, which was now a faded brown shade, and even went as far as wearing his black leather jacket- something I figured he would not be easily part with.

"The caveman's right. We need food, or it's all over. I didn't hijack a helicopter to die of starvation in some ridiculous jungle," Rowan agreed.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't you mean crashed a helicopter? And stop being so dramatic. You act like everything is so final, so definite."

Rowan stopped his walking and looked at me, his startling dark eyes swimming with frustration and resentment. I placed my hands on my hips, waiting for his snarky comment. I was surprised when that comment never came, and Rowan simply huffed and marched on, leading the way further into the dry rainforest. We were slowly going on an upward slope.

"What's his problem?" I mumbled to Josh as we walked along side-by-side, following the world-hating teenager.

Josh shrugged. "I don't think he likes you."

I rolled my eyes, "You think? And here I am being so loveable."

He grinned sheepishly, "That was sarcasm, wasn't it?"

"Yes, Josh, that was sarcasm."

"Shame," he said, big grey eyes tentatively on mine, "I think you're always loveable."

I smiled and sighed as we continued onwards, winding past trees and trees and trees and more trees. There were some other plants there, too, but I didn't pay them any attention unless they were in my direct path, or bearing something that looked possibly edible.

After what felt like an eternity of aimless walking, we collapsed on the mossy ground, leaning against trees. My stomach ached for food, and my everything hurt. I exhaled loudly.

"We are so dead," Josh moaned, head in hands.

"Not yet," I insisted, looking around. There had to be something we could eat.

"Soon, then," Josh compromised. I rolled my eyes. Josh had a way of being both a perfect optimist and pessimist at the same time.

"Any ideas, guys?" I asked dejectedly, running my fingers along the many cuts down my legs. I looked up at Rowan hopefully, who stood leaning against a tree.

"What are you looking at me for?" he asked frustratedly, still clutching his chest like a heartbroken child.

I shrugged, "Sorry. I figured you might have a plan." Like, duh.

"Well, I don't. So will you just stop that?" he asked, his temper rising.

I looked around, "Stop what?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"That!" he exclaimed, gesturing in my general direction, "The way you tilt your head and raise your eyebrows. The way you smirk and roll your eyes. The way you always have a sassy comment or attitude-loaded remark. Just everything, Ace, everything!"

I was taken aback. How dare he have the nerve to say such things to me? To say my own name in a way that was so laced with hatred and aggression even I didn't want to hear it. I felt the burning of injustice inside me. I climbed to my feet, crossing my arms and marching towards Rowan.

Behind the Walls. NOVEL By Claire Darcy.Where stories live. Discover now