43. The Time Has Come.

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I hiccupped again and pulled Andy's pretty blue hair. He gave me a grumpy look and pushed open the door.

"Come on, Dally-old-boy."

"Where -hic- are we?" I asked, slipping to the ground.

"Your room," Andy said, his nose scrunching as I breathed in his face.

"That's fuuuuuuunny!" I laughed, swimming on the floor.

"Dallas! Get a hold of yourself," Andy said, still with a grumpy face. I copied his grumpy face, with angry eyebrows.

"Why are you so -hic- mean to -hic- me?" I asked, still hiccupping. Andy carefully helped me off the floor, stealing my shoes.

"I'm not mean to you, Dally. I'm helping you," he said gently, putting my shoes away. I laughed at that. He was my slave.

"Youuuu are my -hic- shoes slave!" I yelled. Andy smiled and helped me onto my bed. I snuggled under the blankets, still in my fancy clothes.

"No, I'm your friend," he said with a laugh, tucking me in.

"I'm a goo -hic- a good friend," I said, stretching, "Stick with me, nobody'll touch you."

Andy sat on my bed and sighed, running a hand through his royal blue locks. He looked at me and smiled.

"Yes, you're a good friend, Dally," he said.

"S-Sweet -hic- dreams, Andy," I said. I touched his hair. Blue hair. It was soft. His cheek was soft, too. Everything was soft. The bed was soft.

"Time to go to sleep now, Dally."

"I loVE YOU!" I yelled.

"Bye-bye," said Andy, and he closed the door.

I fell asleep quickly, wondering what my friends were up to.



Time stood still. I saw my brother crying, but I didn't hear the sound. I saw the tears, but they didn't fall. There was a vein in Commander Kronin's neck that stuck out from stress. Lieutenant Gaspard's black moustache trembled. Agent Lux was tense.

I had a choice. Right now, it was up to me.

The future of the rebellion rested on my shoulders. I had to do the right thing. Time sped up again.

"Your choice, Ace!?" Gaspard roared. I looked to Zye. My baby brother. I closed my eyes. The apology already in my mind.

I am so sorry.

Commander Kronin stepped forward with a loop of a strange black material.

"This collar is your sign of allegiance to the Enigma Council. Put it on, or right here and now you will see a bullet pass through your brother's brain."

I took the band, staring at it in horror. A symbol of my permanent capture.
I couldn't do this. I was going to fight for the rebels. I would never put this collar on.

Not even to save Zye.

My brother's eyes glassed over with tears. He looked at me, and I knew he understood. This was war. Sacrifices had to be made. This wasn't a game anymore. This was pain. This was gore. This was hurt.

The rebellion was almost ready- an uprising on the brink. I couldn't abandon them now and submit to the Council. It would be one life for many.

"Around your neck, Ace," Gaspard ordered, glaring at the collar. It was heavy in my hands, a weight to it I couldn't understand.

Behind the Walls. NOVEL By Claire Darcy.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora