37. Lies! Lies and Deception!

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I woke up the next morning at sunrise, feeling groggy and over-tired. Yawning, I tried to think of how I'd gotten back to my room. I remembered Whisp telling me it was late. I remembered me refusing to go back to bed, and him resolving to scoop me up in his arms and carry me. I remembered him telling me to keep the sweater, and then laying me carefully on my bed. I remembered him tucking me into my blankets and stroking my hair. I remembered his soft lips against my skin as he kissed my forehead, whispering a gentle 'goodnight'. I remembered his shy smile as he walked away, disappearing out the window in silence and darkness.

It was that same peaceful darkness that I longed for as I rubbed my eyes, groaning at the harsh, bright light of the piercing morning sun.

Sebastian lay asleep on the sofa-bed, dead to the world and the lively sounds of morning. Other than the blinding sunshine, the low hum of machinery, the twittering of birds and the rustle of leaves came in through the open window. After showering and getting ready for the day, I decided to stand and look at the view out that window.

The glass buildings of the Academy shone beautifully in the light, as always, and the white pavement was practically glowing in the sun. Golden sunlight danced off bright green leaves, sending long, solid shadows stretching across the floor. Looking at Building 7 and the wall facing mine, I admired the way the light hit the glass and shimmered at the edges. Then I noticed a window, a few stories above mine, that was open. And sitting in that window, precariously balanced on the sill was a boy; weary eyed and messy-haired, looking out at the same view.


My first instinct was to look away in disgust and hatred, to imagine his arrogant smirk and haunting brown eyes. But from here, things were different. I couldn't see his menacing dark eyes or confident looks. I couldn't hear the mocking tone in his voice, or feel the smug attitude in his air. All I could see was a soft-faced, sleepy boy who was relaxing at the sight of the same sunrise I was.

And I could not hate him for that.

"Awake already?"

I jumped at the sound of Sebastian behind me, turning around to give him a sideways glance. "Yeah, I don't think I slept that well last night..."

Completely casual, Sebastian sat on the kitchen bench and began pouring a glass of water, asking, "Why, do you get night-terrors or something?"

I raised a quizzical eyebrow. "Uh, no. Well, maybe. But that's not the point."

Sebastian didn't get the hint. "Then what's up?"

I gave an exasperated scoff. "Have you already forgotten about what happened last night?" I asked sarcastically.

The little bit of colour in Sebastian's face quickly vanished, leaving him white as a sheet. "Ace," he said quietly, "I have no idea what happened last night."

I paused, looking at him suspiciously. "You're lying," I said.

"I swear it, I'm not!" Sebastian promised.

I shook my head, "Then how do you explain what happened?"

Sebastian thought for a moment, then replied with sober seriousness, "There's fs-ox serum coursing through my veins. When just one of my emotions perks up, the serum reacts, igniting that one emotion and taking over my entire consciousness. You can see it physically; my eyes glow the fluorescent blue of the serum and my skin turns white and cold as ice. But then sometimes it's not that obvious; it depends on how strongly I feel the emotion. But when it does happen, I'm not myself. I don't remember anything that happens- I'm like a zombie; a robot. Whatever I'm feeling, I feel it violently, be it happiness, sadness, anger... anything."

Behind the Walls. NOVEL By Claire Darcy.Where stories live. Discover now