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Isabel followed Caroline's line of sight and was about ready to walk back down the bleachers to catch up with Caroline and Elena when Matt tugged on her arm.

She looked down at her brother who had a pleading look on his face. "Let her deal with this. They are vampires, you are not. They can handle her."

Isabel glanced from the two girls and Stefan -who just joined them- to Matt. "Okay, fine." She relented, sitting down.

Matt gave her a small smile as a voice over the PA system said, "Up next: Mystic Falls' very own Lady Timberwolves."

Everyone cheered, waving pom poms and holding up signs. Isabel glanced at Matt, worriedly as she saw the look in Elena's eyes as the Timberwolves all got in formation.

"Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for your very own Lady Timberwolves," the man said over the speaker though it was faded due to the crowds cheering as Caroline grew a smile on her face.

"Ready!" Caroline called out to her squad while clapping her hands.

"L-O-L. O-M-G, you're looking at Mystic Falls Varsity!" The girls chanted as they moved swiftly. "B-E-A-T, beat those Cats." The girls started to get closer. "B-E-A-T, beat those cats." Three girls, including Elena prepared to toss Caroline into the air. "B-E-A-T, beat those Cats." They chanted one last time before tossing Caroline in the air but when she came down Elena stepped back allowing Caroline to fall straight to the ground, on her back.

The crowd gasped in shock while the rest of the team rushed over to Caroline. Elena looked at Caroline, who is still on the ground, then at Stefan across the room, then finally Isabel who stood up abruptly when Caroline fell. She gave them a look just daring them to react and when none of them did, she turned around and walked away.


Caroline had asked if Isabel would go with her to the party to keep an eye on Elena. And she agreed because from what she's seen, Elena was sly and unpredictable. And if she stepped out of line Isabel was more then willing to have a go at the girl. For killing Kol and being an absolute bitch to everyone. Though Isabel knew she was only acting that way because it was humanity-less nature she couldn't help but want to take out her anger on the girl.

"I got here as soon as I could. This is insane," Caroline told Stefan as she and Isabel entered the Boarding house and looked at all the party-goers. "Oh, and I brought back up."

Stefan looked at Isabel who stood to Caroline's left and gave her a small smile. "Thanks for coming Isabel." He thanked her knowing she could have been at home with Matt and Rose. He stood up straighter from the wall he was leaning on and looked from the crowd to the two blondes. "This won't last long. They'll either drink all the booze and get bored, or, ah, Damon'll come home and kill everyone," Stefan said as the trio started to join the fray of partiers.

"Too bad you can't just compel them to leave," Isabel said. "The locals are all hyped up on vervain from the town water supply."

"Yep," Stefan said with a sigh.

"So what do we do?" Caroline asked, her eyes scanning the crowd before landing on Stefan who now held a bottle of alcohol,

"Pff, I don't know. Enjoy the party, keep Elena from butchering Grove Hills' cheerleading squad." He took a swig from a bottle of alcohol.

Wolf Queen {1} Mikaelson or LockwoodWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt