He's Back☽26☾

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"Nik!" Isabel gasped seeing the hybrid standing in her bedroom doorway. She hurriedly pulled her shirt down not wanting to be half naked in front of him. "What are you doing here? I thought you were trying to get far away from Mystic Falls for a while."

"Can't get rid of me that easy, love. Besides I got a call from my dear little brother that your boyfriend got into some trouble."

"He's a snitch." She muttered. She mentally made a note to call Kol and politely tell him to shove his foot in his mouth next time.

"Only when it comes to your safety."

"Yeah yeah. I know. I'm still not use to this whole parabatai thingy. It's weird to have a thousand year old vampires helping me or whatever." The hybrid smiled at her as she continued to talk. "I actually looked up some stuff on it and apparently the parabatai bond is not reflected only in their closeness and willingness to lay down their lives for one another, but also when they fight. And some parabatai bonds are different. Theirs blood bond, soul bond, heart bond, and a few more I don't quite remember..."

Suddenly Klaus' vamp hearing caught talking down stairs. "Ah. The Lockwood boy is back."

"Great," she said sarcastically. "Now you get to talk to him about those little puppies you sired."

"More deputies?" Tyler asked incredulous as Klaus and Isabel enter the room.

"Not exactly." Tyler looked at an annoyed Isabel then to Klaus.

Tyler sighed realizing what they are. "They're hybrids."

Isabel started walking towards him as she says, "you betcha."

"I was halfway to Chicago when I heard you were attacked." Klaus informed his first hybrid. "I had hoped to leave Mystic Falls for a little longer, but duty calls."

"Nice to know you care," Tyler said sarcastically.

"I don't. Not for you at least." The older hybrid remarked. "I should have killed you for the little stunt you and your friends pulled. Stopping my heart, leaving me in a coffin to rot."

"Yeah, well you used my body as an escape hatch, then kissed my girlfriend," he said making Isabel feel slightly awkward. She shifted on her feet and fiddled with her fingers. "So, maybe we're even."

"Not even close. But, you hybrids are a dying breed. I can't make more of you, and I won't have anyone taking liberties with the ones I have left." Klaus began to walk off but not before saying, "consider them your new bodyguards." He pointed at the three hybrids in the room while walking out.

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