He's Back☽26☾

Start from the beginning

"He's back." Isabel sighed. "Well, I have to go get my tea before lunch and they stop selling it."


"Tyler?" The brunette girl called out while knocking on the door harshly. She waited a moment but when he didn't answer she opened the door. She looked mildly shocked the door was still open and walked through. She looked at all the stuff the Lockwoods had and scoffed. She tried to sniff out his scent and followed where it was strongest. "So this is where you've been hiding, huh?" She asked catching the hybrids attention.

Tyler set the football down and looked at the girl in shock. "Hayley?!" He got up only to sit on the arm of the couch and face her.

"Hey Lockwolf." She smiled crossing her arms. "You're an ass you know. I thought Klaus killed you"

"I'm sorry I didn't call. I probably should have."

"From your trailer in Florida?" She asked sarcastically. "You liar." She laughed before sitting on a desk. "You're totally loaded."

"What are you doing here anyway? You shouldn't be here, not with Klaus here and certainly not when my girlfriend lives here."

"One of Klaus' hybrids was with a pack I ran with. He called me to tell me why he was leaving which was to protect a guy named Tyler, and I thought, what are the chances?"

"If you're gonna be sticking around for a while I suggest you find some place to crash that isn't here, Hayley."

Hayley's face dropped but she nodded in understanding. She knew he didn't want Isabel getting any ideas and getting jealous.


Isabel was invited to Rebekah's party and she was going to show up and have a little fun with her friends but then decided she didn't quite feel like partying. So she just ended up going to the Lockwood mansion after getting some food from the grill. She was going to spend the rest of her evening with Rose, Tyler, and some food.

She opened the door and called out Tyler's name. "I thought you were going to go to Rebekah's little party." Although his voice was strong his stance was slightly rigid.

"I decided to ditch the ditching party." She shrugged. "Plus I'd rather be with you and Rose right now rather than Original blondie."

Upstairs in the study, Hayley picked up a picture and looked at it when Klaus appeared in the doorway behind her.

"You're certainly a new face." He commented.

Hayley turned around in surprise and looked at him. "And I take it from your accent you're an old one. Klaus."

Klaus smiled. "My reputation precedes me. Hopefully not all bad."

Hayley shrugged. "A little bad. Mostly repulsive."

Klaus looked a mixed between unaffected by her words yet annoyed as he walked closer to her. "So, you're a friend of Tyler's?" He wondered, his mind already jumping ahead. "That's strange, he's never mentioned you."

Klaus then gets distracted by their conversation when he began to overhear Tyler talking to Isabel in the front foyer with his hybrid hearing.

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