Book III-Chapter 65, Paris Again

Start from the beginning

Bella and Elaine had ensured that they were totally packed on Sunday morning before Mass since they were flying the next day, Monday June 29. Arista Security would be staying in their home until they returned in August. The four had decided to dress casually for comfort on the flight to Paris. Bella wore aqua summer weight leggings and a black and aqua top. Elaine was in black leggings with a yellow and black top. The men chose skinny summer weight knit pants and polo shirts in aqua and yellow to match their women. They turned in early on Sunday and were up early Monday morning. They were on their way to changing music history...but had no idea that was what they were doing. The Album's European release dates were the Friday after the last concert in each of the countries in which they the album would hit in France on July 10 one week after they played on Saturday July 4th. Christian would be watching the sales like a hawk while they were traveling and he would have a lot of to be happy about...although right now he was just nervous. At the last minute, he decided to join them on the tour and would bring his wife for at least part of it.

Security put the four and themselves into the SUV at 10:40 AM the next morning headed to the VIP terminal of LAX airport. They arrived on the tarmac at 11:00 straight up and pulled in next to the Touring Van which was already there. The band was unloading the instruments in their cases and Prince and Carlos got out to help. The girls got out and watched after Frank gave them the all clear. They would be sitting for the next eleven hours on the flight and would enjoy standing while they could. Once the instruments were safely stowed, they went to present their passports to the TSA personnel that were assigned to the VIP outside boarding area and once cleared and given their boarding ID's moved into the outdoor waiting area and stood around talking until they were called to board. Christian pulled up just as they were called in an Arista limo and he and his wife got out and greeted everyone. Larry took the SUV to VIP parking and came back on one of the VIP transporters. Within 5 minutes of his return they were boarding. Melvin and Ross had already checked the plane and so they let their charges board. Christian and his wife first, then Prince and Bella and Carlos and Elaine and then their Security. The band then boarded the flight. They got into their seats with Bella and Elaine sitting together until they finished the work on their screenplay. Their men were directly across the aisle from them. They put on their seat belts and pulled out books and manuscripts and games to play after the plane took off. Bella and Elaine ordered Orange Juice when the attendants came around as drinks would be served as soon as they were in the air. Prince and Carlos did the same. They began their taxi right at 12:00, and once in the air the girls let down their tray tables and began to work. Prince reviewed the order of the songs they would play and literally played all of the parts to every song in his head as the plane winged its way to Paris. He knew they were ready...and so was he!

Dinner was served at 5:00 PM and they enjoyed it. Bella and Elaine had concluded their work together for the evening although Elaine still had some changes to input. Bella and Carlos changed seats and Prince stood so that Bella could get into the window seat. They talked for a while and Prince had to smile as he saw how excited Bella was. This was heady stuff. They were touring 8 European countries over the next two months and Bella was only 19 years old! He was so pleased that he was able to give her the gift of European travel. She deserved it! Prince ordered Bella an aperitif after dinner as he knew it would make her a little sleepy. It was 4:00 in the morning Paris time and they all needed to get a little sleep. The flight attendants had given them sleep masks and they took advantage of them. The attendants turned out the lights in the cabin and a few people turned on their overhead lights to read. Most however went to sleep to try to stave off serious difficulty with the time change. At 9:00 AM Paris time the flight crew announced that breakfast would be served in a half hour. Bella grabbed her overnight bag and went to the rest room with Prince, Elaine and Carlos right on her heels. They did their morning routines and were back in their seats before the food service started. They were served fruit crepes which were delicious and each of them also had coffee. They watched a French comedy with English subtitles that was actually quite funny and then at 9:45 AM they heard the announcement that they were preparing for their final descent into Paris. Within 35 minutes they heard the message to bring their seat backs up and to close their tray tables and that trash would be picked up right away. A grinning Bella poked Prince when she saw the Eiffel Tower and was just as happy and excited as when she saw it in December. They would soon be in front of some very eager music fans. They had waited most impatiently for The Royal Prince to return since they were first exposed to him in December. Over the years he would visit Paris many times and he and Bella and their children would come to consider it their home away from home. At 11:00 AM Paris time they made a smooth as butter landing and were headed to the VIP tarmac. When they arrived, a black SUV, a hotel limo and a Mercedes Benz Air Shuttle that carried up to 14 was waiting for them. Security whisked the four off to the Peninsula Paris Hotel where they would stay in luxury, checking out on Sunday morning in the SUV. Christian followed in the limo and the band also traveled in style in the Mercedes Benz shuttle with their instruments. The instruments would remain in the Shuttle's bay over night and would be guarded by 2 off duty policemen that Frank had Christian to arrange.

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