Eighty Four

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Both of us got into the truck and Sweetpea was about to put the keys in the ignition when i stopped him .
"Wait a minute " i say
"Are you okay ?"
"Think when we come back we are gonna have a baby "
"Nothing scares me but this is kinda scaring me a little " he admitted
"We will be okay wont we " i say and he nods and grabs my hand and leaves a kiss on it .
"I better call my dad " i say trying to find my phone but struggling
"I cant find my fucki" i cut myself off as i felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach which kind of felt like a period cramp .
"Ive got my phone " he says grabbing his phone and finding Fps contact . He handed me the phone it rung a few times before a tired sounding Fp answered.
"Sweetpea why are you calling me at 1 in the morning "
"Dad its me "
"Ivy are you alright ?"
"Its happening "
"What ?! Your in labour "
"Well my waters have broken so im going to the hospital "
"Ill be there as soon as i can "
"No dont worry my contractions are quite far apart at the minute and there not too bad , just come in a couple of hours "
"Are you sure ?"
"Yeah im sure Dad , right ive got to go " i say before hanging up .
"Right lets go " Sweetpea said as he started to drive us to the hospital and another contraction started , thankfully they wasnt too bad just yet . We got to the hospital pretty quickly and Sweetpea rushed to grab the bag and took my hands to help get me out of the truck .
"Have you got everything from the truck ?" I ask and he quickly checked "yeah come on" he said as he lead me into the hospital and to the reception desk .
"Erm her waters have broken " Sweetpea says slightly panicked
"Okay name please "
"Ivy Jones "
"Okay your room is number 10 , just down the hall . A doctor will be in there as soon as possible "
"Thanks " Sweetpea says as he takes me down the hall and into room 10. Another little contraction started but was over pretty quickly . The doctor soon came in .
"Hi Ivy how are we ?"
"Not too bad "
"Okay first i need you to get changed into a hospital gown , then im going to do a few tests and we will go from there " he said as he handed me a gown before waiting outside while i got into it . Sweetpea helped me onto the bed .
"Okay your midwife is now here to take care of you however ill be here if needed "
"Thank you "
"Hiya Sweetheart , ive just come to do some checks . I need to check your blood pressure and your pulse first of all " she said putting the cuff on my arm and measuring my blood pressure .
"Thats all okay , now im just going to have a feel where the babys head is " she said before feeling around my bump .
"Thats also okay , the last thing Sweetie is the internal examination . It might be a bit uncomfortable " she says before doing the examination .
"Okay your only 2cm dilated " she says making me sigh "youve still got quite a while to go but were going to keep you in this room but your allowed to walk around freely and do whatever makes you feel comfortable , you can use the exercise ball and things like that . I will be back probably in around an hour for another examination but if you start to want pain relief let the doctors know "
"Thank you " Sweetpea said as she left the room .
"How you feeling ?" He asks handing me glass of water
"Im okay " i say sitting myself up "at the minute its more just uncomfortable " i say . Wishing i hadnt spoke too soon because about an hour later i had another examination and i had only got to 3cm but the pain had started to kick in .
"Pea i need gas and air " i say as i walk about the room slowly .
"You sure "
"Fuck yeah im sure " i say shutting my eyes
"Ill speak to the doctor " Sweetpea left and soon came with the doctor who set up some gas and air for me .
"If theres anything else i can do please come and get me " he said before leaving me and Sweetpea to it .
"Why dont you try sitting on the ball ?" He said and he rolled the ball near him so i went and sat on it , bouncing up and down slightly. Sweetpea put his hands on my thighs .
"Your doing good baby " he says . I keep taking deep breaths . I wince slightly.
"Pass me the gas an air please " i say and he hands it to me which i begin to puff on . Sweetpea kept stroking my leg to help me . I kept bouncing gently on the ball cause moving was making it more bareable . Sweetpeas phone began to ring .
"Who is it ?" I ask taking a break from the gas and air .
"Dunno " he said not recognising the number so he answered it and put it on speaker .
"Yo its Sweetpea , whos this ?"
"Its hogeye youve been called in for a job "
"Im not doing the job "
"We need an extra set of hands boy , youve been called to do it . Be here in 5 or your in some shit "
"He isnt doing the job , his girlfriends in fucking labour . Now fuck off Hogeye " i say before hanging up . Sweetpea looks up at me and starts laughing and i couldnt help but laugh aswell.
"Hogeye can be such a prick at times " he says
"Yeah like that time you was wasted and he kept serving you " i say
"Not the only one hes done that for " he said smirking at me . Our midwife came in .
"I need to do another check , do you want a hand getting onto the bed ?" She asked so Sweetpea got up from his chair and helped the midwife get me onto the bed.
"Okay Sweetie your now 5cm so your halfway " she says making me groan "i know but not long to go now and your doing really well "
"Make sure you keep looking after her " she says pointing to Sweetpea .
"Im on it " he said giving her a salute and she laughed before leaving us once again . I start to walk around and when a contraction happens i used the gas and air , it was getting worse as it went on though. Sweetpea was rubbing my back when i was near him . He stood up and walked over to me .
"I need a cuddle " i say feeling so sorry for myself . He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my sweaty head .
"Your a tough girl you know "
"Right now im not feeling like it " i say breaking free from his arms .
"Have some more water " he said giving me a glass of water which i took a mouthful of before another contraction started making groan as i reach dor the gas and air . The door to our room opened and it was Fp and Jughead .
Sweetpea spoke to them while i breathed my way through this contraction . After it ended i sat down on the edge of the bed and Sweetpea left to go for a smoke while the others were here with me .
"How you coping darlin ?"
"Im not coping dad " i moan as he sits next to me wrapping his arm around me . I rest my head on his shoulder .
"Oh Sweetheart " he said kissing my head
"Starting to regret not being safe " Jughead said
"Not the time boy " Fp said to him rubbing my arm
"Jug go wait outside " i say so he goes and waits in the waiting room .
"Make sure you keep yourself hyrdated " he said handing me my glass of water so i took another mouthful before putting it back down .
"Why does it have to hurt so much ? Things can never be easy can they " i moan
"I remember when Jug was being born and honestly Gladys was handling it a lot worse than you were "
"I dont believe that whatsoever "
"Its true , i promise you that " he said still rubbing my arm . A contraction started again so Fp gave me his hand and i puffed on the gas and air during it until it was over . The Midwife came in with Sweetpea following behind .
"Sorry Sweetie but weve got another examination "
"Ill go wait with Jughead , if you need me get Sweetpea to come get me " i nodded and he left to go to the waiting room . She examined me and i was 8cm .
"Really not long now " she said offering me a smile . Sweetpea stayed rubbing my back .
"Why cant men get pregnant !" I say to him
"If i could i would " he said kissing my head . Eventually after another hour i finally got to the part where i could start pushing but i was so tired i had already been in labour for five hours . I decided to have just Sweetpea in the room and obviously my midwife was there to deliver him .
"Okay lets get this show on the road , you know to keep your chin to your chest and when you feel a contraction coming your going to need to push okay " my legs had been put on these hoist things with a sheet over me  honestly i dont think modesty and childbirth go together .
"Here comes the first push . Get ready Sweetie " Sweetpea stood up and took my hand in his which i squeezed as i pushed . Sweetpea went to look at what was going on down the other end .
"I swear to god Pea do not go over there youll be scareed for life and wont want to go near it ever again " i say quite loudly making the midwife laugh and Sweetpea stop in his tracks .
"Get ready to push again " i groan throwing my sweaty head backwards . I push once more .
"Okay i can see babys head , were going to need another big push "
"I cant , i cant do this !" I say
"Come on baby , youve done 5 fucking hours of labour . Your nearly there " Sweetpea encourages .
"It hurts so much " i say as Sweetpea takes my hand which i squeeze not really caring if im hurting him since that was nothing compared to the pain i was feeling .
"Okay Ivy you really need to push now Sweetheart " she says so i push "okay another big one and than the worst part is over and his head and shoulders should be out "
"Come on Ivy " Sweetpea says so i do the hardest push that i possibly can .
"Well done , the rest is easy okay . A few more pushes and baby will be with us " soon enough after a few more pushes he was finally here and i could hear crying . I couldnt help but sigh with relief , quickly the midwife cut the cord and cleaned him up slightly and weighed him .
"7 pound 3 at 7:02" she said to the other nurse who wrote it down on the notes and she finally handed me him laying him on my chest .
"Congratulations you two "
"Thank you " i say smiling at her "ill give you a minute and then ive got to speak to you Ivy "
"Look at him " i say rubbing his little cheek with my finger "he is so gorgeous " i say and i look up to Sweetpea who had a massive smile on his face.
"Hello little man " i say kissing his head .
"You wanna hold him " i say and Sweetpea sat on the bed with me and i handed him to him .
"Hes so tiny " Sweetpea said in shock .
"Relax a little bit " i say looking at how awkwardly he was holding him , he got himself repositioned.
"He makes your hands look even bigger " i joke making him laugh a little . The door opened and Fp and Jughead came in . Fp and Jughead come and had a peek at the little one .
"You know what hes pretty cute " Jughead said
"Thanks Jug " i say as he gives me a hug . Dad had a little hold of him and he rocked him gently .
"Look its grandad Fp " Sweetpea joked
"Boy you can nip that in the bud . Im not old enough to be a grandad " Fp said sternly looking at Sweetpea making us laugh. He laid him down in the crib before coming over to me .
"Darlin i am so proud of you " he said "i mean it " he kissed my head
"Thank you Dad "
"Ill let everyone know that he is here and healthy " Dad said
"But if they visit can you tell them not to come till the afternoon cause im shattered "
"Okay darlin , we will leave you to get some rest " as they left Fp stopped in the doorway and mouthed to me "so proud " and smiled at me . The midwife came in .
"Hi Sweetheart before you can get some rest , we need to sort out you and make sure baby is fed "
"What do you mean sort her out ?" Sweetpea asked .
"Well during the birth she teared a bit so she needs a few stitches "
"Oh great " i say . Sweetpea leaves so she can stitch me up that wasnt great but no where near as bad as what i just had done . Afterwards i had to feed the little guy .
"Are you breastfeeding or bottle feeding ?"
"Bottle " i reply so she makes up a bottle for me as i was in a bit of discomfort .
"Okay do you need a hand feeding ?"
"I think im okay "
"If you need anything come and find me " she said leaving us . I sat feeding him his bottle with Sweetpea by my side on the bed .
"Its crazy that hes actually here " Sweetpea said
"Tell me about it " i say
"I just realised we havent even thought of a name " i say realising . Both me and him studied his face quietly for a few minutes .
"Ive got it " Sweetpea says
"What is it ?"
"Issac Jones " he says "do you like it ?" He asks me
"I love it " i say caressing Sweetpeas cheek . He couldnt of come up with a better name , its nice to have a bit of Issac being kept alive.
"I love you Jones "
"And i love you Pea " i say before kissing him .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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