Part Fourtysix

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I threw my bags into the boot of my car before driving to school with Jughead in the passenger side. As i pulled the car up in the parking lot Jughead straight away headed inside whereas i sat in my car for a minute as i smoked. A few of the serpents motorbikes drove into the parking lot . Sweetpea got off of his bike and headed towards me .
"You look even moodier than normal , was the new recruits that bad ?" I asked .
"you were right they just kissed up to me "
" hopefully not literally " i joked.
"no that was Fangs "
"What ?" Sweetpea just looked at me.
"No you have to spill"
"lets just say he made one of the new recruits feel welcome " he smirked . I laughed before getting out of the car and begininnig to walk to the school.
"Yes Pea"
"Dont do anything stupid this weekend"
" me do anything stupid never " i grin making him roll his eyes before putting his arm over my shoulder as we walked in. The day went as slow as it possibly could , i tucked into the food that sat on the tray infront of me. Fangs slammed his tray down opposite me.
" lets celebrate this weekend since Ivys gone " he joked
"Why dont you go celebrate with that new recruit ?" I joked taking a sip of my drink . Fangs glared at Sweetpea . Toni laughed.
"Whats so funny?" Jughead said placing his tray down and beginning to eat his burger.
"What besides your romantic trip away loverboy " Sweetpea said
"Sweetpea " Toni snapped
"What ?" He snapped.
"Here we go" Jughead rolled his eyes. Soon enough it ended in a big argument between everyone .
"Can you all just shut the fuck up " i said loudly before getting up from the table and going in the hallway. I went into the art class.
"Ivy Jones dont know if you realised class doesnt start for another ten minutes"
"Yeah i know but my friends were being idiots " my phone began to ring i answered it even though i didnt recognize the number .
"Hello Miss Jones its Greenfield hospital" straight away that name made me panic.
"Whats going on ?" I say urgently
" You were on top of Issac Taylors contact list"
"Whats happened to Him?" I ask quickly
"Hes in hospital "
"Is he okay?"
"He is nearly stable but we had to contact someone"
"Ill get there as soon as i can " i hung up and Mr matthews looked at me with worry in his eyes.
"Ivy are you okay?" He asked me , my chest felt like it was getting tighter and i couldnt breath . My forehead began to sweat.
"Ivy sit down " he lead me to a chair . I sat down . The bell rang signalling class was about to begin. Mr Matthews headed outside of the classroom.
"Wait here" he told me
Students were lined up outside as he headed out of the classroom.
"Art students if you could bear with me for one minute , if you could wait outside okay" he came back in . He came to me.
"Ivy look at me take some deep breaths okay " he started taking deep breaths signalling for me to copy him . I began to copy him slowly i felt myself calming down but my face was still pale and sweaty.
"Ivy talk to me whats happened ?"
"Hes in hospital "
"Whos in hospital ? "
"My bestfriend from Greenfield they said there trying to get him stable"
" oh Ivy , are his parents with him ?"
"No im his first person on his contacts as well he has trouble with his parents"
"Okay well you need to go to him now ill tell Mr Weatherbee " i got up from my chair and headed for the door . Mr Matthews escorted me out of the classroom , all the students stared at me i got escorted out. Sweetpea noticed and followed .
"Sweetpea take her to the carpark she needs to get out here " he nodded before Sweetpea wrapped his arm over me and took me outside.
"Whats going on ?" He asked as we walked to the car i moved his arm off of me. I opened my car door and threw my bag in the passenger side before slamming it shut.
"I need to go"
"Baby talk to me " he grabbed me
"Somethings happened to Issac hes in hospital i need to go"
"You want me to go with you"
"No its fine " he wrapped his arms tightly round me .
"If you need me at any point call me okay" i nodded before pecking his lips and getting in the car and driving away from the school. Greenfield wasnt that far away but in this moment it seemed it . My foot pressed down on the pedal .

My car pulled up to the hospital car park i quickly got out and ran in and to the reception . I went straight to the front desk .
"Issac Taylor "
"Room 409" she told me i thanked her before quickly running up the stairs to find his room . I saw the number 409 and stopped dead in my tracks trying to prepare myself for what i was about to see . But i couldnt because i had to idea what happened to him . I was walking into the unknown. I opened the door and saw him laying in the bed . He didnt have a cut or bruise on his body . I quickly walked to the side of his bed and grabbed his hand. His nurse walked in.
"Hi im Issacs nurse "
"Hi , what happened to him ?"
"When the ambulance got to the scene he was by the side of the road fitting and once we did tests it was due to the toxic substances in his body"
"Drugs ?" I asked
"Yes Drugs , he is stable now and we are keeping an eye on him . On his contacts list there was no parent or guardian ."
"Things with his parents are difficult "
"Okay im going to give you a minute " she left i fell down into the chair next to his bed . He was stupid so stupid , why did he take them drugs ? . I think i spent an hour just thinking to myself until i was distubed by Issac moving slightly before opening his eyes .
"Issac " i say grabbing his hand.
"Ivy whats going on?"
"I came to see you since i got a call sayin you was in hospital , what do you rememeber ?"
" i remember going to pick up some stuff and thats it really"
"Picking up drugs , the nurse said you was fitting on the side of the road Issac . Do you know how stupid you are ? You could have died Issac . " tears rolled down my face . Issac moved over on the bed and signalled for me to sit next to him . I sat next to him he wrapped his arm round me .
"I know , im sorry . But Ivy im here okay " i rested my head on his shoulder.
We sat there chatting for hours , i could always talk to him with ease i saw him as family not just a friend.
"So have you finally got a boyfriend then ?"
"Yes i have "
"Since when , spill i want to know everything " he said excited
" His name is Sweetpea you might have seen him when you was down before you know the Serpents that were outside the school when you suprised me "
"Odd name but yeah"
"Dont suppose you noticed the really tall one with black hair"
" yeah he gave me some dirty looks when he saw us " i laughed
" typical Sweetpea but really he is a nice guy "
"As long as he is keeping you happy then its all good"
"Issac , you need to promise me something right now "
"What ?"
"Please dont touch drugs anymore i know its an escape from everything but stop , i cant lose you Issac"
"I promise "
" i was thinking why dont you come to riverdale ? Its helped me loads , it could help you too "
" i dont know Ivy im not sure "
"Why ? No offence Issac but you have nothing for you here . Please just think about it " i got up and went to leave since the nurses told me i had to leave soon , as soon as i went to open the door he interupted me.
"Ill do it Ivy ill come to riverdale " i smiled at him before leaving the hospital so i could get some sleep before i see him tommorow . I booked a hotel room i checked in and laid down on the bed . As least he is okay i thought to myself well so i thought. I didnt reply to Sweetpeas texts.

I managed to get four hours of sleep until i woke up to my phone ringing . This time i recognized the number because they had previously called me . It was the hospital.
"Miss Jones "
" whats happened is Issac okay ?"
"I have some news , Issac unfortunately passed away about half an hour ago"
"What ? But he was stable . He was talking to me hours ago , he cant be dead he cant be ."
"Im very sorry Miss Jones " i hung up the phone and dropped it beside me. I felt the tears stream down my face at an alarming rate . The parts of me that finally started to heal felt like they were broken all over again.

A bad boy with good intentions - Sweetpea fanficWhere stories live. Discover now