Eighty One

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Weeks had gone by and i was now 32 weeks so i was now pretty big and struggling with things . During these weeks i had offically moved into Sweetpeas and we had started to decorate the spare room ready for the baby. He had been doing jobs in any spare time to save up some extra cash , i had still been going to school but i am allowed to leave at any point after ive completed my SATs . Im going to sit them earlier as the original dates for them are too close to my due date. I had woken up early due to back pain so i got myself up and got myself in the shower , the water ran down my body and i looked down at my bump . I was so happy my baby was healthy and that he was growing but my body had changed so much and it had made me feel low . The bathroom door opened.
"Can i jump in with you ?" He asked and i turnt my back to him
"Can you wait and get in after ?"
"Im gonna be late though ive got to run to the wyrm before school "
"Pea just get out !" I say slightly raising my voice .
"Okay jesus christ " he says throwing his hands up before leaving the bathroom . I heard the trailer door shut aswell . I soon got out of the shower and got myself ready , i sild my sliders on my feet as i cant bend properly to tie my shoes . I grabbed my bag before heading over to see Dad and Jughead as i was driving Jughead to school today .
"Morning Dad " i say walking into the trailer
"There you are " Dad says
"Jug you ready " i shout
"Give me a sec" he shouts back from his bedroom
"Darlin are you sure about going into school today ? You look quite tired "
"Im fine its just my back was playing up last night so i struggled sleeping "
"Are you sure your okay ?"
"Yeah im fine "
"Remember chinese tonight " he said before wandering out of the door to go to the wyrm. Jughead walked out his bedroom sliding his beanie onto his head.
"Youve got big "
"Thanks Jug" i say sarcastically
"You know what i mean you havent got long to go "
"I know about 7-8 weeks left "
"How are you feeling about it ?"
"Excitied but nervous . Right come on lets go to school " i say as we hop into the car and i drive us to school . Jughead gave me a hand to help me out of the car . I walked into my art class and took my seat .
"Ivy your early " Mr Matthews said
"Yeah i thought i would get here before the hallway got busy"
"Thats a good idea , not long to go now till your SATs . Have you been studying ?"
"As much as i can " i say grabbing the paints that i need . Soon enough the lesson started and Sweetpea who usually sits next to me didnt come in . So i grabbed my phone .
Where are you ?
Im at the wyrm , got work in an hour
Okay im having dinner with Dad later so are you going to be okay for eating later
Yeah me and Fangs will probably just go and grab something at pops

I painted for half the lesson before i got myself excused so i could use the bathroom , i used the bathroom and as i was washing my hands i felt a sharp pain in my stomach . My hand instantly went to my bump and the other one gripped the sink . It soon eased off and i leant up straight once again . As i went to leave the pain started again . I quickly grabbed my phone and rung Sweetpea it rung quite a few times .
"Come on Pea " i groan "now is not the time to not answer your phone " after a few more rings he finally picked up.
"Im on a job ,whats up ?"
"I think somethings wrong "
"Woah what , whats going on ?" He said slightly worried
"Ive got a pain in my stomach , like it hurts like really hurts "
"Okay okay dont worry where abouts are you ? Im on my way "
"Im in the girls bathroom "
"Im coming ill be as quick as i can " he hung up and i took a few deep breaths and waited . The door opened and it wasnt who i was expecting , it was Mr Matthews i think he grew concerned because i had been gone a long time .
"Ivy is everything okay ?" He asked worriedly
"Im in a bit of pain " i breath out , he came to my side
"Okay take a few deep breaths , have you called someone ?"
"Sweetpeas on his way "
"Okay lets try and get you to the carpark so its easier for him " he took my arm and slowly i walked down the hallway.
"Take it easy " he lead me to the carpark and Sweetpea rushed up the steps and grabbed my hands.
"Thanks Mr M " Sweetpea said
"No worries just get her to the hospital " Sweetpea led me to the truck that they were using for the job. He got me into the passenger side and began to drive.
"Pea what if somethings wrong " i worry
"Everything is going to be fine " he said grabbing my hand and leaving a kiss on it . I groaned as a sharp pain started again .
"There not contractions are they ?" Sweetpea asked me
"No my waters havent broken "
"Okay well dont worry were almost there " he said before speeding slightly down the road until we got to the hospital . He helped me out of the passenger side and lead me into the reception .
"Erm shes like 7 months pregnant and got pains "
"Name please ?"
"Ivy Jones "
"Okay right this way " she lead us to a room and got me layed down in bed .
"Okay just before the doctor gets here we are going to check the babys heartbeat to make sure he isnt distressed " she said lifting up my top and wrapping a monitor around it .
"Okay the doctors here now to deal with you "
"Hello Ivy lets have a little look at you " he said
"Have your waters broken ?"
"No " I answer
"Im going to examine you , are you okay with him being in the room while i examine you ?" He asks referring to Sweetpea
"Could you wait outside please ?" I ask him he nods and waits outside . He carried on with the examination .
"Okay you have nothing to worry about , what youve experience is false labour . The pains should wear off pretty soon we will keep you in here until you feel a bit better " he said "im going to give you some painkillers "
"Thank you " i say before he leaves . Sweetpea came back in afterwards .
"The doctor filled me in . I told you everything would be fine " he says sitting down next to me .
"Baby are you okay ?" I nodd
"Stop being stubborn and tell me , you flipped out earlier "
"Its just i didnt want you to see me "
"What do you mean ?"
"I just hate my body right now Sweetpea , the last i want is you seeing it "
"Listen to me " he said taking my hand
"You are so beautiful , clever and lets face it a right milf " he said with a little laugh. He kissed my hand . "Dont you ever feel bad about yourself okay "
I pressed my lips against his gently before pulling away.
"Im going to go out for a quick ciggarette , you going to be okay ?"
"Well i dont think ill be going anyway " i smile at him . As Sweetpea left the room Fp and Jughead came in chinese in hand.
"You couldnt get to the chinese so we shall bring it to you " Jughead said placing all the food on the table .

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