Part Fifty Six

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I stood at the entrance of Thornhill House with my bag in my hand , Betty was by my side and Veronica was on the other side of me . Veronica pressed the bell as we waited, soon enough the red head opened the door and broughht us through to the living room .
"Greetings everyone welcome to a traditonal sleepover at Thornhill . Cheers my fellow girlfriends" Cheryl said raising the already filled glasses of lemonade.
"So hows that serpent hunk of yours Ivy ?" Veronica asked taking a sip of her drink through a straw. Toni helped me in this situation by changing the topic .
"Come on surely you dont wanna hear about some snakes , what about Andrews ? " she asked Veronica. I mouthed thank you to Toni .
"Archiekins , well hes been trying so hard to get on with my Daddy "
"thats nice V , were all glad your happy " she said giving her a smile .
"So girls i was thinking a good pamper in our Pjs is a good way to go "
You could tell the difference between us all , girls like Veronica and Cheryl in there cute lacey matching pyjama set. Whereas me Toni and Betty opt for more just like a big shirt and shorts. All of us sat there combing each others hair almost like something from a Dua Lipa music video. Toni was brushing my hair.
"Have you spoke to him " she said quietly not like the others would hear anyway since Veronica wouldnt stop gossiping about anything and everything.
"No can we not talk about that right now " i reply in a whisper.
"Also girls promise to keep this hush hush but apparently a little bird told me . Midge Klump has been hooking up with someone on the southside "
"What ?" Toni said nearly spitting out her drink.
"Hopefully its not one of them dreaded ghoulies " Cheryl says in disgust.
"I thought Midge was still with Moose " Betty added.
"So did i but im not too sure " Veronica said.
"Gosh you have a lot of tea sista " Cheryl said making the girls laugh.

Everyone was under there covers. Toni and Cheryl shared her bed . The rest of us girls took the floor . Betty and Veronica were passed out asleep next to me . I could hear Toni and Cheryl speaking quietly between them two .
"youre a crazy girl you know that . But luckily your my crazy girl " Toni said to Cheryl in response to some form of story Cheryl was telling her.
"Goodnight TT"
"Goodnight babe" she replied . I single tear rolled down my cheek , i wanted to go home and see my dad so bad . He was the only person i wanted right now . The next day as we all woke up in Thronhill Cheryl had made everyone breakfast and we all headed to school together. We was all about to walk in but i hesitated on the steps.
"Im just going to get a bit of air " i said to Betty .
" okay " she said as she sat down on the step next to me . I told the other to carry on and go in.
"You look a bit pale again"
"I think im allergic to this school " i joked. Betty smiled and then rose her eyebrows at me.
"No i think i might have a bug or something " .
Another day of lessons were complete . It was easier to avoid Sweetpea today since he didnt come in today he was probably ditching. Me and Jughead walked out of school side by side. I noticed a familiar truck i looked at the door that was now opening , a tall man with a serpent embroided on his back was getting out the truck with a smile on his face . I ran up to him and he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head.
"Ive missed you dad "
"Ive missed you too Kiddo . Me and you need to have a little chat i think . " he smiled at me . I got into the truck .
"Hey dad " they hugged quickly before getting into the truck and driving to the wyrm. Jughead went to play the arcade game that stood in one of the corners of the bar. Me and Fp went into his office. We sat on the sofa .
"Whats been going on Kiddo?"
"Nothing " i say looking down at my scuffed biker boots which were in need of a polish.
"I spoke to your Art teacher today . Why havent you been going in when i was gone i thought we spoke about this Ivy " i shrugged my shoulders not wanting to tell him the answer he wanted from me.
"I couldnt do it " i say frustrated as i put my head in my hands.
"Couldnt do what ?"
"I couldnt even bring myself to get out of bed let alone go to School Fp" after i admitted that he wrapped his arm round me.
"Also you were sick . Jug told me . How you feeling now?" He said placing his palm on my forhead to see if i had a temperature.
"I think im just exhausted Fp"
"Okay how about i get Sweetpea to take you home ?" He said about to get up.
"No " i quickly interupted.
"Am i missing something?"
" no not at all " i say quickly leaving the office and heading out the front of the wyrm. I sat with my head resting on my arms just hoping well i dont even know what to hope for at this point.

A bad boy with good intentions - Sweetpea fanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя