Part thirtyseven

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"Lets do this" tallboy shouted
"Not the kind of drag race i imagined myself going to" kevin said making me laugh as Reggie handed me a drink , i wandered to Sweetpea and sat on his lap his hands rested on my thighs. "but the guys are hot " he says eyeing up malachi. Malachi walks to his car and makes eyecontact with me shooting me a wink that doesnt go unoticed by sweetpea. I place one of my hands over his.
Veronicas hands were in archies hair
"Dont worry ronnie we got this " he said
"Just come back to me preferably in one piece Archiekins"
me him and toni shouted . Reggie wooped as he tipped his head back slightly nearly hitting his head on the car windowscreen . Malachi and Jug shook hands.
"Race over herk harvey bridge to dead mans curve first one back wins" Malachi turns his head out of the window glancing in your direction.
"Engines warm and ready gentlemen" Malachis hand lifted up in some sort of symbol signalling he was ready. Cheryl waved the red scarf in the air i noticed Toni staring at her in complete admiration i nudged her side gently she blushed a little. The tyres screeched aganist the road bunches of gang members ran to the startline shouting and cheering. Jugheads glove covered hands gripped the steering wheel tighter as his foot pressed harder down on the accelerator. A small grin appeared on his face. Malachis red car collids into the side of the car , as he shouts out of the window.
"Jug were coming up to bridge"
"I know i got this " jughead smirked slightly

"Its too narrow for the both of us" Archie says panicking slightly. Archies head kept turning to look at the red car beside them.
"Jug we should abort"
"And let them win?"
"We will both crash on that bridge"
"The serpents are joining the ghoulies over my dead body , Archie" the two cars were so close to the bridge.
"Im sorry man but im not down for those terms" archies hand reaches down to the clutch making the car stop and turn to the side blocking the road . The red car was already infront onto the bridge. Anger filled Jughead. The two quickly got out of the car.
"Why would you do that?" Jughead shouted grabbing Archie by his bulldog jacket.
"Trust me jug youre gonna thank me for this" the sound of sirens makes Jugheads head turn. He ran towards the sound.
"Jug , stop! Jug!" Archie shouted following him. Jughead slowed down and stooped as hs saw four cop cars and sheriffs infront of Malachis car. The smile had gone from Malachis face.
"Come on jug we gotta go come on" Archie said.

Reggie chugged down the rest of his beer from his cup. A ghoulie with long hair hair ran and shouted.
"Everyone scatter theyre rounding up ghoulies" groups of ghoulies quickly left. Archie and Jughead pulled at the starting point in the car.
"Oh my god youre okay" Veronica said pulling Archie into a hug.
"Come on we gotta go . Right now."
"You called the cops?" Tall boy shouted.
"You wont throw in with the ghoulies but you will call the cops?" He carried on shouting.
"Calm down tall boy"
"You think i knew Keller would be there?"
"I called keller " archie admits
"What the hell archie?" Jug shouts.
"It was my idea to get rid of the ghoulies it worked. They get arrested for racingg theyre off the chessboard"
"For how long? One month ? Three months?" Jug questions.
"You know what theyll want on the other side , your head on a stake " he says shoving him . "All of ours!"
I pulled jugheads arm slightly signalling for him to leave. He shook me off before heading to his motorbike. I hopped onto the back of Sweetpeas tighlty wrapping my arms around him. He drove to my trailer . A few serpents had gathered there. The anger and tension was building in everybody.
" you shouldnt have let Andrews take the passenger side" Sweetpea said ."That dumb northsider doesnt know what hes got himself in for"
"I didnt know he was gonna call the cops did i Sweetpea" Jughead snapped.
"Either way when there out there gonna want Serpent blood" Fp sighed before running his hands through his hair. I couldnt even hear myself think over everyone talking . Hence why i whistled loudly to catch everyones attention.
" Look. For now there locked up and when they get out we wont go down without a fight right ?" She questioned . Fp wrapped his arm over his daughters shoulder.
"You heard the girl , no serpent stands alone"
"No serpent stands alone " everyone repeated. The group of serpents left the trailer. I quickly hugged Jughead.
"Dont worry you can fix this"
"Shes right boy , we all can" he patted him on the back .
" come on lets go get some burgers" i said making a smile appear on Jugheads lips. " ive got a shift soon, so i can drop you off"
" thanks " I said before getting ready. Fp dropped us off at the diner before he headed round back and went behind the counter. Me and Jug sag down on the stools infront. I swung around slightly on the stool to see Sweetpea at a booth with other serpents. I gave him a smile before returning to Jug and Fp. Fp placed the burgers infront of them .
"This was a good idea Ivy " jughead said biting into the burger quickly.
"Slow down boy , people are going to think i dont feed you" he laughed. Ivy sipped on her milkshake before returning the fries she ordered. I offered Fp a chip and Jughead took one off the plate. She swatted his hand away.
" you have your own"
" oh come on sharing is caring" she rolled her eyes before pushing the plate towards him.
"Im going to say hi to the serpents" she said before sliding off the stool and walking towards the booth. Sweetpea saw her walking towards them so he moved up so there was room for her to sit. I sat down next to him. Sweetpea looked at the over serpents signalling for them to leave , they left through the diner door and stayed in the car park. Fp and Jughead watched the two.
"Hes brought back a side of Ivy i never thought id see again" Fp admitted as he wiped down the counter. A small smile crept on both his and Jugheads lips.

Sweetpea wrapped his arm over her shoulders bringing her a bit closer towards him. Their faces got closer there lips were about to meet but they were interupted by Sweetpeas long leg jogging the table this made a loud sound making her jump knocking into Sweetpeas nose.  Both of them burst out in laughter. Turning a few heads in the diner. Sweetpea held his nose.
" im so sorry " i say inbetween laughs. Sweetpea just laughed. He looked at the girl next to him . He didnt have the best start in life , he didnt have much but that didnt bother him but there was one thing he knew he had to keep a hold of and not let go and that was Ivy Jones.

A bad boy with good intentions - Sweetpea fanficWhere stories live. Discover now