Seventy Eight

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I woke up from hearing loud voices coming from the living room , at first i thought it was just Jug and Dad however i heard a womans voice . Sweetpea was still asleep next to me so i quietly got up and went to discover what the noise was about , i slowly shut the door behind me and walked through to the living room. As first i only saw Dad until i noticed Mom speaking to him .
"What on earth you doing here ?" I say
"Ivy just go get ready for school " Dad said
"No i want to know why shes here " i say pointing to her
"Im here to speak to your irresponsible father not you "
"You want to talk about being irresponisble , bit hypocritical really " Fp said back
"Why didnt you tell me that she got knocked up ?!"
"First of all dont talk to him like that , and if i wanted to tell you i would have do you understand "
"Its first thing in the fucking morning i dont want to hear you moaning at Dad when he hasnt done anything wrong . Just go back home will you " i snap before walking back into my room . Sweetpea was now lying on his back eyes barely open so i went and sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed his face .
"Weve gotta go school "
"Do we have to " he groaned before kissing me .
"Id prefer to do this " i say " but we have a biology test today "
"Yeah but i prefer doing a biology practical " he said reconnecting our lips .
"That was awful " i say laughing
"Kudos to you for trying" i say before getting off the bed and beginning to get ready for school . After almost 20 minutes he was still laying in bed .
"Pea get up "
" i am " he mumbled
"Seriously " i say pulling the covers off him .
"Im getting up " he said pulling himself out of bed .
"Whos here ?" He said after hearing my moms voice .
"Mom " i say packing my bag
"What ? Why ?"
"Speaking to Dad . So ill wait for you in the living room before she rips his head off " i say before leaving the bedroom and returning to the living room.
"You ready for school ?" Dad asked
" oh so your making sure she at least goes to school then " she said sarcasticallly
"Leave it out , i bascially never went to school when i lived with you " i say sitting down on the sofa . I waited for another 10 minutes before Pea came out of the bedroom however that 10 minutes felt like 60 because of Mom talking to the both of us .
"Thank god your ready , lets go please " i say rolling my eyes as Sweetpea took my hand when i got up . I lead us out as quickly as i could .
"See you later Fp " he said giving him a nodd.
"See you later son " Sweetpea looked over towards my Mom and didnt say a word . We left and headed to school in my car . As we went in Betty had linked arms with me .
"How was your weekend away ?"
"Dont even ask " i say
"Oh " she said shocked
"Mom ended up turning up "
"Oh god im so sorry you didnt get your weekend "
"Well we made use of the time we had " Sweetpea smirked making me glare at him .
"So you pounched then " Betty joked i nudged her
"What ?" Sweetpea said confused
"Nothing " i say trying to hide my laughter .
"You ready for biology ?"
"Well im winging it " Sweetpea said . "Theres Fangs ill catch you later " he said before taking off.
"Well ive sort of studied "
"Sort of ?"
"Mainly looking at my phone instead of the biology book " i admit
"Let me guess youve studied all weekend " i predict . She just looks at me and starts laughing.
"I knew it " we walked down to our science room and our seats have moved so no one could cheat on the test. I took the seat at the back of the class and opened up the paper after the teacher went through the rules .  As the clock ticked i scribbled away in attempts to hopefully get a decent grade .
"That is the end of the test . If you could leave the tests where they are and make your way out of the classroom " i sighed as i didnt have time to answer the last few questions . I walked down the hall because i was meeting Toni , Fangs and Sweetpea in the commom room . Against the lockers was a few girls who were in my english class . As i went past i heard them speak about me .
"Lets face it . Sweetpea is hot he isnt going to stick around for a girl with her baby running around that rough trailer park . "
"Sorry what was that ?" I say turning around and walking up to them
"Oh nothing " the girl said . I got closer to her . I wasnt going to let her speak about me like that . As i looked at her i felt anger building up in me . My hands went around her neck and pushed her hard against the lockers .
"I dont want to hear my name or anything to do with me coming out of your mouth . Especially since i dread to think whats been in that mouth of yours. my hands tightened slightly "do you understand me " she nodded rapidly so i loosened my grip and pushed her agaisnt the lockers.
"Ivy Jones . Office now !" I hear Mr Weatherbee shout . I roll my eyes before following him into the office .
"Miss Jones i have told you before that i dont accept fighting in my school . You have already been on a warning before . You are on the path to getting kicked out of this school and dont think i wont "
"Yeah whatever " i sigh
"Ive cut you some slack since i know youve been through a lot but you cant cause trouble in my school do you understand me !" He shouted . I just rolled my eyes .
"Well im not going to let people speak about me like that "
"And you think pinning people up against lockers is going to help " i just started looking around the office .
"Look at me when im talking to you ! Im calling Mr Jones in to come and get you . Your suspended for a week "
"Fine by me " i snap about to leave the office .
"Sit back down !" He said before picking up the phone and ringing Dad . Soon enough he got off the phone . I heard the door open and it was Sweetpea , Toni and Fangs coming in the office .
"Girl what have you done ?" Toni asked
"You three need to get out of my office now !" Mr Weatherbee got up and shooed them out before shutting the door. Later on the door opened again and it was my Mom .
"What the fuck is she doing here ?" I ask
"Ivy language " she snapped
"Your mother has come to pick you up since your father is working "
"Ill wait for him to finish work im not going with her "
"Ivy stop being silly come with me now "
"Ivy if you dont youll will be fully suspended and wont be able to step foot in my school again do you understand "
"Urgh " i groan getting up and knocking the chair over and following my mom out the office .
"Ivy what on earth are you thinking ? "
"Spare me the lecture honestly " i roll my eyes
"You think its smart fighting girls when youre pregnant "
"We wasnt fighting " as we carried on down the hallway .
"I need to go to the bathroom so can we stop "
"Ivy wait till you get home "
"Ive got a baby pushing on my bladder so im going "
"Okay go on then , ill wait here " i headed to the bathroom . No chance of me staying with mom so i went into the middle cubicle and climbed onto the seat opening the window before throwing my bag out and then clambering out the window being careful of my stomach . I lowered myself down the wall grabbing my bag and making a dash out of the school . I went into pops . Fp was working so i sat on a stoll in front of him , he turnt round and noticed me .
"Ivy . Wheres Jen ?"
"I may have ditched her at school " i admit i see Fp shut his eyes but trying hard to hold in his laughter .
"I climbed through the bathroom window Dad thats how desperate i was to get away from her "
"Jesus Ivy . What happend at school today ?"
"Well some girls were speaking about me i heard them and just warned them not to . I wasnt fighting "
"How did you warn them though ?"
"I pushed her up aganist the lockers by her throat "
"Ivy do you understand how dangerous that is ? What if she had done something back "
"She didnt "
"Thats not the point Ivy "
"Okay okay Dad . Im sorry "
"Just got to be more smart about these things , cant rise to them"
"Dad youre the biggest hot head " i laugh
"So are you "
"Hence why ive been suspended for a week "
"At least he didnt suspend you full time but once you go back you really have to get your act together okay "
"Okay Dad "

A bad boy with good intentions - Sweetpea fanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon