Part Fourtyfour

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I opened my eyes and turnt to my side and grabbed my phone and went through my social medias replied to any messages i had.
Reggie : come to mine about 8 x
Ivy : alright will do Reg x
I pulled the duvet covers of me and showered and cleaned up before going to the living room to see Jug on the sofa.
"You going to Reggies Party tonught Jug"
"What do you think ?" Jug responded.
" yeah stupid really i know you dont like socialising " i said. I walked to the kitchen and made some breakfast before going back to my bedroom. I unlocked my phone and scrolled to find Sweetpeas name. As he answered the phone he mumbled because he must of only just woken up.
"Oi lazy bones come over please "
"Yeah give me a minute" he said in his morning voice.
"Can you bring an extra shirt please ?"
"Yeah " he mumbled . About half an hour after the call i heard a knock on the door . Jug was still sat on the sofa.
"Ill get the door dont worry " i said sarcastically. I opened the door to see a tired looking Sweetpea his cut still prominant on his face from the previous night. I opened the door further so he could come in . Jugs head turnt to see who i invited in.
"Oh hey Sweetpea "
"Jones " he nodded. Me and Pea walked to my bedroom.
"Why did you want me to bring an extra shirt ?" He asked me before sitting down on my side of the bed.
"For me obviously " he threw the tshirt at me . I put his top on and took my shorts off since the top was practically a dress on me . I went into Jugs room and grabbed his laptop.
"Jug im using your laptop " i shouted as i went into my room.
"Okay im going out to the wyrm " he said before we heard the front door shut.
"Once again you are on my side " i rolled my eyes.
"Get over it im not moving " he said stubbornly with his eyes shut . So i climbed in the other side . I opened up the laptop and started to play a film . Sweetpeas arm wrapped around me and pulled me closer to him . He kissed my head.
"I forgot to tell you , next weekend i wont be here "
"Where you going ?"
"Back to greenfield "
"Why ?"
"To see Issac and maybe see my sister if i can "
" do you reckon your mum will let you see her ?"
"She cant really stop me , plus i need to know how Mia's doing it was her birthday a week ago shes eleven now " Sweetpea pulled me closer to him i laid my head on his chest. He ran his fingers along my side under his tshirt. We chatted through most of the film before my eyes felt heavy.

I slowly opened my eyes and stretched i turnt to see Sweetpea on his phone.
" so you decided to wake up then "
"How long was i asleep for ?" I said rubbing my eyes and sitting up .
"A few hours "
" i need to shower and get ready for tonight "
I got up from the bed.
" do you wanna get in the shower with me ?"  Sweetpea quickly got up from the bed and walked into the living room  . I turnt the shower on and waited for it to warm up. I shouted to him.
"Its ready"  i took of his shirt and my underwear and stepped under the warm water . Soon enough Sweetpea was behind me his hands on my hips . The mixture of his touch and the hot water made my back tingle . His large hands moved my hair to one side as he kissed gently over the still prominant lovebites and down my shoulder . I turnt to face the tall boy . I ran my fingers over his cut on his face before kissing him . I brought his body closer to mine . He looked at me .
"You are unreal you know that" he said before kissing me again. once we pulled away i grabbed his hand and made him hold it out .
"Shut your eyes " he listened and shut his eyes confused as to what i was going to do . I grabbed the shampoo bottle and placed it in his hand . He opened his eyes and saw me smile.
"Really " he groaned.
"Please " i begged . His dark brown eyes rolled. I turnt back round so he could shampoo my hair . He rubbed the shampoo into my long brown hair . I went to wash it out and it ended up in my eye and we all know that HURTS. I put my hand over my eye.
"Its in my eye pea help" Sweetpea was just laughing at me .
"Stop laughing and help me " i groaned .
"Come here " he said still laughing slightly. He moved me under the shower compleatly and told me to open my eye. It rinsed all the shampoo out of my hair and my eye.
"Thats it im getting out of this shower " i grabbed a towel and wrapped it round me . I handed Sweetpea a towel which he wrapped round his waist. We walked back to my room , Sweetpea put his boxers on and sat back down on my bed . I sat down at my dressing table and got out all my makeup . Soon enough Sweetpea was looking at the makeup with a look of confusion.
"Whats this ?" He asked
"Eye liner " i said back before taking it from his hand and applying it. He watched in fasination . Soon enough my makeup was done . I opened my drawers to find an outfit . I picked a leather skirt with a crop top and heels . My hair i just brushed since its straight anyway.
"You look good doll" i blushed a little .
"Do you want me to drop you off ?"
"No its okay Veronica is coming to get me "
Sweetpea got back into his clothes and we walked out the bedroom . Fp was in the kitchen.
"Hey darlin " he said his back to us. Once he turnt round he noticed Sweetpea.
"  Sweetpea are you going to Reggie Mantles party?"
"Dont be stupid " i said to Fp making him laugh.
"How are you getting home tonight ? I can come get you " Fp said .
"Ill pick her up " Sweetpea said.
"Are you sure ?" I asked him
"Yeah ill be up anyways so i might aswell"
"Thanks son , have fun Ivy behave yourself "
"Always do " i grinned. Me and Sweetpea walked outside the trailer.
" ill pick you up whenever and if Reggie does anything let me know okay "
"Okay " i kissed his cheek before i got into the car.
"Girl you look good "
"Thanks Ronnie"
"You two are adorable " Betty said.
"Who ? Me and Ronnie"
"No you and Sweetpea , never thought id say that about Sweetpea to be honest"
"Thanks "
Veronicas driver drove the car to Reggies house. The three of us stepped out of the car , each of us had a bottle in our hand . Veronica knocked on the door. Reggie and Archie opened the door.
"Archiekins " she said before he pulled her inside.
" Betty you might wanna see Kevin hes been waiting for you " Betty wandered in .
" come on Ivy " he said wrapping his arm over my shoulder and bringing me inside. He brought me to the kitchen and made me a drink however he also got us a shot glass each and we did 4 shots.
"So what girls you got your eye on ?" I questioned making him laugh.
" come on who ?"
"Josie is looking pretty good tonight i must admit " he said with a smirk.
" a vixen and a bulldog how stereotypical " i laugh
"But your right she is looking fire tonight , so have another shot with me and go do that weird Reggie charm that i dont understand " both of us took another shot before we left the kitchen. I walked towards where everybody was dancing and i joined in moving to the music that came from the speakers .
"I love that skirt " Kevin said
"Thanks Kev "  i said we cheersed our plastic cups together . Me and Him danced in the middle of everybody bringing out our "best moves" even though we looked like bambi on ice. My cup just kept becoming empty so i kept refilling . Betty came up to us .
"Im heading to pops to get food with Jug"
"Okay see yaaa" i slurred . She walked away before leaving the house. I turnt around to see Veronica grinding on Archie.
"Gosh you two get a room " i joked .
"Hows my favourite girl doing ?" Reggie asked throwing his arm over my shoulder.
"Good , you having a good time ?"
"Yeah i am "
"Wheres Josie?"
"Shes upstairs waiting for me " i started to laugh
"I dont get how girls are so charmed by you but what are you still doing here ? I wouldnt keep her waiting if i were you "
"Just seeing if you was alright and having a good time before i go up there , cause you might not see me for the rest of the night " he smirked. I pushed him away. I saw his smirk grow as he walked up the steps. That boy is a nightmare i thought to myself . It was about 12 am Me and Kevin danced some more before we went into the kitchen and had some more shots . The alcohol made my head spin . I stumbled to the front porch and sat on the front steps , Kevin followed me out and sat beside me .
"Tonights been soo good " he shouted.
" it has i had so much fun especially with you Kev "
"Youve been the life of the party tonight Ivy"
"Shall we have another drink ?" I managed to ask pulling a flask from my little bag. Straight away Kevin poured the drink in his mouth.
"Save some for me " i said .
"Let me pour it in your mouth" i agreed and tilted my head back he poured the drink and it spilt down my face. Making us both laugh.
"How you getting home tonight ?"
"Sweetpea is going to pick me up i need to ring him "
"Dont worry ill do it " he said taking my phone because he was worried that i might smash my phone or something . I heard him talk on the phone before him putting it back in my bag.
"Hes on his way" i nodded.
"Your neck " kevin said looking at the lovebites
"I know " i slurred.
"Got any boys on the go?"
"No just random hook ups really " he laughed
"Kevins been gettin some " i laughed . We heard Sweetpeas motorbike and soon enough it was parked at the front of the house. He got off and walked towards me .
" Is she okay?" He asked Kevin looking at me .
"Shes fine just had a bit to drink" Sweetpea walked to me and grabbed my hands to get me up i stumbled up.
"Bye Kevv" i said.
"See ya Ivy" Sweetpea walked me to his bike and picked me up and put me on.
"Hold on" He said i gripped onto him as he drove to the southside. Halfway through the journey i patted his back.
"Pull over "
"Pull over " Sweetpea stopped his bike i quickly got off and ran to the pavement . I coughed before vomiting on the floor in front of me. Sweetpea quickly got off his bike and pulled my hair back .
"Fuck sake Ivy " he said not wanting to look at the sick.
"Im fine " i said wiping my mouth.
He got me back onto the bike and he drove to the trailer park. He took me to his trailer since he thought Fp probably wouldnt want to deal with me like this. He sat me down on his bed before handing me a glass of water.
"Drink that" he told me so i took a few mouthfuls of it .
"I need these off " i said trying to take my heels off . He lifted my leg up so he could get my heels off making me laugh and giggle . I laid down on the bed as he undid the heels one by one and takingg my feet out . I pulled down my skirt and lifted my top off and threw them on the bed. Sweetpea put his shirt on me .
"Come on lets get you to bed " he said taking my clothes and putting them on the floor. He threw back the duvet before putting me in it . I couldnt stop talking to him .
"Ivy go to sleep "
"Pea " i sat up .
"Yes Ivy"
"Im glad i came to riverdale "
"Whys that ?"
" i got away from a lot of shit and i actually met someone who doesnt care about my past and you know what "
"What ?"
"Im falling in love with you as scary as it is i am "
"Come on " he pulled the duvet over me . He layed on his back looking at the ceiling . He didnt know if she was just saying that because of how much she had to drink but one thing he knew was that he felt the same . He didnt even want to admit to himself that he was falling in love with her but he was , it scared the shit out of him . What made it worse was that they were both people who had this cold exterior but he noticed Ivys started to melt something that he couldnt help but grin about.

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