Sixty three

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After finding that out and celebrating shall i say i headed back home since we had school the next day , Sweetpea said to call up and book an appointment for a scan to see how far gone i was . So once i got into the empty trailer i called up Riverdale general .
"Hello Riverdale general hospital , how can i help you today ?"
"erm hello , i need to book an appointment for a scan . I found out im pregnant and i dont know how far along i am "
"Okay i can do that for you , what is your name ?"
"Ivy Jones "
"Okay i have an appointment at 12:30 for tommorow if thats alright " twelve thirty is in the lunch break of school so i thought i could go inbetween lunch and be back for the next lesson so that way they wont ring up my Dad to say i havent been in .
"Yeah thats perfect actually "
"Okay well ill send you a reminder to your phone "
"Okay thank you "
"Bye now " i hung up the phone and texted pea to tell him what time the appointment was . I heard the trailer door open it was Fp .
"Hey Dad " i say locking my phone
"Darlin where was you last night ? "
"I stayed at Peas he had quite a bit to drink at the wyrm so i took him home "
"Okay just text me if your staying out next time please "
"Yeah Dad i will do " i felt bad not telling him as soon as i found out but i knew this wasnt the time . Me and Sweetpea were still processing it let alone trying to tell Fp .
"Im going to turn in "
"Okay darlin , good night " he said kissing my head . I wandered into my bedroom and drifted off to sleep .

In the morning Fp dropped me off to school aswell as Jughead , we both walked into school parting ways midway down the hallway . Jughead went over to Betty and i went into the common room . I sat down next to Kevin and rested my head on his shoulder .
"Your in school "
"For once " i joked
"Your hotties here " i looked to see a group of serpents coming in . I nod at them , they all come over and sit down on the sofa and the chairs opposite me and Kevin. I was in need of a cigerette so i began to get up .
"Where you off to ?" Kevin asked me
"I need a fag " as i left the common room and i felt someone grab me and turn me round .
"What do you want ? Im going outside for a smoke "
"You cant "
"Oh shit yeah " i say sighing . Sweetpea pulled the pack of ciggarettes out of my pocket and threw them in the bin .
"Okay prepare for me to be moody as fuck if i cant smoke "
"Youll cope "
"For lunch meet me out the front " he gave me a quick before we went to our classes. I managed to focus on taking notes in each lessom suprisngly however lunch soon came around and i got outside and waited outside my car for Sweetpea he came towards me along with Fangs .
"Fangs we gotta go so ill catch you later man "
"See you both later "
The both of us hopped in my car and i drove to the hospital , we parked into the car park and went to the front desk .
"Ive got an appointment for 12:30 "
"Name please ?"
"Ivy Jones "
"Okay shes ready to see you now anyways . So head to room 100 "
"Okay thank you " Sweetpea took my hand and we went to find rook 100 . Eventually we found it and went in.
"Hello you must be Miss Jones " she shot me a smile .
"Ill be doing your scan today so if you would like to take a seat on the bed " i sat down on the bed while Sweetpea sat in the chair .
"So did you take a test ?"
"Yeah because i was throwing up in the morning and then i took one it was negative then i took two others and they were positive " she nodded at me .
"So is this young man the father if you dont mind me asking ?" She asked me
"Yeah im the father " Sweetpea says with a nod.
"Okay well thats have a little look , if you could lift your top up slightly " she says making me lift my tshirt up to reveal my tanned stomach . She applied some gel to complete the sonagram . She ran the monitor over the gel and looked up to the screen .
"Okay from this i can tell that your six weeks which means your baby is about the size of a pea " i couldnt help but grin and Sweetpea did the same. She moved the monitor so we could see , she began pointing to the screen showing the little smudge on the screen which was our baby. She printed off a few pictures of the scans for us .
"We just need to have a chat about your next scan . Your next scan will be at 12 weeks but make sure to take it easy as miscarriage risk is higher at this point of the pregnancy "
" i have a question , when will begin to show ?"
" well within the next couple of weeks you might begin to notice a few changes , but it may just look like your a bit bloated it all depends on the mother and child. Your going to notice other changes aswell obviously youve been experienceing morning sickness but you might experience breast tenderness and a few mood swings "
" oh great " i hear Sweetpea say making me and the nurse laugh .
"Ill see you both in six weeks "
"Thank you ill see you then " we both left the hospital and got back in the car and began to drive back to school .
" i was thinking pherhaps i should tell Fp " i say focusing on the road
"Isnt it a bit soon "
"At least if i tell him its done and out the way . Then after the 12 week scan we could tell Toni and Fangs "
"Fp is gonna kill me "
"Me as well " i say .
"Ill do it by myself and then calm him down hopefully " he looked at me and nodded. Once the day had finished i went home to the trailer and Fp and Jughead were home however Jughead was in his bedroom . Fp could sense that i was on edge and trust me i was all over the place.
"Ivy whats up ?"
"Nothing " i say taking a seat on the sofa next to him
"Im not stupid Ivy "
"Fine i do need to talk to you but can you try and stay calm please "
"What is it ?" I went into my bag and took out the scan picture .
"Whats that ?" He asks me as i hand it to him .
"This better not be what i think it is Ivy !"
"It is Dad " i say looking down at my feet slightly. Fp shot up from the sofa and began to pace .
"Dad i can do this "
"No you cant ! Do you know how much work children are ? "
" yes i do know but im willing to step up and do it dad !"
"Not to mention that boy !" He shouted and was about to leave. "This is all his damn fault " i quickly rushed to the trailer door and stood against it so he couldnt get out .
"Its just as much as my fault as it is his ! " i shout back . Jughead had came out of his room .
"Whats all the shouting about ?"
"Why dont you ask your knocked up sister " he said making Jugheads eyes widen . Fp moved me out the way and went to leave .
"Dont even think about going to Sweetpeas !!!! "
"Im going to the wyrm " he said slamming the door shut . Me and Jughead just stared at each other . I sat back down on the sofa and jughead joined me he wrapped his arm over my shoulder.
"Its a bit of a shock but he will come round Ivy "
"Hopefully before he kills Sweetpea "
"Come on show the picture " i showed him the scan .
"Its the little smudge " i say with a little laughing .
"Look its gonna be hard but if you think you can do it then do it . Either way your gonna have me i probably wont babysit though " he laughed a little.
"Thats alright not sure i could trust you with looking after a dog let alone my child "
We sat and chatted for about half hour before Fp came back home .
" i need to chat to you sister " Jughead stared at him before going to his bedroom . Dad sat down next to me and ran his fingers through his hair.
"Look its a shock to me but i went to Sweetpeas and i spoke to him . If you two think you can do this than do it . I know that this could be your only chance of a child Ivy so i get it but i just want to make sure that you know what your getting yourself into "
" i know dad but i can do this more importantly i want to do this " Fp wrapped his arm over me and kissed my head .

A bad boy with good intentions - Sweetpea fanficWhere stories live. Discover now