Part thirtyfive

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Sweetpea had actually woken up before Ivy , he looked over to see her still sleeping her body still awkwardly sprawled over the top the sheets. Sweetpea shifted slighty making Ivys eyes open. She looked at him before shutting her eyes once more and pulled him slightly so his chest was pressed against her back. He played with her long brunette strands of hair before his hand wrapped around her waist.
" i dont want to ever get out of bed " she mumbled.
" now whos not the morning person" he said trailing kisses down her neck making her giggle.
" are you coming to the opening night tonight ?" She asked
" yep Fangs is coming aswell"
" i will put some reserves on the front row " she said turning around to face him , wrapping her leg over his . She wrapped her hands round his neck and  gently pulled his closer making their lips meet each others . Once they pulled away Ivy sighed.
"I need breakfast , whats on the menu chef" she smiled at him.
"I was hoping you" he smirked making her laugh as she rolled her eyes and got up from the bed and headed to the kitchen. Sweetpea soon got up and went to leave the trailer shortly after.
"Where are you going?"
" to get you some breakfast " she was about to thank him but the door was shut too quickly. A little while passed before he came back into the trailer with a bag with pops written on the side. He put the bag on the table.
"Youre the best" she said eyeing up the bag.
"I know" he simply said before taking food out of the bag.
" are you nervous for tonight?" He asked her taking a break from the food infront of him.
" a little bit, the rehersals yesterday were shocking . I hope everyone has gotten their shit together. "  she yawned
"I know your tired so sorry about this but that meeting is tonight after the show" Ivy just groaned as she threw her head back.
" i love the serpents but sometimes you really do have crap timing " he nodded.
"I need to go to mine and speak to Fp then im going to help set up , you coming i could really use your help" she pleaded
" okay " he said before they got ready and went to her trailer. She opened the trailer door to see Jughead and Fp both looking angry. As the two stepped in the door , Jughead stormed passed them out the trailer. Fp ran his hands through his hair.
"Whats got you two all fired up" she asked
"Nothing darlin" she raised her eyebrows .
"Its nothing okay" she just nodded.
"Have you got work ?" She said looking at his uniform folded on the table.
"Yeah i have a shift before the meeting "
" what about the musical ?" She asked.
"Sorry kiddo" he said .
" its fine" she said , she was slightly dissapointed her and Kevin had worked so hard she wanted Fp there but she knew he had priorites. Sweetpea grabbed some boxes and put it in the car for her. She drove to the school and sweetpea carried the boxes in for her and began to unpack them.
"Chuck" He looked up towards the girl.
"I just want to say your alright you know ."
" thanks it er means a lot " he stutterd before shooting her a smile . He then went back to carrying on with trying to find his costume for later.
" costume is next to your dressing table" she said before heading to Sweetpea to help him.
" yours and Fangs seats are right there" she said pointing to the two seats in the front row.
" if any short arses are behind me and they complain its on you" she laughed.
"Ivy i need you for a sec" Kevin shouted from across the other end of the stage.
"Whats up Kev?"
" im just worried Ivy , did you see the rehersals yesterday?"
" kevin look at everyone now " he looked at the crowds of people working together .
"Its going to be just fine i promise you"
" come on lets get you another tea " she said before dragging him away.
The lights had been dimmed , her and Kevin handed people there programmes as they entered. Sweetpea and Fangs walked towards the door.
" i belive there are two reserved seats for you handsome boys " she smiled showing them to there seats.
" shes so adorable " Fangs said
" still could beat you in a fight though" Sweetpea added. Fangs nodded.
"Sadly thats true" he said . Ivy and Kevin had headed backstage to make sure everyone was all ready. Fangs noticed him so he nudged Sweetpea , he looked up to see Fp heading towards the two.
"Is this seat taken son?" He asked Fangs
" no" Fp sat down next to him as the lights dimmed . The show began this wasnt Sweetpeas scene at all hell he wouldnt even be here if it wernt for that girl . He was impressed by all the work and hours she and Kevin put into this you could tell. Fangs was enjoying it he had a smile from ear to ear. Everyone in the seats clapped . Kevin and Ivy walked onto the stage , Sweetpea whistled loudly.
" we would just like to thank everyone for coming , this play wouldnt have been possible without my beautiful co director " he pointed to Ivy everyone clapped Reggie shouted making Sweetpes head turn and glare at him.
" also well done to the cast , you all were incredible" Ivy added before the cast joined them on stage. Toni pulled her into a hug. Jughead stood on the stage his camera in his hand taking pictures for the blue and gold. Everybody left the stage , Ivy walked down the steps and saw Fp . She ran and hugged him.
"You did good Kiddo"
"Thanks Dad" she said , Fp felt a smile tugging at his lips as she called him that.
Hiya little authors message this chapter was crap but its just to fill in also im going to play around with the narrative so its more like your reading as Ivy but you can leave comments on what you prefer . Thanks for reading x

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