Sixty one

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I was sat on the sofa with Jughead in the trailer casually looking through the piece of writing that he was typing away on his laptop. As my eyes flicked between the laptop screen and the tv screen , my phone began to buzz down by my side . Fangs name was lighting up my screen .
"Fangs what do you want ?" I ask
"Can you get to the wyrm ?"
"Yeah why ?"
"Erm Sweetpea is in a bit of a state "
"What do you mean ?" I sigh
"He had drunk quite a bit and no one can seem to calm him down "
"Ill be right there " i say hanging up my phone .
"Who was that ?"
"Fangs "
"What did he want ?"
"I just need to go to the wyrm " i say before quickly getting up and heading out of the trailer and towards the wyrm. I weaved through out all of the bikes and some cars before reaching the steps of the bar as i opened the door i bumped straight into the tanned serpent .
"There you are !"
"Where is he ? Also how did it all start ?"
"We was moody when he came in and it just got worse and then he was saying at the minute you two were all over the place " i just sigh at what Fangs said . I immediatley notice where he was since i heard him in an altercation with somebody else .
"So why dont you just leave , or stay and see what happens " i heard him slur , speedily i rushed over and got inbetween the two of them . I placed my hands on Sweetpeas chest pushing him back slightly.
"Babe calm down " i say .
"Your guy better watch his mouth " the lad said which he was previously arguing with. Sweetpea was about to way something to him but i beat him to it .
"I know but i suggest you turn around and get out of here " i say making him scoff and then leave .
"What you doing here " Sweetpea says slumping down on one of the seats .
"Fangs called me "
"Why did he call you " he spat
"Because he said you was in a state which you are you smell like a brewery"
"Oh big deal i had a few drinks , at least it aint fucking jingle jangle " i sat down next to him .
"Be quiet your causing a scene " i say near his ear
"Give it a rest "
"Also i get at the minute were all over the place but do you really have to go talking about our buisness in the wyrm " i say making him roll his eyes.
"Come on lets get you home "
"No im gonna have another drink " he said picking up his glass . I slammed his glass back down .
"No your not having another drink , come on " he got up from the seat tripping over the edge of table making him stumble a bit , i quickly put my hands out to steady him and i did . After this he then pushed my hands asay from him . We walked towards to exit well i say walk Sweetpea was swaying and i was walking behind making sure he managed to get outside . We began to walk back to his trailer . I kept replaying what happened in my head over and over again .
"Your a state " i say watching him stumble around .
"What cause we traded places for once "
"If you wasnt in this state i hope you know i wouldnt be here right now " i say walking up his trailer steps .
"Keys ? " i say but end up having to search his pockets myself . I opened his trailer and got him inside and locked it . I went to get a glass of water for both of us and i stood by the sink i felt Sweetpea come behind me and wrap his arms around me and leave a few kisses on my neck .
"Go to bed Sweetpea " i ordered
"Someones eager " he says laughing at himself before he removed his hands from me and wandered off. I sigh to myself before downing my glass of water and then following his previous footsteps. Once i got into the bedroom he was sat down on the bed still fully clothed . I attempted to take off his denim vest but he wasnt helping me at all.
"Work with me please " i moan . I ended up getting him undressed down to his boxers .
"Drink this " i say handing it to him . Before he could reply with what would most likely be a no , he began to gag .
"Bathroom now !" I say quickly getting him to his feet . We managed to get to the bathroom however he missed part of the toilet , i was crouched rubbing his bare back.
"Im sorry " he said as he leant his head against the tiled wall .
"lets just get you sorted " i say rubbing his back a bit more. After i cleaned him up and got him back into his bedroom . I went to leave him but i felt him grab my hand and pull me towards the bed .
"Want me to stay ?" He nodded . I sat down in the bed and Sweetpea just collasped onto me his head laying on my stomach , i put my fingers in his hair hoping to relax him a bit . I felt him kiss my stomach .
"Imagine if there was a little baby in there " he said .

A bad boy with good intentions - Sweetpea fanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant