Eighty Two

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"Thank you both for the Chinese " i say shutting the takeout box
"Well there was no way i was missing out on chinese " Jughead said playing with his chopsticks.
"Im gonna go check with the nurses and see if you can be discharged tonight " Fp said getting up and leaving my room .
"You reckon they will discharge you " Sweetpea said from the seat next to my bed
"Well im alright , ive still got a few pains but i dont see any reason why i cant go home "
Fp came back into the room "they said you can be discharged there just going to come back in to speak to you . So boys come on " he said so Sweetpea and Jughead got up and followed him out to wait outside .
"Hi Miss Jones " my Doctor says coming in
"I just spoke to your father about discharging you tonight , to discharge tonight i just need to check your monitor and readings " he said going up to the monitor i was attached to .
"These look okay to me , neither you or the baby are distressed which is good " he said as he unwrapped the band from the underneath of my belly .
"The only thing left is to give you these painkillers incase your in discomfort , only take these if you are since these are 100% safe for you and baby " he says handing me a box of painkillers . "Also just remember to take it easy and just be a bit more cautious but thats about everything "
"Thank you so much Doctor " i say getting myself up and both of us left the room . I was greeted with Fp , Jughead and Sweetpea waiting outside .
"You ready to go " Fp said and i give him a nod . Fp drove him and Jughead home and Sweetpea took us both back to his trailer .
"Im going straight to bed" i say going to the bedroom . Soon enough Sweetpea joined me in bed he put his phone on the bedside however it was ringing but Sweetpea didnt bother answering it .
"Who is it ?" I groan
"Fangs its probably about work " he sighs . It rung about three more times .
"I swear to god if Fangs doesnt stop ringing im gonna find him and shove his phone down his throat " i say making Sweetpea laugh .
"Ill hold him down for you " he says
"Please do " i say before shutting my eyes once more . He turned his phone on silent and we both went to sleep . 

The next couple of days were pretty stressful as i had been taking my SATs since i had to take them early , i was meant to be taking things easy but as soon as these exams were done i could leave school until ive sorted out plans with the school about senior year . 
"Last one today " i say excitedly to Fp . I had come round so i could take Jughead to school .
"Good luck today darlin . You think after today your finished for quite a while "
"I know thank god , i dont have to deal with that fucking school for a while "
"Ivy language " Fp said
"Blame the school for my language it causes me stress " i say as Jughead comes out of his bedroom and picks up his bag from the table .
"Lets go " he says
"Didnt know i was a chauffeur now " i roll my eyes and follow him out and got into my car to drive us . As soon as we got to school i headed to the classroom where my test was being held .
"Ah Miss Jones you ready ?"
"Lets get this over with " i say taking my seat
"You know all the rules by now , you can start " she said sitting down at the front of the classroom . Slowly the clock ticked and i penciled in as many answers as i possibly could . Eventually the test was over and i had finished my SATs .
"Okay Miss Jones you are offically finished " she said as she took in my test paper . I quickly left the classroom to go and find Sweetpea , he was by the vending machine .
"Guess whos finished her SATs " i say making him turn round and i wrapped my arms around him however we wasnt very close due to my bump .
"Let me guess " he says sarcastically " i think her names Ivy Jones " he says making me laugh .
"What are you going to do without me for the rest of this year " i say sarcastically
"I manged fine without you before and ill manage fine now " he says
"We both know thats not true " i say as he offers me a sour patch kid .
"So whats the plan ?" He asks me as we sit downon the couch in the common room
"Shouldnt you be in lesson " i say as his arm goes over my shoulded
"Maybe but doll since when have you cared about that "
"You make me sound like a bad influence when we all know thats you " i say looking down at my bump and looking back at him making both of us laugh .
"So anyway my plan for the rest of today is to speak to Mr Matthews , Mr Weatherbee and im probably going to have to explain to like Betty and the others that today is my last day . "
"Sounds fun " Sweetpea says sarcastically resting his head back on the couch shutting his eyes.
"Just thinking about all that talking makes me tired " i sigh
"Recently all youve done is sleep "
"Have a baby kicking all day , swollen feet and backpain do tend to make you quite tired Pea "
"Fair enough . I tell you one good thing with you being pregnant "
"Our child "
"Apart from that " he continued on
"Go on whats a good thing with me being pregnant " i say
"Im quite a fan of these " he jokes as his arm which was over my shoulder went further down to my chest .
"For fuck sake Pea " i say laughing at him .
"Dont be getting any ideas Pea , as much as i want to . Its just so difficult with my bump " i say before giving him a gentle kiss .
"I know " he sighed
"Awww is someone a bit frustrated " i say grabbing his face
"No " he said defensively crossing his arms over his chest "okay maybe a little "
"There is other things we can do you know " i say quietly by his ear "but that depends how tired im feeling tonight " i say tapping his chest before getting myself off the couch .
"You need to get to your class "
"Ive missed half of it anyway so "
"Which means theres another half that you can go to " i say as i leave the common room to find Mr Matthews . As i wander to the art department i see him in his classroom which was empty since he didnt have a class till later on. I knock on the door before entering .
"Oh hiya Ivy "
"Hi Mr Matthews , are you free for a quick chat ?"
"Of course i am , take a seat " i sat down opposite him
"I just wanted to thank you for other day "
"Ivy dont worry about that , is everything okay though ?"
"Yeah everythings fine ive just got to take it easy "
"Well im glad everythings okay "
"Thank you , aswell i also came to say its my last day today "
"Youve finished your SATs "
"Yeah there all finished and im a free girl until senior year"
"Well all i can say is its been a pleasure to teach you this year and i hope everything goes well with the baby . But remember even though your no doubt going to be shattered and trying to look after the little on keep on drawing over your break , youve got real talent Ivy " he said
"Thank you Mr Matthews for everything and youll be seeing me senior year with plenty of sketches to show you " i say as i get up and make my way to Mr Weatherbees office .
"Ah Miss Jones just the student i was looking for " he said "take a seat " i took the seat opposite him .
"Right now Miss Jones i know you had a rocky start settling into my school but im impressed with how hard youve worked recently and for completing your SATs . We need to work out a plan for senior year "
"We do need a plan "
"So do you feel you will be ready to come back when the others do ?"
"Its hard to say now but obviously my son will only be about 2 to 3 months when im meant to start senior year and i wouldnt want to or be able to find childcare "
"So how about for the first few semesters you could work from home so that way you can balance everything and then once you feel comfortable to come back you can come back . If your okay with that then thats sorted"
"Thats fine by me "
"Do you have any questions for me ?"
"No but id like to thank you for your support and helping me carry on with school with the given circumstances "
"You should know by now i dont give up on my students Miss Jones , you may be excused " i left the office to do my final stop of my little tour which was the common room .
"Betty , Ronnie . Just the girls i was looking for "
"Oh hey girl " Veronica said standing up and hugging me
"I just came to say ill see you on the outside "
"Your leaving " Betty said
"Only until senior year " i say
"Im so jealous but we will catch up during the springbreak " Veronica said
"Sounds good to me , see you girls " i say taking off and walking down the hallway to the exit but i got stopped by Reggie.
"You owe me a movie over spring break "
"Your on " i say before giving him a smile and leaving to get in my car and drive to the trailer . Now that it technically classed as our trailer not just Sweetpeas , it felt weird because even though i would stay there for days at a time it wasnt really the same as fully moving in . It felt weird not having Jugheads newspaper drafts everywhere and Fps work apron hanging up by the door . Im still there a lot but it felt weird not calling it my home . I unlocked the trailer and collapsed on the couch . I relaxed for anout an hour before beginning to unpack the changing table i had to build . I pulled out the instructions and began to read .

Sweetpea pov
School had finished and me and Fangs decided on going to the trailer but as we stepped in . I couldnt help but smile as i noticed Ivy on the sofa the instructions on her chest as she was sound asleep . She had only put 3 pieces together , she must have been tired . I took the instructions and put them on the floor with the other pieces and i threw a blanket over her .
"Wanna head to the wyrm " i suggest not wanting to disturb her
"Lets go " Fangs replied before leading the way out of the trailer.

A bad boy with good intentions - Sweetpea fanficWhere stories live. Discover now