Part thirty

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Ivy and Jughead headed to school in her school in her car. Him and Betty had been having problems so he didnt say much on the way there. He went to the serpents and sat amongst them in the common room. Ivy went to the vending machine to get a drink she went to leave.
"Where you going ?"
"I already told you today is the casting "
"Oh yeah" he said . The serpents watched as she walked away. She joined Kevin on the stage.
"My gorgeous co director will be revealing the parts everyone will be playing" Ivy smiled at him and stood from her seat.
"Okay playing Tommy ross will be Archie " she handed him the script that he needed. " Sue snell will be played by Betty" she handed her a script. "Of course Carrie white will be played by the one and only Cheryl ". She gave everyone there parts and scripts. Kevin stood next to her.
"Get to learning your lines everyone , see you at rehersals next week" everybody left the stage including Kevin and Ivy . They walked into the hallway to go to the cafeteria for lunch when Veronica pulled her aside.
" you need to meet my friend Ivy , this is Nick st clair" she could tell he was a friend from home he looked extremly posh and the name kind of gave that away anyways.
"Nice to meet you" he pauses as he was unsure of her name.
"Ivy , Ivy Jones" he shook her hand and grinned.
She walked into the cafeteria and went up to Reggie and Archie.
"Have you met Nick yet ?" She asked Archie
"Yeah she introduced me earlier " he said sounding annoyed.
"Take it your not a fan"
"No , not at all" she turnt to the other bulldog .
"What you doing later?"
"Not sure yet why?"
"Feel like going for a drive?" she asked him , he nodded with a wide grin. After that she sat with the serpents. Jug was actually at the table for once due to the little bust up he had with Betty. She sat down inbetween Sweetpea and Fangs .
"What did they want" Sweetpea asked nodding his head over to Reggie and Archie .
" i wanted to speak to them "
"About what?" Sweetpea questioned
"Nothing" she said slightly irratated before leaving the table and walking out of the cafeteria where she met with Nick st clair once again but this time he was by himself.
"Ivy" he said making her look at him.
"What are you doing tonight "
"None of your buisness" she said she had already taken a dislike to him.
"Oh thats a shame you could have came to my little get together at the five seasons" he said getting closer to her so they were almost touching.
"You look like you know how to have a good time " he whispered she pushed passed him and carried on walking. She sat in the empty blue and gold. The door opened she turnt her head to see Sweetpea. She was sat on the table her legs swinging back and forth. He walked over to her and stood inbetween her legs putting his hands on her hips. She gently pulls him by the dogtags that hung from his neck , there lips meet together in a long passionate kiss , Ivy pulled away her hand still tangled in his jet black hair.
"Have you got to do a run tonight ?"
"Yeah with Fp and Fangs"
"Be safe please, dont do any stupid shit " he nodded.
"What are you doing tonight anyways?" He casually asked
"Going out for a drive with Reggie" he rolled eyes
"Dont roll your eyes hes my friend"
"Friend , right " she glared at him
"Well if anything happens ring me at least then i have an excuse to kick his ass" the bell rung . She slid off the table . The two walked to their last class which was Art. He sat next to her . She sat listening to what the teacher was saying , Sweetpea wasnt all he could think about was the girl sat next to him. She felt Sweetpeas hand sit on her knee. Slowly his hand got higher his thumb rubbing circles as he did , she tried to move his hand.
"Sweetpea stop" she whispered
"Stop what"
"You know what" he just shook his head. His hand moved towards inbetween her legs , he began to rub slowly over her shorts . The friction made her bit her bottom lip. He got faster she grabbed his arm and moved if away . He looked at her with a smirk. Seeing her all flustered made his smirk grow.
"Miss Jones is everything okay?" Her art teacher asked , she nodded before punching sweet peas arm once the teachers head was turned. After school she got herself ready to meet Reggie , the trailer was completely empty. She locked it up and hopped into her car and drove to the northside. She saw his car parked down the long road . She drove beside him.
"Hola " he said while getting out his car. Pulling her into a quick hug.
" someone is joining us for our little drive" he said , she was about to ask but her question had been answered as she saw Nick step out of the car.
"What about your little get together " she said staring at the boy who leant against his car door.
"Changed it , just so i could third wheel with you and your boyfriend"
"He isnt my boyfriend"
"Well even better then" he grinned. She walked towards him.
"Just prepare to lose "she said before swinging her car door open and getting in. What they actually meant by drive was race . There cars lined up , all of them revved their engines . There was no way she was letting Nick win. The three cars sped off down the road , all of their engines rumbling loudly. Nick was slightly infront of Ivy and Reggie was slightly behind her. Ivys foot pushed down further on the accelerator as she gripped the steering wheel her knuckles turning slightly white . They was nearing the bridge there was only room for one car on the bridge and this person would be the winner and she would be sure it wouldnt be Nick. All three cars were in extremely close proximity to each other . Ivy quickly spun her steering wheel to turn her to the side slamming her foot down on the break making the boys have to also slam on their brakes. Her car blocked the entrance to the bridge she quickly straightend up her car then drove over the bridge . She got out of the car and watched as the two boys joined her.
"Well played Ivy Jones well played" Nick smirked. She was about to respond most likely with some form of insult however she heard voices in the distance that she recognised. It took a while for them to be visible because of how dark it was outside , but she soon recognised ths leather jackets. It was a group of younger serpents . She knew one of them was Sweetpea beacause of his skyscraper height compared to the others. As they got closer the headlights from the car showed the group of the young serpents but Sweetpea , Jug and Toni had blood on them.
"what the fuck Jug? What did you do ?" He just stared at her not saying a word.
"and you " she pointed to Sweetpea "this really looks like a run with Fp and Fangs" she said rather annoyed that he lied to her.
"Fucking hell Ivy just cut it out , why dont you just carry on with your bulldog boyfriend and let me know when your finishesd" he spat
"Alright i will,come on Reg"
"Hold on before you go anyway what the hell is going on here?" He said pointing to me and Sweetpea.
"Took you that long to figure it out , great job jug" she rolled her eyes before getting in the car and driving away Reggies car following behind her , Nick had stopped following as he had to go to the five seasons . The two pulled up at Sweet water river.

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