Part Fifty five

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Jughead sat me down on his bed , his arm wrapped over me . Tears rolled down my cheeks as Jug continued to hold me in his arms.
"Shhh " he rocked me slightly in attempt to calm me down slightly . He left a kiss on my head . My mascara had made dark circles round my eyes .
"Come on go get cleaned up " he said to me as i wandered into the bathroom , washing the makeup that had run down my face. I went to my bedroom and sunk into my bed , my eyes were shut until i heard the door to my bedroom creak open . Jug was standing there no iconic beanie.
"Cmon move over " he said . I shimmeded over slightly and pulled back the covers so he could get in the other side.

The sun crept through the gap in the curtains. It was monday morning . I hadnt spoke to anyone besides JugHead all weekend i had turnt my phone off . I wanted my dad to come home so badly . I got myself ready for the day not bothering with makeup .
"Ill drive " i hear Jughead shout . I come out of my bedroom and throw my keys at him which he didnt even manage to catch. Me and Jughead pulled out of the trailer park . Before we got to the school car park Jug turnt to me.
"Are you sure You wanna go in"
"Yeah i need to go in for attendance " we parked up . I saw the serpents bikes parked out of the front. I took a deep breath before entering the high school . As soon as i stepped through the door my arm had been linked by Cheryl Blossom .
"Looking forward to cheer practice . Me and tt sorted out this routine" .
"Cant wait " we walked to the common room . I saw Sweetpea sat down on one of the chairs shuffling cards opposite Fangs . Toni was stood over them , Cheryl unlinked my arm and went towards Toni . I saw Kevin and sat next to him.
"Mornin Kev "
"Morning Ivy Jones "
"Suprised your still not hungover from that night"
"Think im only just getting over it " he joked. Betty walked towards me and began speaking to me about something to do with the cheer practice . I felt Sweetpeas eyes keep drifting in my direction , it was causing a knot to build in my stomach . It was getting tighter and tighter by the second. My face grew pale.
"Ivy are you okay?" I quickly got up from the chair next to Kevin and ran out of the common room and into the girls bathroom . I fell onto the floor in the stall . Throwing up into the toilet . The bathroom door opened , Betty was sooned crouched down next to me rubbing circles on my bag . I threw up some more as my hair was being held back . The door opened once more and Toni and Cheryl came in as they were both concerned.
"Ivy" Toni said worried.
"Im fine " i say rubbing my mouth.
"Here have some water " Betty said handing me a bottle . I wiped the sweat droplets off my head.
"Did you eat something funny ?" She asked me .
"Probably " i say taking a mouthful of water.
"Im going to get the School nurse TT" Cheryl said running out the bathroom.
"I dont need the nurse " i say before throwing up again violently . Betty didnt leave my side until the nurse told her to go to her class. Betty was in Sweetpeas class , she saw the worry in his face.
"Honey " the nurse said getting me up . " come on lets take you to the nurses room" she said keeping me stable by holding my arms passing all the classes down the hall . I sat in the nurses office with a bowl infront of me .
"Was you feeling sick before you got to School today?"
"No i felt fine " i answered.
"Have you eaten anything you wouldnt normally ?"
"No i havent really eaten much. I think im just exhausted "
"Okay Sweetie have some more water and sit back for a minute" . I wiped more Sweat from my forehead as it dripped down my face.
"Your father is not answering his phone "
"Hes out of town , he should be home soon "
"Honey you can sit in here for a while . See if you can manage some food and we will go from there okay" i nodded giving her a smile. The nurse was probably one of the nicest members of staff at Riverdale High. The door to the nurses office opened and my art teacher came in .
"Miss Jones " i waved at him .
"Bit of a rough day ? " he asks me .
"Just a little " i reply .
"Ive got to pop into a class ill be back in a sec honey " the nurse said leaving.
"Ivy you havent turnt up all last week , are you alright ?"
"Yeah im fine. Just had a bit of a rough week "
"I did try contacting your father to see where you was but he didnt answer"
"Hes been out of town "
"You taking care of yourself while hes been gone because you really dont look well"
"Im just " i stuttered.
"Its okay Ivy you can speak to me"
"Im just so exhausted with everything " i admit putting my head in my hands.
"Everything " he questions
"It doesnt matter . Everything will get sorted "
"Ivy if you ever need anything dont even hesitate to come to my class to find me "
"Thanks " i say as the nurse walked back in with some food from the cafeteria in her hand.
"Do you reckon youll be able to give this a try ? Im not too sure what you wanted so i got a bit of everything " she handed me a sandwich which i managed to take a few bites of along with some more water. I put down the sandwich .
"Dont overdo it but youve got a bit more colour to your cheeks now , you feeling a bit better ? "
"Yeah ill get to my English class "
"Okay honey if you need anything or feel bad again come straight here" i smiled at her before leaving the office and going into my english class. My seat which was next to Reggie was empty. As i entered i felt Sweetpea and Fangs eyes on me .
" Sorry im late i was in the nurses office"
"Thats fine Miss Jones take your seat " i sat down next to Reggie.
"Hey you okay ? You ran faster than i do on the field out of the common room"
"Yeah dont worry Reg just felt a bit sick"
"Well we havent done much work , well more like i just havent done it "
"Good Job Reg " .

Lunch came round quite quickly. I sat down at one of the outside tables putting my ear phones in as i sketched into my art book trying to catch up with the previous classes i had missed. I felt an earphone get pulled out of my ear i turn to see Fangs smiling at me . Taking food from my tray.
"Take it im not hungry "
" when is a member of the Jones family not hungry" he joked making me smile.
"Im really sorry Fogarty but i really need to get these Sketches done "
"Okay ill catch you later " he saluted before leaving the table. The grey sketchy lines began to spread across the page as i focused entirely on that. I was so focused that i didnt even realise someone sit down next to me . Until i felt and saw them reach out for my hand. I turnt to see Sweetpea straight away i rolled my eyes and took my earphons out.
"What do you want ?" I say dryly not looking up from my book.
"I was just making sure you was okay about earlier . Plus i wanted to talk to you"
"Im fine not like you care anyways , im good " i say putting my earphones back in. Sweetpea looked at me his jaw clenching before he got up and walked over to the serpents who were by the other table. I felt someone sit down next to me again . I pulled my earphones out .
"What !" I say before turning and seeing a shocked Betty.
"Oh sorry Betty didnt know it was you "
"Its fine just checking in to see how you were ?"
"Im feeling better thanks "
"Okay good cause tonight were having a girly sleepover at Cheryls and she wants you to come . She was about to ask you but she had to quickly go to the gym and sort out something to do with the vixens"
"Im not too sure "
"No buts Ivy " i hear Cheryl say.
"Looks like i dont have much choice" i say giving them a weak smile.

A bad boy with good intentions - Sweetpea fanficWhere stories live. Discover now