Part Fifty Seven

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As i sat on the steps to the wyrm i went to light my cigarette. The door to the wyrm opened and Pea sat down on the step next to me. I looked at him then carried on smoking.
"Come on talk to me "
Sweetpea furrowed his eyebrows at me before grabbing my cigarette from inbetween my fingers and stubbed it out.
"What the fuck "
"Finally your talking "
"Whats there to say Sweetpea . Please do tell me "
"Why do you have to be so difficult?" He asked rolling his eyes.
"Why do you have to be sucha dick ?"
"Look like i said to you we wasnt together but i know i shouldnt of done it "
"If you know you shouldnt have done it . Why do it ?" I ask .
"I didnt think it would hurt you as much as it did"
"You didnt think it would hurt me pea . Of course it would hurt me , i love you pea so of course it would fucking hurt me " Sweetpea just ran his hand through his hair .
"Midge Klump?" I asked.
"What?" He asked
"Rumour is she is hooking up with a southsider "
"So what . Its not me "
"Do you know who it is then ?" Sweetpea looked down to the floor.
"You know dont you " Sweetpea didnt say anything .
"You have to tell me "
"You have to forgive me "
"Guess ill find out another way then"  Sweetpea just smirked at me . That bloody smirk .
"Fine i forgive you but you have to work for it"
"I will i will " he said before getting up .
"Hold on a minute youve got to tell me who it is " Sweetpea just laughed.
"I can still walk away from you right now you know that "
"Fine its fogarty"
"What ! No way " i shouted .
"Alright be quiet will ya " he said.
"Sorry just didnt expect that "
"Wanna hand getting up " he said lowering his hand for me . Which i took and got up . He placed a strand of hair behind my ear .
"I really am sorry Jones " i couldnt even respond before i had to turn away from him as i bent over slightly breathing in and out .
"Ivy are you alright ?" Sweetpea asked not getting closer as he knew i wouldnt want him to. I took another breath in before straightning up .
"Yeah im fine " i nodded .
"Do you need dropping home ?" He asked.
"No ill see you later " i say quickly walking to my car. Sweetpea hesitated before going back into the bar. I drove through the southside towards the northside and went into pops.
"Hello Miss Jones , what do you fancy this evening ?"
"Can i have some fries please ?"
"Coming right up " he smiled at me. Soon enough he had came back with my fries.
"Thank you pops"
I began to slowly eat my fries as i flicked through a book i had been reading.
"Eating Alone ?" I turnt round to see Reggie .
"You here alone ?" I ask him .
" not anymore " he said sitting down opposite me .
"Why was you alone in the first place"
"Fine ill tell you , Josie Mccoy cancelled on me "
"Bit hurt that someone turned you down"
"Hey ive got my rep to protect anyways on to the next"
"Or pherhaps stick with her " i say offering him some fries which he glady accepted.
"hmm we will see " he said smirking. Making me do my standard eye roll.
"Still running for school president ?"
"No i dropped it . Theres no way i was going to be a good school president . So Archies got all the bulldogs votes now"
"Swear them bulldogs literally cherish the ground you walk on"
"Doesnt everyone "
"Wow i didnt think your head could get any bigger but guess i was wrong " making both of us laugh. Me and Reggie chatted for a few hours , it was soon dark outside . Both of us walked side by side outside.
"Well in a weird way im kind of glad Josie cancelled"
" see even you are cherising me right now " he said smirking
"Shut your mouth mantle " i say straight faced making him laugh.
"See you in school " he said giving me a hug before walking away from the diner.

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