i shook my head. "lo tengo todo bajo control, te aseguro augusto que estarán muertos para el final del día."
( i got it all under control, i can assure you augusto they will be dead by the end of the day. )

"hacer orgullosa a la mafia"
( make the mafia proud )

i hang up the phone and slip it back in my pocket.

"you really gonna kill hunters sister?" rowan walked in the room.

i look at her and nod. "it has to be done. whether he likes it or not."

"i know." she walks closer to me. she cups my cheeks and kisses me softly. "i'll help you." she mumbled before pulling away. "i want her dead too. mauricio as well."

i shook my head. "no rowan this could be dangerous an-"

"so?" she backed away a bit. "i can handle it."

i looked into her eyes. i didn't want her to get involved, but i couldn't stop her. we had to be real careful about this because if we don't then i might end up losing her for good, i can't have that.

i hesitated before nodding. "fine, but we're gonna need a plan."

after about fifteen minutes of discussing our plan we finally came up with a smart one. luckily, hunter had finally given in and decided to help us, including delia and mark which was odd but i understand.

we were gonna go have delia meet reina at her loft. she's gonna tell her she wants to surrender to the rest of the mafia's. she was only be there for a bit just to distract her. i was gonna sneak in her house and get it over with while hunter went with delia to see her.

mark was gonna go meet mauricio at his warehouse and have a shoot down with him. he understands how careful he has to be because mauricio can be very hard to kill.

we also decided to bring domingo into this, rowan wanted to kill him for all the stuff he's done to her which i think is kinda badass. we're hiring a hit man for him since i didn't want her doing it herself.

after about sundown that's when we left. roman and leo stayed back with the kids since they didn't wanna be involved. we all got in the same car and drove mark to mauricio and rowan to domingo.

after that hunter, delia and i headed out to reina's loft. after about twenty minutes we got there. rowan stayed in the car, she didn't wanna see it all go down.

"alright. i'll sneak in through the back while you and delia go meet reina inside." hunter and delia nod. i walk to the back of reina's loft. i try looking for the back door which i finally found.

i furrowed my brows when i noticed it was opened a bit. i walked closer to the door and opened it further. the door creeked loudly, the door bell rang too.

i take my gun out just in case and walk inside the house slowly. first i make my way over to the front door and open it for delia and hunter.

they looked at me confused, but i just shrugged. we all took a look around. hunter went to go check upstairs for reina whole delia and i searched downstairs.

"i don't get it, did you even text her?" i asked delia.

delia nodded. "she told me to meet her around this time."

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