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Griselda's POV

Walking back to camp, I have never felt as safe as I do right now in this game.

I hung my immunity necklace up and looked at it and couldn't help but smile to myself. The oldest woman out here just beat the rest of them in an endurance immunity challenge.

I guess all those squats payed off in the end.

I thought about trying to throw it to Duke, but I decided to fight for myself. If he's immune, they might've gone for me instead. In the end I decided to protect myself instead of Duke.

I've been starting to think if Ellison and I sticking with Duke is what's best for our game. I turned on Alejandro, and I'll turn on Duke too. If being associated with him hurts my game as well as Ellison's, it might just be time to cut him.

"If Duke doesn't turn things around tonight, we should vote him out." Ellison said to me.

"I agree, if he can somehow get the votes to stay, I'll keep him. If not, we don't want to get dragged down with him." I responded.

Karen's POV

"I know I'm a target after last night, but I think there's a larger target aside from me." Duke said to me as we walked down towards the ocean.

"Who?" I asked him.

"After this vote it'll be the final ten, and there are five strategic tribe members still left in this game." Duke said to me.

"Holy shit, you're right. We need to get the six non-Strategic's together and vote one of them out." I told Duke.

"Who were you thinking?" He asked me.

"Everyone would be down to get rid of Ralph. He's the only unlikeable one, and he's been obnoxious around camp life." I told Duke.

"That's true, everyone else has some connection to the others." I added.

"I can talk to Amelia and Brenden. I already have Griselda and Ellison. That's the six we need." Duke told me.

"Yeah, go talk to them." I told him as he walked over to the shelter as June came over.

"Is the vote still Duke again? He can't have found the idol again already." She asked me.

"Yeah, he's dangerous. He has to go, he was already a good player in season two and now that he's back he's more determined to make it far." I said to her.

"He always has his ride or die and it's obvious. Before it was Ty, and now it's Ellison and Griselda." June told me.

"You're right. They're a trio." I said to her.

"Alright, I'm gonna go cook the fish that Chastity caught." June said as she got up and brushed the sand off of her.

Shit, now that I think about it, Duke is still a huge target, even more so now that he had a correct idol play. Maybe getting rid of him is the right choice.


"Kalabaw, welcome back to tribal council. Take your seats, let's get started." Jeff said as we all sat down.

"Please welcome the members of our jury, Earl voted out at the last tribal council." Jeff said as Earl sat down and smiled at me.

I smiled back.

"Chastity, we're entering into the stages of the game that somewhat dictate the rest of the game. Does that scare you in any way?" Jeff asked her.

"Absolutely. If I wind up on the wrong side of the vote, I could easily get picked off once groups start to settle. Right now, everyone's still trying to find their place where they belong. Once the dust settles, where I end up will either be the final tribal council, or the jury, and I hope it's the first one." Chastity answered.

"Alyssa, this is right around the time you were voted out last season, how does that make you feel?" Jeff asked her.

"It scares me, Jeff. Like Chastity was saying, I was a result of the dust settling, after I was voted out was when everything fell into place before Elaine won, and I just hope that doesn't happen again." Alyssa responded.

"Ralph, there's clearly a numbers advantage for the strategic tribe members that could take over within two votes. Does it scare you that the others might come together while they still can in order to get the upper hand?" Jeff asked him.

"No, not at all. I think the tribal lines have been blurred beyond repair, and that the strategic tribe is not completely together." Ralph responded.

"Alright, it's time to vote. Karen, you're up first." Jeff said as I stood up and walked over towards the urn.

I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote Ralph's name down on it.

"You stupid stupid man." I said with a laugh before placing it into the urn.

June's POV

I wrote down Duke's name and held the slip up to the camera.

"I don't see why people consider you a threat, I think you're a let down of a player, but I've just gotta go along with what the strategic's want." I said before placing my vote into the urn.

I returned to my seat as Jeff left to go count the votes.

"If anyone has a hidden immunity idol and you'd like to play it, now would be the time to do so." Jeff said as everybody stayed seated.

"Alright, I'll read the votes." Jeff said as he opened the urn.

"First vote, Duke. That's one vote Duke."

"Second vote, Ralph. That's one vote Duke, one vote Ralph."

"Third vote, Duke. That's two votes Duke, one vote Ralph."

"Fourth vote, Ralph. That's two votes Duke, two votes Ralph."

"Fifth vote, Duke. That's three votes Duke, two votes Ralph."

"Sixth vote, Ralph. That's three votes Duke, three votes Ralph."

"Seventh vote, Duke. That's four votes Duke, three votes Ralph."

"Eighth vote, Ralph. That's four votes Duke, four votes Ralph."

"Ninth vote, Duke. That's five votes Duke, four votes Ralph."

"Tenth vote, Ralph. That's five votes Duke, five votes Ralph, one vote left."

"Ninth person voted out of Survivor: Strength vs Social vs Strategic and the second member of our jury, Ralph. That's six, that's enough. Please bring me your torch." Jeff said as Ralph laughed to himself as he stood up.

"Good luck getting things done around camp now that I'm gone." He said as he placed his torch in front of Jeff.

"I think we'll manage." Chastity said as he rolled his eyes at her.

"Ralph, your tribe has spoken." Jeff said as he snuffed Ralph's torch before Ralph walked off muttering to himself angrily.

I'm shocked, I genuinely thought Duke was the one leaving. My closest ally in this game was just taken out, and there's a good chance I could be next.

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