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Ian's POV

Eve and I were watching the sunrise on the beach together. In a couple of hours, we'd be heading out to the immunity challenge.

"What's it like? In LA being a model?" I asked Eve.

"Sometimes, it sucks. I hate having to use my body to earn a living. A lot of fashion designers don't treat models well. All people do is look at my body, and at nineteen years old it's just not something I enjoy. That's why I'm playing this game, if I win I'll have enough money to support myself while I can look for a new job." Eve said to me.

"Well, I think you're beautiful on the inside too." I said as I slowly leaned in and kissed her.

Finally, she let me kiss her. Finally.


"Come on in guys!" Jeff called out to us as we were walking to today's immunity challenge.

"First things first, Jenny, I've gotta take back that necklace." Jeff said as Jenny walked over to him and Jeff removed the immunity necklace from her.

"For today's immunity challenge, you'll be standing on slanted platforms that are five feet off of the ground. They are very narrow, which will mean you'll have to balance on them in order to stay in the game. However, you'll also be holding a pole with a rounded flat top on it, and you'll have to keep a ball on top of it. If at any point you drop or the ball drops, you are out of this challenge." Jeff explained to us as we all took our spots. I was on a light blue colored one, while Tonya was on a red one to my left.

"Survivors ready? Go!" Jeff said as I put my concentration on keeping the ball up on the short pole.

Almost instantly, Eve dropped followed by Elaine.

"This challenge proving challenging for some right out of the gate as both Eve and Elaine drop only moments into the challenge!" Jeff said to the seven of us remaining on our narrow platforms.

Around ten minutes later, Rudy's ball slowly rolled off of his flat, round topped pole when he stopped paying attention, and the same thing happened to Tonya and Jenny.

"That's how quick it can happen. Tonya wasn't moving at all, but she lost concentration for one second and she dropped her ball.

"We are now down to four, Bryan, Ian, Stuart, and Joan." Jeff said as Joan dropped her ball, and Stuart fell off of his platform.

"And now we're down to two!" Jeff said.

Around half an hour later, Bryan's ball slowly rolled off the side of his round flat topped pole.

"Ian wins individual immunity and is safe tonight at tribal council!" Jeff said as I dropped my pole, hopped down from the narrow platform, and walked over to Jeff.

He put the immunity necklace on me.

"Head back to camp, I'll see you tonight at tribal council where one of you will be the twelfth person voted out and the fifth member of our jury. It won't be Ian." Jeff said as we all began our long walk back to camp.


Back at camp, Eve, Jenny, Joan, Stuart, Rudy, and myself all walked off to talk about who were going to vote out tonight.

"Which of the three of them should go?" Jenny asked us.

"I feel like Elaine should go. She's the rat and she should have to face the consequences." I put out as Rudy nodded his head.

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