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Andrew's POV

Coming back from tribal, I was furious. Everyone else voted out Oscar besides Monty, Sam, Oscar, and I. Sam Monty and I are most likely on the bottom of the tribe now, making the next tribal immunity challenge crucial for us to win.

But you can bet I'll get revenge on the six of them. All of them.


"Come on in Men!" Jeff yelled as the nine of us walked around the corner and out into the open.

"Women getting their first look at the new Men tribe, Oscar voted out at the last tribal council." Jeff said as we all took our places on the blue mat.

"Before we get to today's individual immunity challenge, there's one thing..." Jeff said as he turned around and grabbed a tray of buffs.

"Survivors, drop your buffs. We are switching tribes." Jeff said with a smile on his face.

There was a collective gasp and cheer that came from all of us, and I smiled and clapped before looking over to Sam and Monty. This couldn't have come at a better time for me.

"See you at the merge boys." Monty whispered to Sam and I as we laughed in response.

"Ladies first." Jeff said as he walked the tray over to the Women.

Eventually, everybody had a buff.

"One, two, three, reveal!" Jeff exclaimed as I opened up the wrapping to see a yellow buff.

"Huh?" I asked holding it up and looking around.

Sam had yellow too, which meant the two of us were sticking together. Mason had yellow also.

All the other guys had orange. Thank god, I'm being separated from everyone.

"Alright, Orange you are Tagi and Yellow you are Pagong. Please turn over the blue and pink mats and go to the tribe that you're now on." Jeff said as everyone filtered into their new tribes.

All except Carla.

"Carla, you have a gray buff. That means you'll be headed to Exile." Jeff said as my mouth dropped open and almost everyone gasped.

"What exactly does that mean?" Carla asked Jeff nervously.

"You'll be at exile for three days, you'll join the tribe that loses the challenge, and a teammate. You won't be able to form new connections with anyone up until the first tribal as a new tribe has already occurred." Jeff said as Carla cursed under her breath.

"We'll miss you!" Isabelle yelled from right next to me.

Carla turned around and walked out towards the boat that was waiting for her.

"Alright, on Pagong we have three men, Andrew, Mason, and Sam, along with five women, Patty, Hannah, Krystal, Kayla, and Isabelle." Jeff said before turning to Tagi.

"On Tagi we have two women, Daniela and Trinity, joined by six men, Xander, Luke, Eddie, Garrett, Monty, and Jeremy." Jeff said, an obvious imbalance on each tribe.

"Alright, let's get into today's tribal immunity challenge. Since we've just swapped tribes, communication and trust will be put to the test. For today's tribal immunity challenge you'll have to carry three large trunks across a high step. Once you have all three trunks across, one tribe member will have to go back and untie all three keys. Once the trunks are open, you'll all begin on a slide puzzle. The first tribe to complete the puzzle will win immunity!" Jeff announced as we all clapped.

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