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Sam's POV

Andrew, Kayla, Hannah, Mason, and I were all in a secure place. The five of us are solid, if we lose today's challenge, it will be either Patty or Isabelle going home.

Mason was starting to get on my nerves though, and I know Andrew feels the same way.

He's just a follower, and has been since day one. He wanted so hard to be included in the four person alliance that was me, Andrew, Oscar, and Monty, but he wasn't.

Ever since the tribe swap, he's been all over Andrew and I, and we're getting sick of it.

Oh well, he's a number for us, so he can stay around for now.


"Come on in guys!" Jeff yelled to the Tagi tribe.

As they walked around the corner, I noticed Daniela wasn't there.

"Pagong getting their first look at the new Tagi tribe, Daniela voted out at the last tribal council." Jeff said as Isabelle and Patty looked sad.

"For this challenge, there will be one tribe member standing above the obstacles directing three tribe members who are blindfolded through the obstacles to retrieve one bag each. After all three bags are retrieved, the remaining three tribe members will all use the blocks inside of each bag to set up a line of dominos to the gong at the end, with the goal being for the final domino to fall onto the gong." Jeff explained to us.

"Take your positions." Jeff said as we all took our spots after figuring out who's doing what.

Patty's going to be giving directions, Mason, Hannah, and I will be retrieving the bags, and Kayla, Andrew, and Isabelle will be working on the dominos.

For Tagi, Garrett is giving directions, Carla, Jeremy, and Monty will be retrieving the bags, and Luke, Eddie, and Trinity will be working on the dominos.

"Survivors read? Go!" Jeff yelled as I heard both Garret and Patty's voices blending into one.

I focused more on Patty and was able to hear her telling Hannah to walk slightly to the left.

I heard Hannah call out in pain.

"No not that left! Sorry!" Patty apologized.

"Okay, Mason, just go straight. Your bag is directly in front of you, you'll just have to go over a small beam, so be careful of what's in front of you." Patty said to Mason.

"Sam, take ten steps forward." Patty directed me.

"I got it!" I heard Mason call out.

"Good Mason, now turn around and come back. Hannah, turn a little to your right and keep going. Sam, in front of you is a large block. Do you feel it?" Patty asked me.

I placed my hands out in front of me and felt a smooth surface.

"Yeah!" I called out to her.

"Run your hand along the wall to the right, you should feel a small square cutout, inside of it is your bag." Patty told me as Jeff announced that Mason was back at the mat with his bag.

"I got it!" I called out as I turned around and walked back to the mat.

"Sam returns to the mat with his bag!" Jeff announced.

"Hannah stop! You're about to walk into the block that Sam was just at." Patty yelled.

"Go left, for about five steps, then turn to your right and go forward. It should be hanging above your head." Patty said to Hannah.

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