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Hudson's POV

Duke winning today's immunity challenge completely ruins everyone's plans. Now that the number one target is safe, I'm even more concerned that they'll want to knock out another strategic since Duke is off the table.

Once we got back to camp, everyone went their separate ways to get things done, and I dropped my back next to the shelter before quickly sneaking off into the woods.

Last night was the first time that I wasn't in the majority for the vote, and I hate the feeling of it.

Ever since it was revealed that Ralph was voted out, I've been extremely paranoid.

I reached my arm into a hole in a tree, my fingers locking around something. My heartbeat increased as I pulled my hand out to reveal a rock. I sighed and tossed it to the ground.

It hit a coconut, and I looked down to see the Kalabaw merge tribe symbol stamped onto the side of the coconut.

"No way." I said to myself as I grabbed the coconut and ran into the woods.

I found a large rock and broke the coconut open, and the hidden immunity idol fell out of the hollow shell.

My face lit up as I quickly stuffed the idol into the back of my pants and turned around to head back to camp as I saw Karen standing there, watching me with wide eyes.

"Um, I was just looking for, um,-"

"The idol?" I asked her as she nodded.

"I have to go to the bathroom." I said as I quickly moved past her.

"Fuck, fuck fuck fuck!" I said as I ran through the woods.

Chastity's POV

"What? What's so important?" I asked as Hudson dragged Alyssa and I into the woods.

"Karen has to go." I said to them.

"What? Why?" Alyssa asked, confused.

"I found the hidden immunity idol, and Karen saw me grab it." Hudson explained.

"Fucking idiot!" I exclaimed, frustrated.

"How could you let that happen?" Alyssa asked, annoyed.

"I didn't know she was behind me! Okay, but I have an idea. We pull in Amelia and Brenden and form an alliance of five, and June has nobody, she can be a number for the vote. Karen and Ellison have this little safety deal going on, so the four of them will probably vote together." Hudson explained.

"Okay, but what if Karen, Ellison, Griselda, or Duke have an idol?" I asked him.

"Even if they have an idol, if we're careful about it, they shouldn't have any suspicions. At tribal, we have to act like June is the easy vote." Alyssa explained.

"Okay, I'll talk to June, Chastity you talk to Amelia and Brenden, and Alyssa you talk to Karen and the others to have them vote June. Worst comes to worst, they play an idol on Karen and we lose June, which isn't that big of a deal." I said, making a game plan.

If I make it out of here with my idol and all six of us, I'll be surprised.

I pulled June aside, to inform her of the plan.

"If you guys have to act like you're gonna vote me, I understand. Just as long as you don't actually do it." June told me.

"Alright, and we won't. Don't worry." I told her as I saw Alyssa waving to me from the tree line.

I wrapped my conversation with June up before running over towards Alyssa.

Alyssa's POV

Karen, Duke, Griselda, and Ellison were talking in the shelter when I walked over.

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