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Eddie's POV

"I'm glad that I met you out here." Jeremy said to me as the two of us sat down on the beach together.

"I am too, I'm glad our paths crossed, and I'm glad that we have this opportunity to get to know each other." I said as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I can't wait for you to meet my Mom, she's the most important person in my life." Jeremy told me.

"What about your Dad? Or siblings?" I asked him.

"I've never met my Dad, it's always just been me and my Mom. She's asked if I wanted to meet him, or know his name, but if he didn't want to meet me when I was born, I don't want to meet him." Jeremy told me as he leaned his head on mine.

"Oh. I'm sorry." I said to Jeremy.

"It's fine, what about you? What's your family like?" Jeremy asked me.

"My parents are divorced, and me and my two older brothers grew up primarily living with our Dad but we'd see our Mom on the weekends." I told him.

"How old were you when they divorced?" He asked me.

"Six." I told him.

"That sucks, I'm really sorry." Jeremy said to me.

"It's okay, I just wanna make it to the end, for my whole family." I told him.

"Same." He said before the two of us sat in silence, holding each other.

Isabelle's POV

After last nights tribal council, I need to talk to Luke to make sure he knows I'm still good. I don't feel betrayed, it was a matter of circumstance.

Monty, Kayla, Luke, Trinity, and I were all in the shelter. I made eye contact with Luke and mouthed to him asking if we could talk.

He nodded his head and said that he was gonna go get some water and asked if I wanted to come.

"Sure." I said as I grabbed my canteen. The two of us walked off into the woods.

"What's up?" He asked me.

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm still down to work together if you are. I understand why you voted Carla out last night, and I wanted to tell you that I'm willing to go to the very end with you." I said to Luke.

I considered proposing the possibility of splitting up Eddie and Jeremy, but I'm not sure if I want to do that or not, especially since it's four against four. We need them more than ever right now.


"Welcome to today's individual immunity challenge!" Jeff said as we all stood on a wooden platform floating on the water.

"For today's individual immunity challenge, you'll each be holding onto a rope, suspending yourselves at a forty five degree angle above the water. At regular checkpoints as time goes on, I'll ask you to move one knot further down on your rope. Last one holding on wins individual immunity and will be safe at tonight's tribal council." Jeff said to the eight of us.

We all grabbed the rope at the starting section on it and got ready to lean into our positions.

"Survivors ready? Go!" Jeff said as we all leaned back at a forty five degree angle.

I was only able to hold on for about thirty seconds before I fell into the water below.

This challenge makes you feel it in your arms, legs, torso, and arms, and it was awful.

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