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Monty's POV

After the tribe swap, I had a good feeling about the turnout of this tribe.

I'm still with Earl, and Duke and I have given each other looks during challenges and such. I went up to him and we formed an alliance that we hope to add Alyssa to in the merge.

Duke told me that he's in good with both Brenden and Amelia, and I told him about how I'm in good with Earl. As of right now, it seems like Duke and I are in a perfect position and that Ralph and Hudson would be the first to go.

Even though Duke and I are in a good position, we wanted more security because there's now two returning players on one tribe, we want the safety of having an idol.

"Where do you think it could be?" He asked me as he looked around the trunk of a rotting tree.

"I'm not sure, what about those group of rocks near the beach?" I said to him.

"It's so close to everyone though." Duke responded.

"We'll tell them that we're looking for crabs to cook." Duke whispered to me as we approached the camp.

"Hey." Amelia said as she looked up from scrubbing the rice pot clean.

"Hey. We're gonna go look for some crabs to cook up before the immunity challenge over at the rocks." Duke said.

"Okay, Cool." Hudson responded.

"Protein. Good idea." Ralph said from inside of the shelter with Earl.

Duke and I walked away.

"So which of the two would you wanna go after first?" He asked me.

"Ralph, for sure. He's overbearing and Hudson's better in challenges." I responded.

"Yeah, that's where my head is at too." Duke responded as he flipped over a rock and a crab ran out.

"Shit! Help me grab it!" Duke said to me.

"Why? We aren't actually here for crabs." I told him.

"We can't come back empty handed, or they'll be suspicious." Duke said to me.

"That's true." I said to Duke before pointing out a rock that the crab ran under.

Duke moved the rock only to unconver that the crab was clamping onto the hidden immunity idol.

Duke looked up at me and smiled.

"Two birds, one stone." He said as he grabbed both the crab and the immunity idol, being careful to stuff the idol into his pocket and hold onto the crab.

"Let's find one more and head back." I said to him with a smile.

Brenden's POV

"Come on in guys!" Jeff called to Ulang as me and the rest of Rupu waited on our mats to see who was eliminated.

"Rupu getting their first look at the new Ulang tribe, Alejandro voted out at the last tribal council." Jeff said.

Damn, I didn't think another social would go so quickly. Hopefully we aren't picked off one by one.

"For today's immunity challenge, you'll all have to pull a heavy cart of puzzle pieces across a track that goes up and down. After you drag your cart across it, two members of your tribe must put the puzzle together, winning immunity for your tribe. This is the same challenge last season that broke Roxanne's ankle, sending her home as our first and only med evac ever. So please, be careful." Jeff said to us.

"Who wants to do the puzzle?" I asked.

"I can, I'm good at puzzle's." Hudson said, volunteering.

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