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Alyssa's POV

There was only six of us left, and our tribe was falling apart.

The realization hit me that I'm in an amazing position on my tribe on the walk back from tribal council. Stuart is most likely the next one to go, and after that Ian Rudy and I will take out Charlie and Bryan, since Rudy and I are closer with Ian than Charlie and Bryan are.

When we got back from camp, I decided to go on a late night walk, and Rudy accompanied me.

"I'm just nervous, I don't know when the merge is coming, that could mess everything up for me. We'll be fine on this tribe, but in the merge with everyone? I'm just stressed." I said to Rudy as him and I walked along the beach.

He wrapped his arm around me and comforted me.

Majority of the people out here think Rudy is an asshole who doesn't have a nice bone in his body, but I think the opposite. I see the side of Rudy that no one else does, ever since day one it's been him and I together and I don't want that to end soon. Rudy is my best friend out here. Steven and Cliff are gone from our original alliance of six, meaning we're down to four. I'm just not sure if the old alliances are gonna rekindle at the merge.


"Come on in Naviti!" Jeff called to us as we walked out from the woods.

"Malolo getting your first look at the new Naviti tribe, Connie voted out at the last tribal council." Jeff said as Elaine's jaw dropped.

"Everybody, drop your buffs. We. Are. Merged." Jeff said as everyone cheered and tore off our orange and purple Malolo and Naviti buffs.

The first ever survivor merge, and I'm a part of it.

Jeff walked around and handed out black buffs. "You are now one tribe. Lavita." He said as he placed a buff in my hand.

"Lavita." I repeated with a smile.

I put the black buff over my dirtied, purple hair.

"You'll go back to the old Naviti beach after your very first individual immunity challenge." Jeff said as I turned to look at the different colored stands.

"For today's challenge, each stand has been specifically modified to match each of your specific heights. You'll stand in the stand with a wooden cylinder between your head and the top of the stand. If you move too much, your cylinder will fall. Once your cylinder falls, you are out. Last one standing wins individual immunity at tribal council and will be unable to be voted out." Jeff said, describing the challenge.

"Let's get everyone set up." Jeff said walking towards us.


"Survivors ready? Go!" Jeff exclaimed as I stood up with enough force to keep the cylinder in place against the roof of the stand.

After a couple of minutes I started to feel the burning in my calves, however I needed to stay in this to secure my safety tonight at tribal.

I heard something hit the sand and someone sigh.

"Stuart has dropped!" Jeff exclaimed as I saw Lillian drop out of the corner of my left eye.

"And Lillian drops right after Stuart!" Jeff announced to the rest of us.

Suddenly, the wind started picking up, and Bryan dropped, followed by Eve and Joan.

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