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Stuart's POV

Joan's blindside took a toll on Jenny and I back at camp. Her and I were extremely upset with Rudy, Eve, and Ian for flipping, however Jenny made a good point when she said that although we may not personally like the three of them, we need to get them back on our side. Bryan is too sneaky to align with, and Elaine is too dishonest.

I was trying to wrap my head around a possible game plan in order for myself and Jenny to make it to the end as we walked into the individual immunity challenge area.

I wonder how much would be different if Connie had stayed, and Ian had went. Ian and Eve would have never met, and Eve would most likely have stuck with us that first vote keeping Carlos in. Things could be so much better, or so much worse. You never know.

"Welcome to today's individual immunity challenge." Jeff said to us.

"First of all, I'd like to congratulate you all on making the final seven!" Jeff said as we all clapped.

"Secondly, Bryan, I'm gonna have to take the necklace back." Jeff said before removing the necklace from Bryan.

"For today's individual immunity challenge, you'll all be standing on a colored platform behind a heavy wooden beam. You will be holding a piece of rope which you will use to keep the beam from falling and breaking your colored vase. If at any point you release the rope, you will be eliminated from this competition." Jeff said as we all took our spots.

I was on the blue colored platform.

"Survivors ready? Go!" Jeff yelled as we all picked up the rope. Immediately the tug of the heavy wooden beam was too much for me, and my wooden beam dropped, destroying my blue vase.

"Just like that, Stuart is out of this competition!" Jeff announced as I walked over to the bench and sat down.

Soon after, Rudy lost his balance and his wooden beam crashed his yellow vase, and then Eve's destroyed her white vase.

"Just like that, Rudy and Eve are out of this competition as well." Jeff announced as the two of them joined me over on the losers bench.

Fifteen minutes passed before Bryan's arm gave out and his beam crushed his orange vase.

Jenny followed close behind when the pain became too much and her wooden beam destroyed her pink vase.

"Just like that, we are down to two. Elaine and Ian, both have won one individual immunity challenge before, both looking for their second win." Jeff said as Elaine was standing on the purple colored platform and Ian was on the red.

After nine minutes, Elaine's wooden beam fell from her grip and crushed her purple vase.

"Ian wins individual immunity!" Jeff exclaimed as Ian walked over towards Jeff and the immunity necklace.

"Well, tonight, someone will be the fourteenth person voted out and the seventh member of our jury. It won't be Ian. Grab your stuff, head back to camp." Jeff said as we all walked back to camp.


Rudy's POV

"Ok, so we're obviously the ones in the middle." I said to Ian and Eve as the three of us were laying down in the shelter.

"Yeah, I'm just having a hard time trying to figure out which one is the better move." Ian said as I agreed with him.

"I mean there's pros and cons to both." Eve said.

"Like what?" I asked her.

"Well, if we vote out either Jenny or Stuart, that's a duo broken up. If we keep them, we're final five, and then we pick the two of them off and we'll be final three." Eve said to Ian and I.

"But if we vote out Elaine or Bryan, that'll be a huge target gone from the game. Like Elaine is too untrustworthy and Bryan has so many friends on the jury he'd win in the end next to anyone. If we keep them, we break a duo apart." Eve finished saying.

"I think we should vote either Jenny or Stuart, specifically Jenny, because she's a huge immunity competition beast." Ian said as he put his arm around Eve.

"I think we need to vote out Bryan. He's too social and manipulative. He's too dangerous to have in this game." Eve said.

"Guess it all comes down to Rudy." Ian said with a laugh.

"So, who's it gonna be?" Eve asked me.


"Lavita, welcome back to tribal council. Take a seat, let's get started." Jeff said to the seven of us as we all took our seats on the tree trunks.

"Let's welcome back the members of our jury. Carlos, Lillian, Alyssa, Charlie, Tonya, and Joan, voted out at the last tribal." Jeff said as the six jurors took their seats.

"Ian, how does it feel to be tied for the most individual immunity wins of the season with Jenny for two?" Jeff asked Ian.

"It feels great, but also concerning. I know people already see Jenny as a threat for these wins, I just hope I'm not being perceived the same way." He responded.

"Eve, it's been no secret you and Ian are a new couple. Aren't you worried that it'll hurt your game?" Jeff asked her.

"I mean, not really. Yeah sure there's a chance that people view us as a duo, but I think at the end of the day people will view us as an asset rather than as a threat." She responded.

Everything Eve just said was wrong on so many levels. Her and Ian's romance is far from being harmless to them.

"Well, let's get to voting. Bryan, you're up first." Jeff said as Bryan walked over to the voting urn.

Bryan's POV

I wrote down Jenny's name on the slip of paper and held it up to the camera.

"Sorry boo, it's either me or you." I stated before dropping my slip of paper into the urn and walking away.

Stuart's POV

I wrote down Bryan's name on the paper.

"It's what you deserve for being too sneaky. You've been discovered." I said before dropping my voting slip into the urn and walking back to the tree trunks seats.

"I'll go tally the votes." Jeff said before walking to retrieve the urn.

He returned minutes later.

"If anyone has a hidden immunity idol and you'd like to play it, now would be the time to do so." Jeff said as everyone stayed seated.

"I'll read the votes." Jeff said before taking out the first one.

"First vote, Jenny."

"Second vote, Bryan. That's one vote Jenny, one vote Bryan."

"Third vote, Jenny. That's two votes Jenny, one vote Bryan."

"Fourth vote, Bryan. That's two votes Jenny, two votes Bryan."

"Fifth vote, Bryan. That's two votes Jenny, three votes Bryan."

"Fourteenth person voted out of Survivor: Fiji and the seventh member of our jury, Bryan. That's four, that's enough, please bring me your torch." Jeff said as Bryan got up with a sigh.

"Bryan, your tribe has spoken." Jeff said before snuffing Bryan's torch.

"At least I can say I went out fighting." He said before turning around and walking down the path.

"Well, congratulations on making the final six. Grab your stuff, head black to camp." Jeff said as the final six grabbed our things and we began our long night hike back to our beach.

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