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Andrew's POV

Last nights tribal council resulted in everyone besides Mason being blindsided, and although it was definitely an entertaining move that shook up the game, it probably ruined his chances of winning, exactly why I wanna take him to the final three with me.

"Hey guys, we got treemail." Trinity said, confused. Her and Monty has just came back from getting it.

"That's weird, we never get it this early. What does it say?" Eddie asked her.

"Head on out to today's immunity challenge, double trouble." Trinity read off, sounding confused.

"Does that mean two people are going home at tonight's tribal?" Isabelle asked.

"All the more reason to win immunity." Jeremy said to her.


"Welcome to today's immunity challenge. As you can see, today's challenge is a matter of balance. With one foot, you will control a beam, balancing two pots on top of each other on the other end. Move it too high or too low, and the pots will fall off, eliminating you from this challenge. As you can see, there are five blue, and five pink. That's because today, we are temporarily being divided into two tribes of five. From each tribe, one person will win immunity, and each tribe will go to tribal council tonight." Jeff said to us.

"What!?" Carla asked, shocked.

Everyone mumbled and shared looks of pure shock.

"Let's draw for spots." Jeff said to us.


We were all standing up on our beams, with one leg ready to control the beam.

"Alright, for blue we've got Andrew, Kayla, Mason, Monty, and Trinity. For pink we've got Isabelle, Luke, Jeremy, Eddie, and Carla. From my understanding, each tribe contains the two main alliances this season." Jeff said to us.

"Let's see who's on the bottom." Carla responded.

"Survivors ready? Go!" Jeff yelled as we all pushed down on the beam to get it into our control.

What made this challenge difficult was the fact that of the two pots balanced on top of each other, the bigger pot was placed on top of the smaller pot, making it even harder to balance.

I heard a smash to my right and looked over to see Trinity's larger pot in pieces below her.

"Already Trinity out of this challenge." Jeff announced as Trinity stepped down and walked over to the bench.

I heard another smash, followed by another.

"Both Mason and Eddie's pots fall, Mason went too high and Eddie went too low, yet both are out of this challenge." Jeff said as my leg twitched, sending my large pot tumbling to the ground.

"For the blue tribe it's now a showdown between Monty and Kayla, whereas on the pink tribe only Eddie has been knocked out." Jeff told us.

A few minutes later, Carla and Luke began losing their balance, and while Luke recovered Carla was unable to, and her pots both smashed on the ground below her.

Right after, Monty lost his balance completely, and his pots tumbled to the ground, breaking.

"Kayla wins individual immunity and will be safe at tonight's first tribal council!" Jeff announced as Kayla stepped down from her beam.

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