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Laurie's POV

After last nights tribal, Layla, Emily, and I were all laughing and getting along extremely well.

"Can we make a pact? Once the merge comes, we don't turn on each other. I like both of you, and we could have a lowkey alliance, we don't have to always vote together or anything, just kinda, have each other's backs." Layla suggested to us.

"I love that idea." I told her with a smile.

"Same here, Soko for the win." Emily said with a huge grin on her face.

"Let's head out to the tribal immunity challenge." I suggested as Layla, Emily, and myself started walking down the beach towards today's challenge.


"Soko, come on in!" Jeff exclaimed as the three of us walked into the others tribes' view.

"Levu and Yawa getting their first looks at the new Soko tribe, Erin voted out at the last tribal council." Jeff stated.

"No!" Anya yelled out, upset that her friend was voted off.

Layla was right, Anya was making it way too obvious that her and Erin were working together.

"Survivors, drop your buffs. We're merging!" Jeff exclaimed as we all began cheering and clapping.

I did it! I made the merge! Coming into this game, I didn't think I'd make it this far. I was overcome with happiness

"You will now all become part of the same tribe, Solewa. You'll all return to the Soko beach once this is over." Jeff informed us.

"Let's get right into it. For this challenge, you will all stand on extremely narrow balance beams while holding a long, heavy wooden pole. The pole will be supporting a small glass statue. If at any point your statue falls and breaks, or you step off of your balance beam, you will be eliminated from this challenge. Last one standing wins immunity and will not be voted out at tonight's tribal council." Jeff stated as the twelve of us stepped onto our color coded beams.

I was on pink, to my left was Reagan on green, and to my right was Logan on white.

Jeff instructed us to step onto the farthest section of the balance beam from the statues, which was the widest section on our beams.

"Survivors ready? Go!" He exclaimed as we began the challenge.

It was difficult to keep my concentration on both my balance and my statue's balance, but I feel like I was doing a pretty good job at it.

I wanted to prove myself, and show that just because I'm the oldest person left in the game, I'm not the weakest.

A few minutes pass before I hear a crash come from my left.

"And just like that, Kenna is out of the challenge!" Jeff exclaims.

"Some movement from Reagan and Kenji." Jeff announces as I begin feeling an awful pain in my arm.

"I can't do this anymore." Regan announces before she steps off of her platform.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Duke lose his balance and drop his statue.

"Reagan and Duke have both dropped and are out of this challenge!" Jeff exclaimed.

Suddenly, the wind came in, talking Alex, Emily, and Kenji's statues with it.

"Out of nowhere the wind comes in, knocking out three castaways!" Jeff stated.

The burning in my arm became too much, and I dropped my statue.

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