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Alyssa's POV

Chastity feels like her and I are in a good position within our tribe, since everybody wants Lisa out.

Personally, I don't feel safe at all. While Lisa might accept that she's the outcast and she's going home, others might have other plans. June could flip on Chastity and I, Griselda, Karen, and Ellison might try getting me out because of the fact that I'm a returning player.

"Alyssa, we're going to be fine, stop worrying." Chastity said to me as she grabbed my arm.

I started shaking my head.

"What is it?" Chastity asked me.

"It's just, the one time I felt safe the last time I played, I was blindsided. I've learned not to feel safe." I told her as I began to tear up.

"I just, I don't want to ruin this for myself. I finally have another shot at this game, and I feel like if I fuck it up, I might not get another." I said as I started getting choked up.

"I don't want to ruin this, not again, I just want to give this money to my parents, finally give back to them for everything they've done for me." I told her as I started crying.

"Alyssa, come here." Chastity said as she pulled me into a hug.

I couldn't stop myself from bawling my eyes out, and Chastity was just holding me as I let it all out.

After a few minutes, I calmed down again.

"Thank you." I said into Chastity's shoulder.


"Come on in guys!" Jeff yelled to Rupu as we awaited their new tribe, one member less.

Rupu came around the corner, and I immediately realized that Monty was missing and gasped along with Griselda and Karen.

"Ulang getting your first look at the new Rupu tribe, Monty voted out at the last tribal council." Jeff said as they took their spots on the purple mat.

"Oh my god." June said, shocked.

"Alright, a lot of shocked reactions. The first returnee, gone. Let's get into today's immunity challenge." Jeff said to all of us.

"Actually, Jeff. I have something to say." Lisa said, cutting him off.

"You do?" I asked confused.

"I'd like to remove myself from the game." Lisa announced as everyone's mouths dropped down to the floor.

"So let me get this straight, you were selected out of thousands of candidates, and you're quitting?" Jeff asked, slightly annoyed.

"Yes. I'm pulling myself from the game." Lisa said as Jeff looked at her, shocked and annoyed.

"May I ask why?" Jeff asked as I saw Ellison silently celebrating out of the corner of my eye.

"I'm out of idols, it's only a matter of time before I go. I miss my girlfriend, I miss my three cats, I miss my gym, I miss my life. I'm sorry, but I can't finish this game." Lisa explained.

"Alright, there's a chopper waiting for you back at your beach. You can head back." Jeff said as Lisa gave a half assed smile and walked off.

"Never in all four seasons of this show has someone quit. I guess some people can't handle the intensity of the game." Jeff announced as I couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, this speeds things up. With only twelve of you remaining, Survivors, drop your buffs. You are now one tribe, Kalabaw. We are merging." Jeff said as we all cheered and Chastity wrapped me into a hug.

"You'll all head back to the Rupu beach, congratulations." Jeff said to us as the others came over and quickly introduced themselves to those they haven't met yet.

Hudson's POV

"We're back in business!" Chastity said once Alyssa, her, and I were all alone.

It brought a smile to my face, I truly missed them.

"We're in trouble, and we have some work to do." Alyssa said to us.

"Why?" I asked her.

"There's five strategic tribe members in the merge. The three strengths and the four socials could easily link up and pick us off one by one." She explained to us.

"I got kinda close to Brenden and Amelia, maybe they'll vote with us." I said to them.

"Yeah, and I really like Karen." Chastity said.

"Same, but Amelia and Karen are most likely going to war. We're gonna have to pick a side." Alyssa said.

"Let's cross that bridge when we get to it, hopefully it'll fizzle out." I said to them.

"The question is, are Ralph and June going to flip on us now that they have the chance?" Chastity asked.

"We have to talk to them at some point." I suggested.

Griselda's POV

In the merge, everyone comes together, and if I want to survive and establish a resume for myself, I need to get a group of people together.

Ellison and I really connected during the tribe swap, and him and I made a pact to stay together.

"My opinion is that the strengths need to go, both Karen and Earl switched up on me like that." Ellison said to Duke and I.

Despite Duke and I not being on the same page in the past, he was the only one who reached out to me to help me get through the Holly vote so that rocks weren't drawn and I wouldn't go. Now that Alejandro's gone and from what I've gathered him, Brenden, and Amelia aren't working together anymore, so I pulled him in with Ellison and I.

"Earl was Monty's closest ally from the original strength tribe and he switched up on him, and voted him out." Duke added.

"Yeah, Karen too. Earl is basically her piece, she has him wrapped around her finger." Ellison responded.

"What about Alyssa? She was a very strong player her first season and she's most likely more determined now." I suggested.

"She has to go soon too." Duke told me.

"Alright, is this a final three?" Ellison asked.

"Hell yeah." I said with a smile on my face.

I started off in a bad position, but now I'm ready to play.

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