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Layla's POV

I didn't come here to create life long friendships. I didn't come here to aim for the merge. I didn't come here to lose

I came to win. I came to make moves. I came to play survivor.

After watching last season and seeing how Charlie had found a total of two idols, keeping himself and Tonya in the game, it showed how important they are in the game.

I had kept myself awake for as long as I could, and once everyone was asleep I quietly got up and tiptoed into the woods in search of an idol.

It was difficult to hunt for idols during the night, since you can hardly see in front of you.

After what seemed like forever, I came upon a large tree with branches that wriggled out, curvy, and unique.

I knelt down at the base of the tree and noticed a very small red string sticking out of the ground.

I dug at the base of the tree, and pulled out a package wrapped in a singular red string.

"No way!" I exclaimed out loud.

I unwrapped the package to reveal a handful of shells roped together into a necklace.

"Congratulations, you have found the hidden immunity idol. You may play this before the votes are read, and any votes cast for you will not count." I read off.

Oh my god, I can't believe that I just found the hidden immunity idol.

I shoved it into my pants before making my way back to camp to finally get some rest before the challenge tomorrow.

Reagan's POV

Having the idol was one of the best feelings in the world. Knowing that I have one gave me a feeling of safety, which is hard to come by in this game. With this, I was invincible.

Things seemed to be going great for me on the Healers tribe, I had an idol, I was part of a majority alliance, what more could I ask for?


"Come on in Heroes!" Jeff said as the Heroes began walking towards their mat.

"Hustlers and Healers getting their first look at the new Heroes tribe, Finn voted out at the last tribal council." Jeff said to us.

"Shocker." I heard Alex mutter sarcastically after a chuckle.

"For today's challenge, you will all begin on top of a raised platform behind a small track with a cart on it. Three tribe members will untie one of three knots, then all five of you will ride the cart down the track, and into a pile of sand, stopping you. You will then get out of the car, and two people will solve a balance puzzle where you will need to navigate three balls last obstacles and into holes. First two tribes to finish receive immunity, last tribe to finish goes to tribal council, where one of you will be voted out." Jeff said as he gave the tribes a moment to strategize.

"I sat out last challenge, so I can't sit out again." I said to the rest of my tribe.

"I'll sit out." Frank offered.

"Perfect. Who wants to do the puzzle?" Madison asked us.

I raised my hand, and so did Logan.

"Alright, sounds good." Kenna said.

We all took our places behind our carts and tracks.

"Survivors ready? Go!" Jeff announced as Madison, Alex, and Kenna raced towards one knot each, working on untying them.

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