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Kayla's POV

I'm shocked that Hannah was the one who flipped on us, I never would've expected her to betray Trinity and I like that. I guess that's the game of Survivor, though. You really can't trust anyone out here.

As of right now, Andrew and Trinity are my closest allies, and Trinity is close with Monty. Mason is there too.

But, we're outnumbered five to six, and I don't think there are any cracks in the other group.

It looks like it'll be one of us going tonight.

"It's time to head out to the individual immunity challenge!" Monty called out as he and Andrew came back from treemail.


"Welcome to today's individual immunity challenge!" Jeff said to the remaining eleven of us.

"For today's individual immunity challenge, you'll each be holding a small stand with a flat, circular top. You'll have to balance a ball on the top of it. In increments of twenty minutes, you'll add another ball to your stand, with the maximum being four balls. If at any point one of your balls fall off of your stand, you'll be eliminated. Last one standing wins individual immunity and will be safe at tonight's tribal council." Jeff explained as we all stood in our spots and grabbed our stands.

"Survivors ready? Go!" Jeff said as we all placed our first ball onto our stand.

The first five minutes were easy, nobody showed any signs of movement. I was focused on my ball, and keeping my stand straight.

"Monty starting to show some movement!" Jeff said as I glanced over to see Monty's ball sliding back and forth.

It went over the edge, and Monty stepped off of his platform and sighed.

"Monty is out, followed by Kayla and Isabelle!" Jeff announced.

"What?" I asked, focusing my attention back on my stand and ball, to see that my ball wasn't there.

"Losing focus for just one second can cost you the challenge." Jeff announced as I angrily walked over towards Monty with Isabelle.

A few minutes later, Patty dropped as well.

"Some movement from Luke, but a nice recovery as well." Jeff said as Luke's ball stayed still.

Both Jeremy and Andrew's balls were stopped but very close to the edge, and almost simultaneously both dropped their balls.

"Now there are only five. Mason, Luke, Trinity, Eddie, and Carla." Jeff said to the remaining five players.

"Alright, we've just reached twenty minutes. Please add another ball to your stand." Jeff said as I watched the remaining players reach for their extra balls.

Eddie placed his ball on his stand, but wasn't able to balance them evenly and both went off the side of the stand.

Similarly, Carla's balls gravitated towards opposite ends of the stand before they each fell off, knocking her out of the competition.

"We're down to Mason, Luke, and Trinity!" Jeff called out to them.

"Come on Luke, you don't stand a chance." Mason said with a laugh.

Luke ignored him as Mason continued to talk trash to him, eventually laughing so hard at his own comments that one of his balls fell off of his stand.

"Only two remain. Trinity and Luke." Jeff stated as Mason sat down next to me.

After about ten more minutes, it was time to add the third and final ball.

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