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Austin's POV

Things at the Malolo beach have been pretty great, I mean for the third tribal council in a row myself, Elaine, Carlos, Lillian, and Joan have been able to sit back and place bets on who's gonna be voted out, and the five of us think it's gonna be one of the Naviti four because Malolo has the numbers. I just hope my only real ally, Ian, makes it through and him and I can eventually meet back up at the merge.

The five of us think that it'll be the same way here as well, the five of us sticking together and picking off the rest of the Naviti before the merge.

"Hey guys, we just got treemail. It says that we should start heading out to meet up before the challenge." Steven said to us as the four of them walked over to us.

"Ok, let's go then." Joan said getting up from the ground.


The nine of us were standing on the orange mat waiting for Jeff to call the Naviti tribe in so we could see who was voted out.

"Naviti come on in. Malolo getting their first look at Naviti, Lynn voted out at last nights tribal council." Jeff said as I opened my mouth in shock, did one of them flip? What happened?

"Yes! They pulled it off." Jenny whispered to Eve.

I rolled my eyes. This girl I swear.

"So, let's get to the challenge. For this challenge, four of you will need to push a cart over a bumpy terrain on the ground. The cart holds two bags of puzzle pieces, and two of your tribe mates will walk across a balance beam to deliver the bags to two tribe members who will then complete an intricate puzzle. First tribe to do so will win immunity, losers will go to tribal council. Malolo you've got an extra member, who are you gonna sit out?" Jeff asked as we turned to each other to talk.

"I'll be sitting out." Tonya said as she walked over to the bench and sat down.


I had just dropped my bag off to Jenny and Lillian, who then untied my bag along with Eve's bag to start working on the puzzle.

I stood with the rest of my tribe as we cheered Lillian and Jenny on while on Naviti Bryan and Stuart rushed to get their bags to Connie and Charlie so that they could do the puzzle.

"You guys got it! We're in the lead!"

"Naviti seeming to close the gap, Malolo losing the lead." Jeff said as I looked over at the Naviti puzzle, and they were ahead of us.

"Naviti takes the lead!" Jeff said as Connie called out to Jeff.

"Naviti things they have it.... and they do! Naviti wins immunity sending Malolo to tribal council!"

"Damnit!" Joan yelled as she kicked the sand in  frustration.


Elaine's POV

Joan was off somewhere, Carlos and Austin were fishing, and the Naviti four were walking along the beach.

It was just Lillian and I in the shelter.

"Lillian, we have a golden opportunity to go searching for an idol." I said to her as she turned to me.

"What? Seriously?" She asked with a slight smile on her face. Lillian and I have been close since the start, I trust her, and she trusts me.

"Yeah, no one else is around. Let's go look for an idol just to look for one." I said as she stood up while laughing.

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