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Luke's POV

"That's the shiftiest thing I could ever imagine somebody doing to someone else. That's leading him on to a whole new level, it's absolutely disgusting. Jeremy never did anything to deserve this." Isabelle screamed at Eddie once we got back to camp.

Kayla and I were just trying to go to sleep, yet Isabelle and Eddie wouldn't stop going at it.

"Just shut the fuck up! Both of you! Isabelle, just give it a rest. We'll just vote him out tomorrow night." I muttered as I turned over and Kayla mouthed thank you.


"Welcome to your final individual immunity challenge. For this challenge, you will all stand in custom made frames and balance a block inbetween the top of your frame and your head. If at any point the block falls, you will be eliminated. Last person standing wins individual immunity and will secure themselves a spot in the final three." Jeff said as we all stepped into our frames.

"Survivors ready? Go!" Jeff said as we all stood there, pushing our heads up against blocks to keep them up against the top of our frames.


It was down to Eddie and I for immunity, and my neck was cramping up and I was getting sore, my body overall was just in pain.

I could take it any longer and I stepped down.

"Eddie wins individual immunity securing himself a spot in the final three!" Jeff said as Isabelle put her head in her hands.

"You're not getting rid of me just yet." Eddie said as Jeff put the immunity necklace around his neck.


"Let's welcome the members of our jury, Sam, Hannah, Patty, Mason, Carla, Monty, Andrew, Trinity, and Jeremy voted out at last nights tribal council." Jeff said as Jeremy avoided making eye contact with Eddie.

"Kayla, you've consistently been on the bottom. Are you worried tonight?" Jeff asked her.

"Extremely. I mean, public enemy number one was Eddie after what he pulled last time, but now that he has immunity, I'm the east vote. However, I just need one person to vote with me." Kayla said, indicating that she'd be willing to make fire.

"Isabelle, what kind of argument could Kayla make to convince people to vote with her?" Jeff asked her.

"Well, shes approached both Eddie and Luke trying to convince them to vote me out, but we'll have to see what happens." Isabelle responded.

"Eddie, do you feel bad about what you did last tribal?" Jeff asked him as he shook his head.

"No, this is a game, and I've just been playing it harder than anyone else. Jeremy was merely a pawn in my game of chess." Eddie responded.

"Alright, it's time to vote. Luke, you're up first." Jeff said as I stood up and walked over towards the urn.

I wrote Kayla's name down and held it up to the camera.

"Sorry, at this point, I've grown too close to Isabelle to betray her this late into the game."

Kayla's POV

I wrote Isabelle's name down before I held it up to the camera.

"Lately, you've been a complete bitch." I said before dropping my vote into the urn and returning to my seat.

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