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Kenji's POV

Somehow, I was able to survive tribal two nights ago, and make the Healer-Hustler alliance turn on one of their own, making Ty get out.

I felt bad, because Ty was just trying to help me, but if I didn't pull what I pulled, then it would've been me gone rather than him. Plus, it was so obvious that Ty was on the outs of his alliance, so he'd probably be eliminated right after me anyways.

Tonight is the last night anyone will be able to play an idol, so my only hopes of staying would be to either find an idol, or win immunity today.

Laurie's POV

"Come on in guys!" Jeff called to us as the five of us filed into the individual immunity challenge.

The five of us walked in to see five different door frame looking set ups.

"First things first, Emily, I've gotta take back the individual immunity necklace." Jeff said as Emily started walking towards him.

"If you must." She said with a smile.

"For today's individual immunity challenge, you'll all be standing on one of the narrow beams, balancing a block between the top of the frame and your heads. Each frame has been specifically made to match your height. Logan, your color is pink, Kenji, your color is blue, Laurie, your color is white, Emily, your color is orange, and Layla, your color is green. If at any point your block falls to the ground or you fall off of your balance beam, you will be eliminated from this challenge. Last one standing wins individual immunity and will secure themselves a spot in the final four." Jeff said as the five of us clapped before getting into our positions.

I was standing in the white frame with a rectangular block held in place between my head and the top of my frame.

"Survivors ready? Go!" Jeff yelled.

The block was pushing into my head, and hurting me. I pushed my entire body up with my feet, trying to make sure that the block wouldn't move even if it was in the smallest bit.

It's been around five minutes, and all five of us were still solid.

"Some movement from Logan!" Jeff exclaimed.

I guess I thought we were all solid.

"A nice recovery from Logan!" Jeff yelled. I wanted to turn and look at Logan to see how close he was to falling, however, if I turned my head, there's no way my block wouldn't fall.

I randomly heard something hit the sand.

"Out of nowhere Emily drops!" Jeff yelled as I heard Emily curse under her breath before she walked over to the losers bench.

I really need to win this challenge, there's only five of us left. Only four of us will be able to receive votes tonight, unless someone pulls out an idol since it's the final five. It'll probably happen, meaning there'll most likely be three people eligible to be voted out. I can't be one of those options.

I heard another block hit the sand.

"Logan drops and is out of this challenge!" Jeff exclaims as I begin to become more and more nervous.

Kenji. Can't. Win.

"Just like that, Layla drops as well! We're down to two, Kenji and Laurie." Jeff said as my heart began beating faster.

All the pressures on me. If I can just hold this out longer than Kenji, he'll go.

Ten minutes passed by and I was in excruciating pain. My entire body was shaking, but according to Jeff, So was Kenji's.

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