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Rudy's POV

Tribal council the other night sucked. Alyssa was voted out by Charlie, Tonya, and Bryan, all because someone from our alliance is a rat and leaked the vote.

"Whoever the rat is, I hope you realize you just fucked yourself over. You're not winning this game, and you've lost my respect along with the other alliance members I'm sure." I angrily announced as I was flooded with emotion the morning of the immunity challenge.

It was either Ian, Elaine, or Eve. One of them leaked the target, because it sure as hell wasn't me.

There was one good thing that was going good for me, since Alyssa was voted out.

The night we got back from tribal, I knew that since Bryan played his idol, there was another one in play. I searched through the dark for hours on end while everyone else was asleep, and finally found an idol in a hallowed our tree trunk far into the jungle.

If I play this correctly, I can be around for much longer than I would be without it.

Eve and Ian came back from "getting treemail" although they were gone for quite a while.

"We just got tree mail. It says to head out to today's immunity challenge." Eve announced to everyone who got up from inside the shelter.

I noticed a hickey on the side of Eve's neck and couldn't help but cringe.


The ten of us were standing on a dock situated a couple yards off of shore in the ocean.

"First off, I'd like to congratulate you all on making it halfway through the game." Jeff said as we all clapped.

I made it halfway through the first season of Survivor. The top half of the cast. I wonder how many of my subscribers from back home are watching right now. Honestly, I think I have a pretty good chance of winning this thing.

"First things first, Rudy, gotta take back that necklace." Jeff said as I tossed it across the small gap of water to him.

"For today's immunity challenge, as you can see there are ten specially designed platforms floating on the water. There are two wooden panels angled diagonally meeting at the top, with little ledges on the side that you will need to use to keep yourself standing and alive in this challenge. Last person standing will win immunity and be safe at tribal council." Jeff said as we all swam out to our floating platforms.

"Survivors ready? Go!" Jeff called out as we all took our positions with our feet on the lowest and easiest setting to keep our balance.

It looked easier than it was, it was actually pretty challenging. The ocean waves were rocking us back and forth, making it difficult to stay on.

As I was focusing on keeping myself solid on my platform, I heard a splash come from my right.

"The choppy ocean waves knock Bryan out of this challenge!" Jeff announced.

"That looked so easy what the fuck?" Bryan said as he ran his hand through his pink hair on the dock.

I felt a large wave hit the back of my floating platform, and it took me by surprise. I fell into the ocean with a huge slash and came back up to the surface to see that the wave had also taken out Tonya, Joan, and Elaine as well.

"A huge waves knocks out Tonya, Joan, and Elaine. We're down to five people left-" Jeff began saying but stopped speaking once Eve fell into the water below.

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