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Jackson's POV

After Kenna was voted off, I felt worse about the game than I expected I would. Kenji and I were in a majority alliance, but if it came down to the final five, Kenji and I would be picked off just like Ian and Rudy were. Either next tribal or the one after, Kenji and I have to split up Ty, Emily, and Laurie.

Realizing that I was actually in danger, I decided to go searching for an idol. There's only two more tribals it can be played at, but it's better to be safe than sorry.


"Come on in guys!" Jeff called to the seven of us as we walked in to today's individual immunity challenge.

"First things first, Jackson, I've gotta take back the immunity necklace." Jeff said as I met him halfway to give him back the necklace.

"For today's individual immunity challenge, you'll all be holding a colored disc flat on your palm. You'll have to balance a ball on your disc. If at any point your ball falls off of your disc, you will be eliminated. Last one with their ball on their disc will win individual immunity and will be safe at tonight's tribal council, securing a spot in the final six, and the top third of the game." Jeff said to us.

Everyone got into their positions, and had our discs laying flat on our palms.

"Survivors ready? Go!" Jeff yelled as all seven of us placed our balls onto our discs.

"Immediately some movement from Layla!" Jeff announced as I looked to my left to see Layla moving her disc around trying to settle her ball.

Layla wasn't able to recover, and her ball was out of control. Eventually, it fell off of her disc and landed in the sand below us.

"Layla is no longer in this challenge." Jeff said as Layla tossed her disc to the ground and walked over to the losers bench.

To my right, I noticed Laurie's ball moving slightly.

I looked past Laurie to see Kenji in the same predicament that Layla found herself in.

Laurie recovered, and her ball was still on her disc, but Kenji's rolled off of the side.

Out of nowhere, my own ball started rolling. I tilted the disc a little, and was able to stop it as it was on the edge of my disc.

Fifteen minutes later, Ty moved his free hand to scratch his nose, but it was too much movement and his ball rolled off of his disc.

"Are you fucking kidding me." Ty muttered under his breath as he walked over to join Layla and Kenji.

Logan laughed at his frustration, and his ball started moving, but he was able to save it.

A long time went by where the four of us were staying solid, besides Laurie, who's ball had been moving ever so slightly for a few minutes.

"Emily drops her ball and is out of this challenge!" Jeff announced. I looked over to see Emily's ball on the beach.

"We're down to three. Laurie, who's been struggling with her ball for quite some time, Jackson, who's ball has been still, but on the edge, and Logan-" Jeff was cut off when Laurie's ball rolled off of the edge after she unsuccessfully saved it.

I looked over at Logan, who was rock solid. His ball had barely moved this entire time.

When I looked back at my own disc, it was empty. I wasn't focused on my ball, and in the few moments I looked away, it had rolled off of the edge it had been sitting on since the challenge started.

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