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Elaine's POV

Once again I found myself on the bottom of the Lavita tribe, and I'll most likely be the next one to be voted off. Although I wasn't in the dark for the Joan vote, I've been an outcast here for the past week and a half.

My thought process was broken by Jeff speaking to us.

"Welcome to today's individual immunity challenge. First things first, Ian, I've gotta take back the necklace." Jeff said as Ian met him halfway and Jeff removed the immunity necklace from Ian.

"Individual immunity is back up for grabs. For today's individual immunity challenge, you will each be standing on narrow poles six feet above the surface of the water. If you lose your balance and fall, you will be out of this challenge. Last one standing wins individual immunity and will have a one in five shot of winning this game." Jeff said as the six of us climbed up a mobile ladder to get onto our poles.

I was on the red pole, Ian was on the white pole, Stuart was on the purple pole, Jenny was on the orange pole, Rudy was on the black pole, and Eve was on the green pole.

"Survivors ready? Go!" Jeff announced as I began to zone in to keep myself steady and balanced on this pole.


At the forty five minute mark, my legs began to get wobbly. I looked over to see Ian was wobbly as well.

I was fighting to stay in this because I know I need it tonight, since I'm most likely the next to go.

Ian's wobbly legs threw off his balance and he fell six feet into the water with a splash.

"Ian loses his balance and is out of this challenge!" Jeff announced as Ian swam over to the platform to sit on the edge of it.

Then, Rudy falls as well.

"Out of nowhere Rudy loses his concentration and is out of this challenge!" Jeff said as Rudy resurfaced from the water.

Almost immediately after Rudy dropped, so did Eve.

"Eve loses her balance as well!" Jeff said as Eve pulled herself up and onto the platform.

My knees became too wobbly to continue this challenge, and the pain was too unbearable. I jumped off of my pole and hit the water.

When I came back up, I looked up to see Jenny jump into the water before Stuart resurfaced next to me.

I guess Stuart and I fell at the same time.

"Jenny wins individual immunity!" Jeff announced as we all pulled ourselves onto the platform and Jeff put the necklace around Jenny's neck.

"One of you will be the fifteenth person voted out of Survivor and the eighth member of our jury. It won't be Jenny. Grab your stuff, head back to camp." Jeff said as the six of us swam back to the beach before walking back to camp.


A couple of hours after we had returned from camp, Stuart and Jenny approached me.

"Hey Elaine, we wanted to talk to you about tonight's vote." Jenny said to me.

Oh my god, maybe it won't be me!

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