(C) Chapter Fifteen: Sleepless City

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Corrin: I'm glad to see you... I was so sure you had died.

Gunter: Not yet. To make up for that lost time, I want to join you.

Corrin: Of course. I'll have you gladly.

Gunter: Thank you, Lord Corrin.

(After the battle ends)

Garon: Hans! Iago! Thalone!

Iago: Yes, my lord?

Hans: What is it?

Garon: Did anybody survive the fight?

Hans: A few did. What should we do?

Garon: Kill them all. Make everyone know that Nohr controls this territory now.

Corrin: Father, you can't mean this! They're innocent people!

Garon: Do you wish to join them, child?!

Corrin: I...

Leo: Come on, Corrin.

Xander: We have other things to discuss.

(The royals stand with Nyx nearby)

Nyx: I don't know what he was thinking in ordering the soldiers to attack Nestra. It was a pathetic waste of supplies on a nation that's already as good as fallen.

Leo: I can't say why either...

Corrin: It isn't right! We can't keep letting this happen! Father is ordering us to genocide of other nations!

Camilla: I agree... Something isn't right here. I don't like it.

Elise: So many people have had to die up to this point...

Xander: ...

Corrin: Xander, what do you think?

Xander: I think there's something wrong as well, though I can't say what it is for sure...

Azura: My dance, it showed that he was corrupted by something. We can't let this persist.

Leo: Standing up to him means death. Most people are going to be more loyal to the king who puts food on their plates in exchange for military service. In Nohr, we have next to no allies.

Camilla: We can't do anything about it as things stand.

Corrin: How can you give up so easily?! We can't let him attack so many people and leave them die! It isn't right!

Elise: I'm with Corrin!

Xander: Corrin, please—

Corrin: Leave me alone!

(Corrin runs off, Azura close behind. They arrive at the convoy where their supplies are being kept)

Azura: Corrin...

Corrin: I came to Nohr to get answers behind the attack on Hoshido, and I think I have them. The answer is that he's a madman. He ordered the attack on my birth family because he takes happiness from bloodshed. He's lost his mind. Why else would he lash out at Cheve, the Ice Tribe, and Nestra? He isn't doing anything for 'the glory of Nohr'. He's harming countless innocent people in his path of conquest.

Azura: I... I think it's time to use the gifts from the Rainbow Sage.

Corrin: You mean... Yato and Safaia? I can't. He thought we were on the path to peace. This is no path to peace. This route is only sending us to hell for our sins against the innocent people of Pheuyura!

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