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"I'm courting Kongpop!" Arthit announced suddenly while the gang was having lunch in the food court.

Prem and Bright choked on their drinks and started coughing badly, Toota started fanning himself as he felt dizzy by the  sudden confession of Arthit while Knot was still chill as if he knew this was going to happen.

"You're planning to do what?" Bright asked once he stopped coughing as Toota was patting both his and Prem's back.

"I'm courting our new Moon"

"You have my blessings just tell him to use protection and recorder" Toota spoke while giving thumbs up.

"Why so suddenly? Are you doing drugs?" Prem asked in worry as he touches Arthit's forehead.

"Chill! Bros! Our gayness turned Arthit into gay!" Bright claps his hand and wipes his imaginary tear.

"Whom are you calling Gay!! You good for nothing freeloader!" Prem complains.

"Oh! Please, Our Toota is born gay, you're a mini gay and I'm Romsexual" Bright said pointing at Prem.

"If you're Romesexual then I'm Wadsexual.." Prem points out proudly.

" See we all are gay! Let's change our group name to Confetti and Rainbow!" Bright announced.

"Are you two done? Now can we come back to the main topic?" Toota asked showing his fist to both Prem and Bright.

"Eeh... Yaa... Say. Ignore us.." Bright whispers with a scared face.

"Why you decided to court him suddenly?" Knot who was silent till now asked.

"Because he came to know that Kongpop is second-generation rich master" Bright whispers. Arthit threw his chips on Bright in irritation.

"Because no one can love me for who I am and I know that I love him for who he is too... He makes me feel like I'm free! I'm being myself without any fear.. He makes happy. " Arthit replied.

"Shit! This guy is really in love!" Prem shouts.

"Hm. We all here to support you Arthit just don't take him for granted because he loves unconditionally" Knot spoke.

"Thank you, guys. And I promise I won't"

"So how can we help you with all this? Want us to beat him and lock him in your room?"  Bright suggested.

"Or better! Force him in marriage so he can't escape" Prem spoke.

"Alright... This is enough, you two are behaving more idiotic than usual which kind of creepy me out. so shut up now!" Arthit scolded Bright and Prem.


"Me too"

"I just want you guys to keep his friends/your boyfriend away from my man and rest I can handle," Arthit told them his plan.

"Roger!" Bright and Prem shouted together.

"It will be done" Toota assured Arthit.

"So now that everything is discussed, I wanted to ask why you told my boyfriend about my fake illness?" Bright turns towards Knot asked in a serious tone and his left eyebrow raised.

With Deer and Awan

Awan was working on his class project, its due was next week but Awan was bored so decided to complete it beforehand. He was busy reading the books when the door was unlocked from outside.

"I'm busy, don't have time to play so do not disturb me" Awan spoke without looking away from his books when he heard some moment.

"Play? What kind of game you play?"

Awan was startled when he heard his brother's voice, he turns around and found his brother sitting on his bed.

"Phee! What are you doing here? And where did you get the keys?" Awan asked in shock.

"I'm your brother! Of course, I will have the spare keys!" Deer spokes picking up different objects in the room.

"Stop pretending to be cool and tell me how did you get the keys," Awan asked with an annoyed face.

"OK! OK! Relaxe! I asked Dorm leader for the spare keys!"

"Good! He's gone now"

"Wait! Wait! You won't hit him!" Deer said in a panic.

"Who said that I will hit him?? My puppy will bite him" Awan grins which made Deer feel confused yet scared at the same time.


"My boyfriend! I already told you about him!" Awan said in annoyance.

"Who calls their boyfriend puppy?" Deer smacks Awan and asked.

"My boyfriend! My wish! Others can call their boyfriend Honey! Baby and cutie-pie yet I can't call mine Puppy!" Awan pouts and rubs his head.

"ARH!  It's useless to talk to you! Do you really like him? That boy?" Deer asked in worry.

"Na... I don't like him, I love him. He's weird, silly and extra but he's mine" Awan replied in a dreamy voice.

'I wish I could say the same... You don't know but he's not the best person to date plus to fall in love too' Deer thought in worry.

Kongpop came out of the class with his friend discussing the assignment when Oak points towards the person waiting for them outside the class.

"Woah. Head hazer specially came to pick us" Oak spoke in wonder.

Arthit saw Kongpop standing near the door and walked towards him. He nervously looks around and indicated  Kongpop's friend to leave. Em and Wad pat Kongpop's back while Oak and Rome already walked a few feet away.

"What is it?" Kongpop asked once his friends left.

"Um. I...... Are you free tomorrow?" Arthit asked shyly.

"Yes, why you need me to buy something?" Kongpop asked in confusion.

"No, I'm asking you on a date" Arthit replied.

"Haa? What? Is this some kind of prank?" Kongpop asked looking around in search of other seniors, he looked Arthit in annoyance and decided to leave.

"Hey! It's no prank! I'm serious!" Arthit whines feeling wronged and held Kongpop's arm.

"Seriously.... What do you want?" Kongpop sighs and looks towards Arthit who was pouting now.

"I want to go on the date! Tomorrow! After Class!" Arthit glares Kongpop as he spoke.

"You shouldn't force someone to go on date with you" Kongpop tries to reason with Arthit but Arthit glares him harder.

"I'm not forcing Someone! I asking you nicely! So you better get dressed tomorrow and pick me from my dorm at sharp 5:45 pm!" Arthit commands.

"You're not acting like we are going on date more like we are going for hazing activity!" Kongpop chuckles.

"Think whatever you want to think! I don't care!" Arthit spoke for last time before walking away.

Kongpop sighs as he watches Arthit returning for his class and decided to look for his own friends.

Time Can Mess Things UpWhere stories live. Discover now