Part I

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Please read the character introduction for better understanding of the story, or you might get confused by Original Characters


After spending the tiring day at work, Kongpop returned home with smile on his face and mind filled with the thoughts of his cute husband Arthit. Who might be either cooking dinner at this moment or be doing some paper work at their home while having his serious face which used to make his juniors during hazing activities sweat in fear but Kongpop being love sick puppy always found it look cute and would never fail to tease his Arthit until Arthit's face turns red as tomato because of blushing.

As he reached the home, Kong parked his car in garage and got out of the car. He went to the door and found it locked.

'P' hasn't returned yet? But he always makes sure to return before 6 pm and it's already 8' Kong thought in confusion as he checks the time in the watch.

He opens the door with spare keys and went inside. After taking out his shoes and coat, Kong sits on the couch and dials Arthit phone number but couldn't connect it. After third try phone finally connected

"P' where are you? It's 8 pm! do you need me to pick you up?" Kong asked worryingly

".... Kong.. I'm at airport" Arthit replied after few second.

"Airport? What are doing there? Are you picking up someone?" Kong asked

"No, Listen Kong I'm going to Beijing for 3 weeks with my colleges due to some emergency last minute project "

"What!! But P' next week we already planned to go to Maldives!! And why didn't you tell me about this before? " Kong said in annoyance

"P knows but this project is very important and I was afraid that you will stop me if I tell you so I didn't tell you about it " Arthit explains.

"You're impossible. I took 2 weeks off from my work just to spend time with you. We were planning this all for couple of months and now your cancelling it because of some stupid project"

"I'm sorry kongpop and please calm down. We can go to Maldives some other time it's not a big deal" Arthit said in annoyance as he was getting irritated with Kongpop's temper.

"P'....... have you forgotten why we are going to Maldives?" Kong asked sounding hurt

"..... For fun?" Arthit replied in confusion

"IT'S OUR 3RD YEAR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY ARTHIT!! How could you forgot it! Fine just go to Beijing for your fucking project!! I don't care any more! I don't even want to talk to you anymore! Goodbye" Kong shouted in anger. It was first time that he lost control over his emotions since they started being together.

Arthit was shocked by Kongpop outburst and spoke in panic.

"Kongpop I'm sorry! I totally forget about our anniversary!"

"It's late now Arthit I need to sleep. Good night." Kongpop whispers in broken voice and end the call.

He threw the phone on the couch and held his head between his hands and scream.


Lately Arthit is always busy with his work and all which irritated Kongpop but being supportive husband, he always forgive Arthit but this time Kongpop lose his patience.

Kong stood up and went towards the stairs when all of the sudden his phone ringed. He sighs and decided not the pick up the phone believing it to be Arthit.

After taking bath he returned to living room and checked his phone.

6 missed called of P'Arthit and 13 messages.

Kongpop didn't bother to read any message nor he call Arthit again. He was about to drift in to dreamland when his phone started vibrating, he looked at caller id and answered the call.

"Hey! How are you Tew?" Kong asked but received no reply. After a while he heard some sniffing.

"Tew are you crying? What happened tell me?" Kong asked in panic.

" Where is P'Knot Tew?" Kong asked again and this time he heard loud sob.

" P'Knot went to Beijing with P'Arithit and P'Prem....... He is always...b..busy at work and.. And. Ignores me and now he went far too away just sending me text.. Text message saying that he is going Beijing for three week... I know he need to work but it.. It doesn't mean he will treat me this bad that he can't even tell me on my face" Tew said while crying

"Tew calm down OK? I'm coming over your house."

"Thanks Kong" Tew said as he stopped crying

Kong took his coat and car key and ran out side the house. He open his car and got inside. Kong was about to start the engine when his phone ring again.

"Where are you" The person asked in blank voice.


"where are you right now Kong? Wad asked again.

" Well I'm on my way to P'Knot house​" Kong replies

" OK I'm coming there too " saying that Wad end the call. Kong looked at his phone in confusion but then drive towards Knot's flat.

Once kongpop reached P'Knot's house he saw Wad's car already in parking lot. He parked his car beside Wad's and took lift to P'Knot's floor. He ring the bell of Knot's flat and waited for Tew to open the door.

Wad was the one who opened the door, Kongpop followed Wad inside and found Tew sobbing on the cough. Wad sit beside Tew and he himself looked full of anger, sadness and hurt.

"Did P'Prem also left without telling you?" Kong asked.

"P'Perm and I had dispute and he left the house in anger last night. Today during evening time his secretary phoned me to tell that Perm is going to Beijing............" Wad looked bad as if he can cry at any moment.

"Why did you to fight?" Kongpop asked carefully not to anger Wad

"Lately............ he keep comparing me with other saying how he wish I was good at this like him or how I was good at that like her!! Damm! I had enough! I couldn't take it any more. And then all the sudden he said that I'm not trying to understand him!" Wad shouted which startled both Tew and Kongpop.

" Calm down Wad! I sure P'Prem mean it in positive way" Kongpop tried to defend Prem.

"Will stop trying to make others appear good all the time!! If he can't love me the way I am then it's his problem!" Wad shouted again in annoyance.

"I'm tired too!! I wish to escape from this pain" Tew said taking deep breath

"Let's do something to relieve the stress" Wad suggested

"what do you want to do?" Kongpop asked.

"I want to drink " Tew said standing up, Kongpop and Wad looked Tew in surprise

"Let's go to club" Tew said again.

"Hmm... I think it's great idea, P usually won't allow me to go club without him. This would be my revenge" Wad said while smirking. Kongpop sigh and agreed cause he know that there is no way to change his friends mind now that they are determined.

"Let's invite Rome too" Tew suggested happily and already dialing Rome's number.


Next part, introducing BrightxRome and their Romance. Well ending of romance and starting of new one.
Also the things gonna start to mess up. Keep reading and Have a nice Day😊

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