Future I

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I didn't have any plan of updating today but because today is 🎉🎉 Mark's birthday 🎉🎉 I was soooo excited and decided to update. Happy birthday 🎂 Mark Tuan! 🎊🎊🎊 I know he won't be reading this story or anything but I can't stop myself from doing this 😊😊😊😊


In Future

23th April 2024

Bright is broken, seeing Rome laying on hospital bed looking pale as ghost is broking him from inside. He no longer feels like eating or sleeping, he hasn't felt Rome's side since they brought Rome to hospital 3 days ago.

Bright remember getting call form city hospital that Rome and his other juniors are admitted there and their condition are not stable. He rushed to the hospital and was crying when saw Rome's body covered in bandages.

3 days ago

Bright rushed to the hospital as soon as he received the call and ran to the reception.

" 4 patients are admitted here due to car accident! Can you please tell me their ward number?" Bright asked the receptionist who was busy arranging the files.

"One second sir" Bright waited but when still found receptionist busy he exploded.

"Can't you understand that it's an emergency! You can arrange your fucking files later"

"Sorry sir! They are shifted to room no. 203, 204, 205 and 206"

Bright took the stairs and madly look for the rooms. He turns around the corner and saw Tew through window. Different machines were attacked to his body and air mask was put on to help him to breathe. Bright stares Tew's unconscious body and then move towards next room which was occupied by Wad.

Wad's condition wasn't any better, his left arm was plastered and he was unconscious too. Bright took the picture of Wad and Tew and send it to Prem and Knot with short message that
'they got in serious accident, come back fast.. Inform Arthit too'

He moved towards next room and started crying when saw Rome. Rome was looking worse than Wad and Tew.

"Are you related to patient?" Doctor asked coming out from side room.

"Yes, he is my boyfriend" Bright told Doctor.

"Well they all are out of danger now but you see your boyfriend and the boy next door to him were more badly injured compared to other too so they will take time to recover fully"

"When will they they wake up doctor?" Bright asked looking at Rome's unconscious state.

"Their body need some time to recover from the impact... So they might wake up in couple of days" Doctor informed Bright and went to check other patients.

Bright entered Rome's room and sat on the chair near the bed. Bright held Rome's uninjured hand and bring it closer to his face. He kissed Rome's hand and whispers.

"I'm sorry.. This is all my fault.. I should not have allowed you to go alone, I should have gone with you then I could have save you ...." Tear was running down Bright's face as he kept on apologising Rome.

"Please wake up Rome, I still need to Propose you.. Wake up.." Bright stayed at hospital that night as he didn't wish to leave Rome alone.

Arthit, Prem and Knot arrived next day in the morning, the first thing Bright do on seeing them was to punch Prem who was standing next to him on face.

" This happened because of you guys!!" Bright shouted. Prem wipes the blood from the corner of his face and kept quiet.

"Bright, it's no one's fault.. Calm down they are safe" Arthit said.

"No ones fault? Tew, Wad and Kongpop were upset because of you guys! They went out late night because of you guys! And you're saying it's no ones fault!!" Bright was upset and angry with his friends attitude, if Knot has not been holding him he might have punched Arthit too.

"Arthit have seen Kongpop's condition? He was so close to death and yet you're behaving like a bastard you truly are! Because of yours stupidity my Rome is badly injured! If anything happen to Rome I swear I kill you all " Bright shouted and went back to Rome's room.

Once Bright left, Arthit broke down into tears. Knot pulls him into hug and tries not to cry himself. Prem sits in the bench and closes his eyes.

" He thinks I'm not affected?... I'm hurting too... It's hurt to see Kong in this condition and I blame myself for this" Arthit said.

Before meeting Bright, they had went to check theirs lovers. Arthit was dejected when was Kongpop, he regret going to China. He blame him self for Kongpop's condition.

Prem and Knot were same, they regret for not showing their lovers how much they mean them. They know it's their fault.

Knot know Tew doesn't like drinking of he is not around so Tew must be really upset if he went out like this.

23rd April 2024

Bright was watching Rome when saw Rome's finger twitch. His eyes widen and he rush to call doctor. When he returned with doctor, he found Rome away. Bright went to Rome's side and pulls him into hug.

"Thank Goodness you're awake! I was so scared Rome, please don't scare P like this ever again" Bright whispers in Rome's ear while crying.

"Um.. P who are you and why I am in hospital?" Rome asked Bright in confusion. Bright looks Rome dumbfoundedly and then spoke.

"Rome... Usually person who wakes up at hospital ask who am I? This is first time I'm hearing someone asking others who they are?"

"P.. I know my name is Rome.. But I really don't know you.." Rome awkwardly told Bright while blushing as Bright's face was inch apart.

"Let's me give Rome Check up Bright" Doctor told Bright and asked him to leave the room.

4 hours later

"So you really don't remember me?" Bright asked suspiciously as he still think Rome is pulling his leg.

"Yes P.." Rome told the man who was intensely look him.

"If you have memory lost how come you remember your name but not me?" Bright whines.

"I don't have memory loss P! My name is Rome! I'm 17 year old and I'm going to Arts college this year with my best friend Emma"


So... Since many readers were either confused or curious about what happened to future seniors and etc etc.. I decided to write this chapter.. I will write little about future too if you guys want but not completely cause then it will be chaotic!!

Next chapter.. I'm working on it.. And BTS will be in that one..

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