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Arthit watches the river at the bridge in annoyance as he recalls what happened today. Today's incident was driving him both crazy with anger and sadness.

He lifts his head up to looks at the person beside him when he left presences of someone standing next to him.


"Hi, Arthit"  Kongpop whispers in a soft voice as if afraid to break the silence between them.

"What are you doing here?" Kongpop asked looking at the flowing river. He tries his best not to turn around and look at the person standing next to him.

"Do you know, I still remember that day perfectly well when you first time challenges me in front of everyone... I can't believe that someone can ever dare to go against me but you did...." Arthit said with a soft smile on his face as he remembers the 1st years first day at university.

Kongpop looks at the lake and doesn't say anything.

" Why are you doing this to me? Why are you always making me question myself about you? Why am I always thinking about you? " Arthit asks in annoyance when Kongpop doesn't respond. Kongpop smiles but then his smile vanish on hearing Arthit's next sentence.

"You know what I like! What I dislike! You know how to cheer me up when I feel upset... You... You know everything about me and I loved this about you...."

"What are trying to say Arthit?" Kongpop asked looking straight in Arthit's eyes.

"I think... I think I have fallen for you..." Arthit spoke without looking towards Kongpop.


"Just oh? Aren't you going to say something!" Arthit shouts in frustration.

"What do want me to say?" Kongpop asked with a blank face.

"I'm confessing my feelings to you Kongpop!" Arthit replied with a red face.

"So you want me to accept them? Arthit do you really see me as someone who will love you unconditionally without expecting anything in return?" Kongpop asked while choking as he speaks. Arthit was shocked on hearing Kongpop, he didn't understand what Kongpop meant.

"You never cared nor you ever will! You just like me because I care for you not because you really love! Am I really a replacement of Namtran?"

"What no! I didn't mean it like that" Arthit tries to correct himself.

"Do you even know what I like or dislike? Or why I like you? No! All you think about a person who will love you unconditionally and doesn't expect anything from you!"

"Kongpop you got me wrong.. I really love you" Arthit desperately trying to make Kongpop believe him and holds Kongpop's hand.

"I'm sorry but I can't be that person, if you want me to love you then you need to love me too..." Kongpop pushes Arthit away, he turns around and starts walking. The tears were falling from his eyes as he remembers his future.

"Maybe I was expecting too much from you that it hurts me so badly" Kongpop whispers but  Arthit hears him.

"Maybe I was expecting too much from you that it hurts me so badly" Kongpop whispers but  Arthit hears him

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Even after Kongpop left, Arthit was still standing at the bridge trying to think about what went wrong.

At Knot's dorm

At Knot's dorm, Tew was busy choosing the movie while Knot was preparing for taking bath.

"Have you chosen?" Knot asked as he enters the room carrying the towel.

"Phee wants romcoms? Or a thriller?"

"Whatever you want"

"Oh, then we are going to watch Death Note," Tew said excitedly as he watches Knot entering the bathroom.

Tew brings the snacks from the kitchen and keeps them on the table next to the bed when suddenly his phone ringed.


"Tew... Nothing changed" 

"Kongpop? What happened?" Tew asked in panic when he heard King's broken voice.

"P'Arthit doesn't love.."

"Kongpop calm down! And tell me what happened!" Tew said as he was worried now.

"He confessed to me today but he doesn't want a lover! He wants a babysitter... Where did I wrong? Why can't he love me?" Kongpop said while crying on the phone.

"It hurts Tew... It hurts very badly..."

"Kongpop please calm down, Maybe you're confused... P'Arthit loves... He cares for you but he doesn't know how to show"

"Then what's the use of such love if you can't make your lover happy?? I'm not a toy! I have feelings too!"

"Where are you right?" Tew asked in over.

" Near the college. Will be at my room Soon"

"Okay! come, I will be waiting for you near your dorm"  After talking with Kong, Tew made a group call to Wad and Rome.

"Everything is fine? Why you message in a group that's there's an emergency?" Rome asked in worry.

"Something happened between P'Arthit and Kong! Need to talk"

"OK! I'm on the way"

"What did that stupid Phee did this time?" Wad said in anger.

"I don't want anything bad happens, I want P'Knot as my husband in future. If P'Arthit did something that can change our future then we are in trouble!" Tew said in fear.

"No! Nothing will happen! I won't let that" Rome spoke in panic.

"But can anyone tell me what happened?" Wad asked in confusion.

"Hm... I don't know but it's something serious, something worst then in our past " Tew said.

" Past.. Or you mean future Tew? " Knot spoke from behind. Tew cuts the call in a panic and looks at Knot with wide eyes.

" So tell me now who you are? Or more specifically what are you! And dare not to lie cause I know something is wrong with you guys. " Knot said while glaring Tew.

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