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"Let divide into group of two " Kongpop suggested as they were on their way to their lockers to put their things inside.

"Good idea, this way we won't be crowded! And be done faster " Rome said excitedly as he wanted to get signature of one special P

"But Who with whom?" Tew asked as he took out his signature book after long thinking about which colour one to take.

"Kong and Me while You and Rome. Meet you two at Kongpop's room after 6" Wad decided and pulled Kongpop towards the stairs.

"Ok! See you two later!" Tew shouted.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!" Rome pushed Tew in another direction and smiled secretivly.

Tew and Rome went around the canteen asking for the seniors for signature. When they pass Arthit's and his friends they decided to avoid this specific Group as Tew wasn't comfortable to see Knot and Rome didn't find Bright there but luck wasn't their side today

"You two! Are you ignoring your P" Prem shouted to catch their attention. Both of them stop and turn around to look at their seniors. Rome and Tew smiled awkwardly and went closer to senior's table

"Swadee Krap P" Both wai their senior together.

"Where you two think were going? Were you planning to ignore us?" Arthit asked in scary voice. Tew and Rome were sweating due to fear.

"P we forgot to wear our glasses so we couldn't see you all" Tew makes excuse.

"We are not ant size that you need glasses to see us! Nong" Prem shouted. Tew looked like verge of crying but was nicely controlling himself.

"Stopping being cry baby. He didn't punished you or something that you're tearing up" Arthit scolded Tew when he noticed him sniffing. On hearing Arthit, Tew lost it and tear roll down his cheek and gently wipes his tear and looks at his P in fear.

Knot didn't know why but he felt uncomfortable on seeing Tew crying but didn't interfere. He silently held Arthit's hand to signal him to be less scary.

"Oi! Are bullying junior without me?" Rome looks behind and saw Bright approaching.

"Yes! P they!" Rome told Bright. Bright stops on seeing Rome and awkwardly went to sit next to Toota became quiet. Toota eye him in confusion but didn't say anything.

"So where is your other friend?" Arthit asked looking for Kongpop.

"He is with our friend Wad. We decided to go in group of two so that it don't get crowded " Tew answered.

"Did I asked you the reason why you decided to go into of 2" Arthit shouted at Tew. Rome left annoyed and was about to speak when Knot interferes.

"Stop scaring him Arthit!" Arthit frowns

"Hey! I'm just asking" Arthit told Knot.

"I know but you can do that gently too" Knot spoke again. Arthit looked annoyed but listen to his friend. Tew smiles brightly when heard Knot and looks towards him thankfully.

"Did you get our signature?" Perm asked.

"Not yet P" Rome replied.

"Then do the task we all say and get the signatures," Arthit said while smirking.

"What we have to do P?" Tew asked determinedly.

"I will let you choose any three of us to give you task and you have to complete it!" Arthit told them.  

"Choose," Perm said while smirking. Tew without even thinking twice spoke.

"P'Knot" Knot looked at Tew intensely which caused Tew to blush and look down.

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